Well-Known Member
Tonight, I sincerely believe that the future of the USA/World is going to be decided.
This is the moment that Biden HAS too drive a fucking stake thru that fucking abomination's chest.
All the cards are in Biden's hand & now, tonight, finish off that fucker, live on national TV.
Trump is a lying/draft dodging/tax cheat/adulter that too everyone on this fucking Planet with a semblance of intelligence knows too be true.
I want Wallace to ask Trump these simple questions tonight,
Have you have ever lied to the American people?
Have you ever cheated on your taxes?
Have you ever committed adultery?
Have you ever denigrated a member of the Military or their family or FUCKING AVOIDED, like your sons, active service to defend this Nation.
4 simple questions that should be asked to both of them, and let's see what fuck face's answers will be.
Enough is a fucking enough
Rip him apart Joe, this is your moment.
Make it Historical
This is the moment that Biden HAS too drive a fucking stake thru that fucking abomination's chest.
All the cards are in Biden's hand & now, tonight, finish off that fucker, live on national TV.
Trump is a lying/draft dodging/tax cheat/adulter that too everyone on this fucking Planet with a semblance of intelligence knows too be true.
I want Wallace to ask Trump these simple questions tonight,
Have you have ever lied to the American people?
Have you ever cheated on your taxes?
Have you ever committed adultery?
Have you ever denigrated a member of the Military or their family or FUCKING AVOIDED, like your sons, active service to defend this Nation.
4 simple questions that should be asked to both of them, and let's see what fuck face's answers will be.
Enough is a fucking enough
Rip him apart Joe, this is your moment.
Make it Historical

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