Hey can all you guys cut the shit out? This site is for people trying to help eachother. God knows we have enough shit going on in the real world right now. Be friends and share information - that’s what this is. ✌
Hey, I'm learning about Beavis and Butthead. Pretty cool stuff, actually.

And you know what; no one is forcing you to read it, and OP hasn't complained about the posts in their thread. SOoooooo........
Lmao. I have never seen that. So where and when was this festival? I was living in Seattle in the 90's. Must have been in the University District..... Lol
Hell ya, the University District on University Way, lol. I was born in Seattle actually. It's too fucking crazy now. Way too many people, and everyone's becoming assholes there now. I had to leave, but I loved it growing up there.

Here's the ticket. There were like 3 Beavis and Butthead videos and they were the best ones by far out of all the films or whatever. We just went because we were hanging out in the U District and saw the sign for the show to start. Glad I went.
Hey, I'm learning about Beavis and Butthead. Pretty cool stuff, actually.

And you know what; no one is forcing you to read it, and OP hasn't complained about the posts in their thread. SOoooooo........
Lol learning about Beavis and Butthead...
We can’t change the way they act, they are probably friends irl or on longtime friends on this forum let them be. Besides a lot of people are actually listening and agreeing with me so let them do the talk.
Hell ya, the University District on University Way, lol. I was born in Seattle actually. It's too fucking crazy now. Way too many people, and everyone's becoming assholes there now. I had to leave, but I loved it growing up there.

Here's the ticket. There were like 3 Beavis and Butthead videos and they were the best ones by far out of all the films or whatever. We just went because we were hanging out in the U District and saw the sign for the show to start. Glad I went.
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That right there is cool as hell. Bet it's pretty rare. Seriously, who's gonna save something like that.... Lol. Had some family that lived near 175 and 15th NE (Shoreline). I lived in that area for quite a few years around then. Lots to do, but damn, it was like an hour to drive anywhere. Lol. We only went down to the U. Dist. for one thing. Burgerville. That's it. Lol
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That right there is cool as hell. Bet it's pretty rare. Seriously, who's gonna save something like that.... Lol. Had some family that lived near 175 and 15th NE (Shoreline). I lived in that area for quite a few years around then. Lot's to do, but damn, it was like an hour to drive anywhere. Lol. We only went down to the U. Dist. for one thing. Burgerville. That's it. Lol
I've got a bag full of ticket stubs from all the concerts, hockey games, and other shit I did back then. I also saved all my season passes to ski resorts and that kinda shit. Pics or it didn't happen, lol.

I miss Ivars and Dicks the most from the Seattle area.

Here's Mix-a-Lot performing at the Broadway one. I saw his purple limo driving out of the one in Lake City when I was on my way there. I missed it. The purple limo had plates that said "Mix-a-Lot", so it was obvious who it was. Let alone who the fuck drives around in a purple limo, lol
Hey, I'm learning about Beavis and Butthead. Pretty cool stuff, actually.

And you know what; no one is forcing you to read it, and OP hasn't complained about the posts in their thread. SOoooooo........
You’ve been here for 2 years. I’ve been here for 10.