I quit doing all chemicals, cigs drinking, everything except weed. Started working out in 1978, and watching what I was eating in 1978. Im now 62 years old, and smoked my first joint when I was 8 years old. Older sisters boyfriend smoked with me sometimes, and by the time I was 11, all the hippies were hanging out in the park, which I just happened to live next to, and 1 of the roads going into the park went right by my house, so I could basically see most people going in, and out. So weed, and everything else ect, was easy access. Really nice 53 acre park.
Admittedly Ive done almost anything you can think of that was available in the 70s, and combinations therof.
The reason for mixing Coke, with Fentanyl, is this.
Fentanyl, is a really powerful Narcotic/Opiate. More powerful than Heroin 100x... Measured in Micrograms vs Milligrams. LSD is also measured in Micrograms.
Carfentanyl, is even more powerful that Fentanyl, and is used to tranqualize Elephants, and other big game.
Back in the day, and still to this day, people like to mix Coke, and Heroin, and it was, and still is called a Speedball.
Method of administration is IV. In the Vein. It is an experience that is hard to explain, and will kill you if you have anything wrong with your heart, or do to much.
What it does is one would do a larger amount of Coke, and a smaller amount of Heroin. The coke helps keep you semi awake, if you dont do to much. Coke is a Stimulant in small doses, but is a depressant in large doses. Main cause of death is the same as most narcotics. respiratory failure... When you shoot coke, at first you start to hear this buzzing from far off, and then it sounds like its getting closer, and closer, and louder, and louder, and at the same time, you start breathing heavily, trying to get air into your lungs, and you start to sweat your ass off, and its possible, youll start taking off your shirt, going out into the snow to cool off. All the time a freight train is going off in your head, and you struggle to breath.
This also isnt to mention the chemical candy taste you get when you shoot it. Tastes like the best Crack/Freebase when I did it/Ether. The taste alone is enough to make you want more. This may last 15-30 minutes, and then, if youve mixed it with a bit of smack, all the crazy shit has worn semi off, and you start nodding. Also this just depends on the Mix of the 2 drugs.
But the general thing is, Fentanyl x Coke === really dangerous Speedball.
Also get this straight. last coke I did was from Pharmacy in 1976. Cocaine Hydrochloride, and also a Skull, and Cross Bones on the Label. POISON>>> Believe it..... The shit is extremely dangerous, and if one underestimates the numbing qualities, of REAL Cocaine, even a small amount on the tongue can be enough to glue some peoples throat together, and suffocate them. Real coke has the numbing qualities equal to,. or exceeding Novacain.
John Belushi died from a Speedball.
Chris Farley
River Phoenix