What did you accomplish today?

A few yrs back, Me and my buddy went down to this Sort of hard to get to spot on a Local river. We heard what sounded like a few dredges just down around the corner. There was a Clamper who sort of took care of the area and we went up to him and I asked. “Is this area claimed up, sounds like theres a mining operation going on”. The Clamper said “ ha! How bout you MINE your own business”
We all got a kick out of that. He was just kidding. We were on BLM land and was cool to bust out our sluice. We would occasionally go back down there and i’d kick the old clamper some bud and some beers. Not sure if Sam made it out from the fire. I don’t know how he could have he had no car :|

Hopefully someone picked him up.
A few yrs back, Me and my buddy went down to this Sort of hard to get to spot on a Local river. We heard what sounded like a few dredges just down around the corner. There was a Clamper who sort of took care of the area and we went up to him and I asked. “Is this area claimed up, sounds like theres a mining operation going on”. The Clamper said “ ha! How bout you MINE your own business”
We all got a kick out of that. He was just kidding. We were on BLM land and was cool to bust out our sluice. We would occasionally go back down there and i’d kick the old clamper some bud and some beers. Not sure if Sam made it out from the fire. I don’t know how he could have he had no car :|
Never heard of Clampers before, just did a little reading, seems like an interesting bunch. Saw a photo of a Clamper whose title was Salt of the Scum of the Earth.
I'm ahead of the power curve today. Looked in on the girls this morning, they'll need water in the morning. Had two propane tanks filled and picked up a new FM antenna. Grabbed beer and a sinus rinse thingy at DG. Picked up my new BP med. Frozen fish fillets for dinner, time to hold down the couch for awhile, like I haven't had enough practice at that recently. I need to clean and fill the hummingbird feeders soon.
I'm ahead of the power curve today. Looked in on the girls this morning, they'll need water in the morning. Had two propane tanks filled and picked up a new FM antenna. Grabbed beer and a sinus rinse thingy at DG. Picked up my new BP med. Frozen fish fillets for dinner, time to hold down the couch for awhile, like I haven't had enough practice at that recently. I need to clean and fill the hummingbird feeders soon.
The really good sinus rinse thingies have a place where the blank cartridge (think nailgun) goes. Ka-doosh! as we said when I was a teen.
I'm ahead of the power curve today. Looked in on the girls this morning, they'll need water in the morning. Had two propane tanks filled and picked up a new FM antenna. Grabbed beer and a sinus rinse thingy at DG. Picked up my new BP med. Frozen fish fillets for dinner, time to hold down the couch for awhile, like I haven't had enough practice at that recently. I need to clean and fill the hummingbird feeders soon.

Is this the one you got?

I've been wanting to try one, but not brave enough to buy one yet. I did watch a few videos.

Man I nearly needed to change my shorts. I was just cruising up my country back road, hitting my vaporizer, when all off a sudden I see blue flashing lights....and a big unmarked SUV....Fuuuuck, I pull over, and he passed me, as well as a 2nd one behind him :lol: Whew!!!!
Is this the one you got?

I've been wanting to try one, but not brave enough to buy one yet. I did watch a few videos.

Man I nearly needed to change my shorts. I was just cruising up my country back road, hitting my vaporizer, when all off a sudden I see blue flashing lights....and a big unmarked SUV....Fuuuuck, I pull over, and he passed me, as well as a 2nd one behind him :lol: Whew!!!!
Sounds like a brown boxers moment
Nah, I went low budget. Not sure how I'll handle it either.

Got one of those and a netti pot. First time I used it I thought "why would you want to feel like you're drowning" but once you get the hang of it is one of the best things to do. Mowing the lawn on a dusty day.....wash it out. Get some allergies...wash it out. Works every time!
Got one of those and a netti pot. First time I used it I thought "why would you want to feel like you're drowning" but once you get the hang of it is one of the best things to do. Mowing the lawn on a dusty day.....wash it out. Get some allergies...wash it out. Works every time!
I found out a couple weeks ago I have a deviated septum, never knew that.
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