Tonight is the Night

racist local and state cops are fucked, major reform is coming and Joe might put Harris in charge of it.

Double eyeroll worthy post.

Any idea how many people Harris prosecuted / sent to jail for victimless drug crimes?

Any idea how many were "minorities"?

You want a former drug warrior to reform the police? That's really funny.
Double eyeroll worthy post.

Any idea how many people Harris prosecuted / sent to jail for victimless drug crimes?

Any idea how many were "minorities"?

You want a former drug warrior to reform the police? That's really funny.
The democrats will legalize pot and reform drug laws, your point is moot.
The democrats will legalize pot and reform drug laws, your point is moot.

Yeah, they'll reform drug laws alright, starting with trying to force vaccines on people and make the refusers suffer consequences.

Harris and Biden = drug warriors. Hating Trump doesn't mean they aren't. My point stands.
Double eyeroll worthy post.

Any idea how many people Harris prosecuted / sent to jail for victimless drug crimes?

Any idea how many were "minorities"?

You want a former drug warrior to reform the police? That's really funny.
Screen Shot 2020-10-01 at 6.34.21 AM.png

Do you ever get sick of pushing bullshit propaganda for Trump? Or is it one of those anything anyone else says you have to take the dick extreme of it to be cankerous?

Want to guess where on the above graph Harris became Cali's AG?

Just because I find you intellectually dishonest, I will leave this here:
Screen Shot 2020-10-01 at 6.33.49 AM.png
Double eyeroll worthy post.

Any idea how many people Harris prosecuted / sent to jail for victimless drug crimes?

Any idea how many were "minorities"?

You want a former drug warrior to reform the police? That's really funny.

one can always dream..once, someone had a dream..

Do you ever get sick of pushing bullshit propaganda for Trump? Or is it one of those anything anyone else says you have to take the dick extreme of it to be cankerous?

Want to guess where on the above graph Harris became Cali's AG?

Just because I find you intellectually dishonest, I will leave this here:

I'm not pushing bullshit propaganda for Trump. I don't like him. I also think Kamala Harris is a dangerous power hungry person, who will shift her position if it gets her power. She is a political creature without principle.

Kamala Harris was a prosecutor and prosecuted victimless crimes, and jailed black people for it. Now she wants them to vote for her and share a joint. Reminds me of some ex-sheriffs I know of who are all into pot now and want people to forget they arrested and stole from many people over pot. Hypocrites.

Your chart indicates a downward trend in pot arrests in California, that's not BECAUSE of Harris, maybe it's because of more people getting medical marijuana coverage, some form of legalization and doesn't address the fact that Kamala was a drug warrior does it ?

Anyway, Kopmala, is and was a thug, willing to use violence against people who never harmed anyone. Can you deny that ?
I'm not pushing bullshit propaganda for Trump. I don't like him. I also think Kamala Harris is a dangerous power hungry person, who will shift her position if it gets her power. She is a political creature without principle.

Kamala Harris was a prosecutor and prosecuted victimless crimes, and jailed black people for it. Now she wants them to vote for her and share a joint. Reminds me of some ex-sheriffs I know of who are all into pot now and want people to forget they arrested and stole from many people over pot. Hypocrites.

Your chart indicates a downward trend in pot arrests in California, that's not BECAUSE of Harris, maybe it's because of more people getting medical marijuana coverage, some form of legalization and doesn't address the fact that Kamala was a drug warrior does it ?

Anyway, Kopmala, is and was a thug, willing to use violence against people who never harmed anyone. Can you deny that ?
Anyone that admits they don’t vote would be better served to shut the fuck up in the politics section.
The democrats will legalize pot and reform drug laws, your point is moot.

What I don't understand is why they don't do it then, make it part of their platform? Trudeau made it his election campaign, and I believe it was a big factor in him winning.

I mean how hard it it? The drug war has been a war on minorities basically.. makes no sense.

The only common sense I've seen in this is a few places where they've talked about legalization and giving first dibs in the industry to the people most negatively affected by it like the Black communities.

As you know @DIY-HP-LED Trudeau gave the cannabis industry to big business, and it's been an abject failure for the LP's.
Instead of punching down and responding to Trump, Biden should look right at the camera and speak to America

he did do that a few times but when you have a massive orange troll- he's an old man, he can't help but respond. he needs to take a class on how to deal with trolls.
I'm not pushing bullshit propaganda for Trump. I don't like him. I also think Kamala Harris is a dangerous power hungry person, who will shift her position if it gets her power. She is a political creature without principle.

Because you 'think' so? Sorry if I find you non-credible.

Kamala Harris was a prosecutor and prosecuted victimless crimes, and jailed black people for it. Now she wants them to vote for her and share a joint. Reminds me of some ex-sheriffs I know of who are all into pot now and want people to forget they arrested and stole from many people over pot. Hypocrites.

She also prosecuted criminals that caused others extreme harm, and jailed white people. You are just throwing shit at the wall and thinking any of it makes sense, when it doesn't.

You pretending that you 'know' her is as stupid as anyone else saying the same thing that has never had any conversations and have known her over a long time.

I go by the evidence, looking at her legislative history, and yes time as a prosecutor that clearly shows how full of shit your made up contrarian 'position' on her is.

Your chart indicates a downward trend in pot arrests in California, that's not BECAUSE of Harris, maybe it's because of more people getting medical marijuana coverage, some form of legalization and doesn't address the fact that Kamala was a drug warrior does it ?

Anyway, Kopmala, is and was a thug, willing to use violence against people who never harmed anyone. Can you deny that ?

You call that a downward trend? Are you just trying to be troll?


You can clearly see that the trend was increasing and as soon as she took over it fell off a cliff. Why do you continue to lie in the face of actual facts proving you are full of shit?
What I don't understand is why they don't do it then, make it part of their platform? Trudeau made it his election campaign, and I believe it was a big factor in him winning.

I mean how hard it it? The drug war has been a war on minorities basically.. makes no sense.

The only common sense I've seen in this is a few places where they've talked about legalization and giving first dibs in the industry to the people most negatively affected by it like the Black communities.

As you know @DIY-HP-LED Trudeau gave the cannabis industry to big business, and it's been an abject failure for the LP's.
There are too many existential issues at stake, getting rid of Trump and the republicans is the primary focus, there is no point in speaking about legalization until they are removed from office. Most people who are pro legalization are voting democrat anyway, only losers are voting for Trump, or not voting at all.
Reminds me of some ex-sheriffs I know of who are all into pot now and want people to forget they arrested and stole from many people over pot. Hypocrites.

This shit right here pisses me off to no end. The first medical grow license to sell here in Canada was given to an ex-cop. Have a dispensary in my town owned by an ex-cop. Cops are lobbying the union to remove cannabis from their drug test policy.

Anyone that admits they don’t vote would be better served to shut the fuck up in the politics section.

As usual, you're wrong. You see, when people vote, their choices don't just affect them, they infect others with those choices.

The problem with politics is it's a form of never ending soft slavery, since it doesn't ask for your consent, it assumes it, even when you actively say, "no thanks" .

Politics primary means used is nonconsensual, with violence or the threat of it as an overarching and ever present ingredient. Politics is offensive force writ large, morally impermissible.

My being in the political section, is a defensive act and is morally permissible.

I do give a fuck, about your freedom. Why don't you ?
There are too many existential issues at stake, getting rid of Trump and the republicans is the primary focus, there is no point in speaking about legalization until they are removed from office. Most people who are pro legalization are voting democrat anyway, only losers are voting for Trump, or not voting at all.

I think it's a shitty excuse. All they have to do is say it. Anyways, peace!
She also prosecuted criminals that caused others extreme harm,

So if a rapist pets his dog, he's really an okay guy then ? Kamala Harris is thug, she stole parts of others lives, even when those others did nothing to harm another person. You can't refute that, otherwise you would have.

But, but "white people" . Lol.
Next debate I am guessing there is a mute button so even though Biden will have Trump still being a troll he can know America will not really hear Trump's real time trolling.

I also expect Trump to do his best Pesci to fill up his 2 minutes of frustration.
I hope they don't mute him, the format of the next debate is a town hall, where citizens ask the questions, Trump's tactics will backfire even more spectacularly. I figure this last debate fiasco cost Trump a point or two and spread the gap, or kept it from closing. His WH team thinks it was a fucking disaster!
This shit right here pisses me off to no end. The first medical grow license to sell here in Canada was given to an ex-cop. Have a dispensary in my town owned by an ex-cop. Cops are lobbying the union to remove cannabis from their drug test policy.

I was one of the people here twisting Trudeau's arm on it! A lot of other issues will have to be taken care of this time around in America before pot is on the table, not until 2022 at least, but other things will be done in the interim to make life easier for pot users.