Aussie Growers Thread

is it northerns
Got a few beans off an old timer who’s been in the game about 40 years he breeds his own stock. All I know is it’s called a cats piss early. I’ve taken a few clones for me next run, his anal as fuck asked him if I could gift another mate a couple of clones and he fuckin lost his shit.

I’ve got some nice northern x orient express that I did a few years back in my green house, I crossed that with a mango as well which turned out pretty good. They get pretty big so starting later this year can’t see it been any good outside this year need fast mould resistant strains here it’s so fucking wet.
Yea its Scott Morrison wanting to make us the "Battery of the Nation" as well as "The Food Bowl of the Nation".
Its a new bass straight link and everything.
Our Energy market down here is pretty much gov owned and/or operated.
Also one of the worlds greenest producers of electricity is little old Tas.
And the most unemployed ya bludgers :)
And the most unemployed ya bludgers :)
% wise maybe but we would have less unemployed than any other state in numbers id wager.
Cause we have a older population and traditionally cheaper house prices allot of people who loose their job in their late mid to late 50s sit on unemployment whilst waiting for their pension.
% wise maybe but we would have less unemployed than any other state in numbers id wager.
Cause we have a older population and traditionally cheaper house prices allot of people who loose their job in their late mid to late 50s sit on unemployment whilst waiting for their pension.
Byrant kept ppl in a job for a decade
Also waitin' on these girls (Mental Floss crosses). I spoke to the original grower a few days ago and these clones have been propagated for the last 8 years.
At 3 weeks of flower, resin glands on the leaves. I got quite sticky yesterday removing XS leaf. The perfume lingered for some time on my hands and arms. 5x5 is quite full. Hardly any sign of nutrient distress or mites now.


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Did you regularly clean and change the prefilter?
I've noticed recently that the fabric cover on my carbon filter has become discoloured, obviously from pulling-in a lot of crap (I live in a very dusty shed atm). I gave it a bloody good soak in hot Perc., then chucked in the washing machine & it came out good as new, but is now "dull" again.

Someone mentioned using a pod filter from Supercheap Auto a couple of weeks ago on their lights & someone else chimed-in with the idea of using one as an intake filter for their tent. Great idea! $30-ish later.....

Great idea!