Need some knowledge from a guru man

Damn, you remember!!! Thinking that it was K was a total newb mistake. I got my first soil test from Logan Labs and it was very difficult to read the test, so I sent it to some garden lady for a recommendation and she helped me shit the bed(Bad advice). The real problem was that my phosphorus was 15x too high and it was locking out micros like iron.

GreaseMonkeyMann is the one that took me under his wing. Phattabe, DonTesla, Hyroot, and a few others are badly missed!!!

Nothing was given to me. I am 100% self taught and the minute that someone like Hyroot led me in the right direction, they would disappear from the website. I had Wetdog and Wakatoo ridiculing me for soil testing during my darkest hour and I was ready to give up. GreaseMonkeyMann insisted that soil testing was bogus and he stopped talking to me shortly after I started testing. Now, I got people like @NewGrower2011 that will only take half of my advice and ignore me like I'm a doof.

I'm trying to go commercial now. I made a few posts about my worm farm and all of a sudden, my produce sources dried up. I don't know if it's a coincidence or if I really shot myself in the foot. It just seems like when I help people, it does the opposite of helping me. I'm 100% disabled and NOBODY helps me out of the goodness of their heart. I gotta take my disabled ass out and do manual labor to get ahead. It just seems like when it's time for someone to help me, there is nobody around. Then, I get ridiculed for withholding. I suppose that I could just drop myself from this website like the others have done. Even after I help people, they usually give me the cold shoulder afterwards. It's a big reason why I don't feel like this is a real community. Everyone is just out for themselves. I'm trying to make a living at this. How many other occupations give out their trade secrets(to people that don't even fucking like him). It would be different if someone was actually happy to see me around here. Instead, I get guilt trips. Why doesn't anyone else read a fucking book? My favorite author right now is Dr Steven Solomon and the subject is soil remineralization. I just don't think that people are motivated enough to do work themselves and they want to be spoon fed. "What's wrong with my plant, will you come and fix it for me while I just watch".

I started growing in Oklahoma back in 2011 and I was looking at a life sentence for growing pot in my garage and I grew that way for about 8yrs. I kept asking my friends to get in on it and help my disabled ass, but they were too scared or something. Now, the same friends(if you want to call them that) want me to be their personal coach and work for free. It's just a recurring cycle to where people treat me like a dick and expect that I give my time and knowledge for free.
@NewGrower2011 I would have talked you through your problem, but you don't even talk to me anymore. The test results you got are very similar to the tests that I've had in the past and you are making the same mistake that I did. I just don't feel like I should give out game changing info to someone who doesn't respect me. You did right by getting the Soil Savvy test, but you didn't look at the ENTIRE test, only the N-P-K. You need to look at the micronutrients my man. I know that you have seen me post about manganese multiple times, but maybe you don't understand how important it is(Wetdog and Wakatoo sure didn't). Cannabis is manganese sensitive(according to Dr. Steve Solomon), meaning that a Mn def is detrimental and you will have crop failure(30% or less harvest). Zinc is the 2nd problem. It's hard to find a source of Mn and Zn. If you are ready to listen, we can do this. You gotta stop giving me the cold shoulder too.
Sorry @Diesel0889 I have this problem of talking too much when I first meet someone, but I feel like I chased you off too. I'm just a crazy guy living in the woods, but I'm harmless. I know that I was talking too much, but I still think that it would be a very good idea to get a Soil Savvy test done. It's only $30, but I feel bad for telling to spend money. It's totally worth it though and all of the professionals will suggest that you do it. I'm not connected to the company in any way, I just feel that the Mehlich 3/Saturated Paste test is outdated and over priced($100 for both). The Soil Savvy test will show you what is being locked out and I can promise you that you will be low in manganese, especially if you are just using that BAS rock dust kit. I just looked a previous post and it looks like you are using Big 6. I wrote an entire post about this specific problem. Who knows, maybe you found a perfect amount to add but I don't add it to living plants anymore. I was talking about chelates and how everybody says to "Chelate your micronutrients" but nobody ever talks about chelating manganese specifically. I have this article that says that adding chelated manganese might actually increase the deficiency. If that statement is true, then Big 6 is a failed product. You don't want to add Big 6 to a Mn def plant's soil because you will increase the iron availability, which in return will lower the Mn availability because they are antagonistic towards each other. Maybe you guys just got lucky with TM-7/Big 6 and had more success than I did with the products, but I never successfully added it to living plants to fix a Mn def problem. It would only increase the problem. It took me about two years of wrestling with this problem to figure out what was happening. I read books and never had this specific problem explained and I felt like giving up during that 2yr span, so this info is dear to me. Look at the 2nd page where it is talking about adding chelated Mn to fix a Mn def, it was a mind blower for me!
@Diesel0889 If you get a Soil Savvy test and you don't have micronutrient problems, I will give you $30, bow down and slob your knob, say that you're the greatest on RIU, and start asking you how you got your phosphorus within the normal range while being able to keep your micronutrients in balance. I mean, I got close myself, but I still haven't figured it out 100%. I would appreciate if you did get a soil test so that you can be on the same page as me and @NewGrower2011

@NewGrower2011 I'm sorry about my above statement and I hope that we can work together. I want to come on this forum and feel like a community. I know that I'm not a very warm person, but I would like to be. I go to VA counseling for anger management and I know that I'm gruff at times, but I'm a combat veteran that caught IED's during my deployment. I'm not disfigured or mangled, but I was a gunner on a humvee and I was knocked unconscious by a bomb and have been diagnosed with Traumatic Brain Injury(TBI). I blame my attitude on this.

No reason to be scared off here. Its all good info regaurdless of my/your experiences etc. This is after all what forums like this are here for. Share love for our favorite plant! Nor have you ever been a dick to me.

Bottom line is we both have good experience in organic soil. I never argue just share input on my experience and somtimes I see ridiculous shit posted and try to save new growers time and frustration. There is alot of 3 grow pros online. We all have to learn, be humble no matter how well we do. I have nothing but good conversations with you and don't take anything you say wrong. I am however very busy and can't always hop online lol.

Happy growing my freinds!
Damn, you remember!!! Thinking that it was K was a total newb mistake. I got my first soil test from Logan Labs and it was very difficult to read the test, so I sent it to some garden lady for a recommendation and she helped me shit the bed(Bad advice). The real problem was that my phosphorus was 15x too high and it was locking out micros like iron.

GreaseMonkeyMann is the one that took me under his wing. Phattabe, DonTesla, Hyroot, and a few others are badly missed!!!

Nothing was given to me. I am 100% self taught and the minute that someone like Hyroot led me in the right direction, they would disappear from the website. I had Wetdog and Wakatoo ridiculing me for soil testing during my darkest hour and I was ready to give up. GreaseMonkeyMann insisted that soil testing was bogus and he stopped talking to me shortly after I started testing. Now, I got people like @NewGrower2011 that will only take half of my advice and ignore me like I'm a doof.

Fuck yeah I remember! Come on man, may have taken a hiatus but I certainly did not forget you. Hyroot and Greasemonkey were legit too, for sure. But its heartbreaking to know they were pissy about soil tests. Just confirms what I was saying before. Most people on this forum are intermediate, at best. When someone elevates themselves to "expert" status, people here feel threatened and attacked. Fuck 'em.

But there's a reason I remember you the most. At first, you were the one asking me questions before you took soil testing seriously. Then you started testing your soil and gaining knowledge that I had zero concept of, and the roles were reversed immediately. It did not take long for you to start teaching me things, and I learned a lot from your soil results. You remember, right? I went from being the driver, to pulling over and telling you to get the fuck in the driver's seat. You have experience that I do not have, and will not have for years to come.

Like I said before, people probably just felt attacked. They got bitter and not better.

I can't really call someone an "expert" if they get butthurt about someone calling their "authority" into question. If you're truly an expert, you should have no problems explaining things to people. Right?

I recently began an apprentice butcher training as of ~4 years ago. One guy had 27 years experience, but when I'd ask him questions he'd take my questions as a personal attack instead of me just trying to gain more knowledge and perspective. Meanwhile, the 82 year old with 50+ years experience said "I love that you ask questions, means you won't ever fuck anything up".

Wakatoo is a troll, pretty sure. Claimed that "cursory research" showed that Basalt doesn't have Sulfur when it is a fucking volcanic rock. My dumbass got butthurt too, until I realized I was being trolled.

Consider this my friend. Only the people that are butthurt will go out of their way to talk. Those that are satisfied will typically say nothing. Customer service 101, lol.

I go out of my way to post on here now. I credit @GrassBurner and @PadawanWarrior for that. I just started seedlings again, after having not grown for over a year now. I came on here to see if anyone had experience with CropKingSeeds (they did not) and saw a few questions people had about organics. As I said, I'm certainly no expert/guru, but I spoke from personal experience and the knowledge I've attained in the last 10+ years growing. The two users mentioned above were happy to see me. Just like I'm happy to see you.

Truth be told MustangMan (don't find it disrespectful I call you that, do you? I'll stop if so. Always saw you as MustangMan for some reason, total irrational truth be told), I liked talking with you. Not only that, I never ONCE got the vibe that you were "rough around the edges" or that you were going through the struggles that you're currently going through. Makes me bummed that I didn't reach out more and shoot the shit with you via PM.

I can see why you're upset for sure, but I also admire you. My own Father never served, but he spends so much time complaining about his body deteriorating that he doesn't try to do anything to keep his mind off of it. Unlike you. You're kicking ass and taking names.

Most people are shitty. I won't ever try to argue that. What I will argue is that if just ONE person wants to listen to you, pick your brain, get your advice, then it is worth dealing with the bullshit just to help out that one person.

You also have to consider that some people simply don't want to be corrected. They're either too proud, love misery, or even worse are both!

I've lurked RIU since 2010, finally creating an account in 2012. People were toxic and shitty back then too, just like they will be in another 5-10+ years. But, should that stop us from helping those that actually want to learn?

No disrespect here dude, but when you say "rough around the edges" I legit find that hard to believe. You were chill as fuck, always open to discussion, and constantly gave everyone the time of day. Sounds to me like your "darkest hour" still has not passed. Take it from this random stranger on an internet forum, I NEVER got that vibe from you. I don't want to see you believe that, because then it will become a reality.

Most people are in fact entitled, and want to be spoon fed. Its a sad reality. But, we shouldn't let those people jade us.

And when I say given freely, I mean the information was readily available only and I didn't have to pay a dime for it. I never had to buy books, pay money to subscribe to someone's bullshit, or anything like that.

Much like you; I too put my blood, sweat, and tears into many grows and learned things the hard way.

But that is where our similarities end. As I said above, you quickly turned into a guru and I always treated you as such.

That K problem you had? I gave my personal perspective (while not being an ass, or a know-it-all.. at least I hope?), but you very quickly became a teacher. I learned a lot from you.

I'm doing the same thing for you that Padawan and Grassburner did for me. I felt like this wasn't worth my time/effort, and stopped posting. I give random advice, and only then do I find out the input is valued. I'm trying to convince you of the same. I always valued your input, and I hope you know that.

Being a teacher, in any business, is thankless. That is the burden of being in a position to teach.

A lot of people here are in fact out for themselves. They think that growing weed is a get rich scheme, but its not. Growing hasn't been a get rich scheme since 2016, in my experience.

I'm a medium-scale grower, at best. People have consistently told me that my product is the best, and they look at me like I'm stupid when I say that my product is shit.

I have smoked some incredible product, back when growers got paid $3200-4000/lb. Now, $2400/lb is the highest a grower can hope to achieve. Why would these people keep growing? They're not being paid what they're worth.

I know what good weed is, and I don't grow it. Again, people look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them my stuff isn't good. I've paid $25/gram for stuff in a dispensary on 17th St. in Santa Ana back in 2010 and will always remember how incredible that weed was. I didn't want to smoke anything else, it was that fucking good. Even still, people tell me how "amazing" my stuff is, and I rebuke them. Its not. Its nowhere close to amazing.

Its just because my shit isn't laced with chemicals, and I don't gouge.

Dispensary weed looks good, smells good, and possibly even tastes good.. but you only experience the effects for 15-20 minutes before you need to smoke more.

I stopped growing for a bit because where I live now, business isn't good. Small town. My in-laws, and my handful of customers started going through other people for their meds. THAT is when they realized how shit their product is. My in-laws legit gave me $2k just to start a new grow, because in the words of my 75 year old father-in-law "You grew some of the best weed I've ever smoked". It's decent side money, but hooking my in-laws up is the only reason I started growing again. I work, and have plenty for my own personal needs (tourette's syndrome, but I won't bore you with that story).

He's disabled too. Disc in his back is fucked. He fucking hates that he can't work on cars anymore, or do anything physical. He fucking hates it. But that's life brother. We get old, we get useless, and that's that. We can't stop ourselves from getting old and useless, but you know what we CAN control? Is taking people under our wings and letting them help us out in our time of need.

Find those that are worth helping, and focus on them. Don't make the people that want to actually learn suffer because of the handful of dickheads that are lashing out on you out of jealousy my friend. I'm legit heartbroken that you're dealing with that shit, but that's life. Human beings are shitty, and self-centered. But not every human being is like that my friend.

Much love, and as always, sorry for the book!
Good lord, what a book. Sorry everyone. Especially @Madmike79, didn't mean to hijack your thread. I can always take this to PM, meant no disrespect or anything like that.

Like I said when I first responded to this thread you posted, you should like you're very much on the right track. Just consider that, like with many other mediums of communication, you'll be more prone to hate/shit talking than anything useful.

IMO, you're on the right track and you're ready to grow some kick ass meds.

Keep asking questions. Anyone that is an asshole about answering questions is just that, an asshole. Fuck them. Some people here genuiuenly do want to help my friend. As I always recommend, start a grow journal and post a myriad of photos so that people can give you input.

All the best.
Good lord, what a book. Sorry everyone. Especially @Madmike79, didn't mean to hijack your thread. I can always take this to PM, meant no disrespect or anything like that.

Like I said when I first responded to this thread you posted, you should like you're very much on the right track. Just consider that, like with many other mediums of communication, you'll be more prone to hate/shit talking than anything useful.

IMO, you're on the right track and you're ready to grow some kick ass meds.

Keep asking questions. Anyone that is an asshole about answering questions is just that, an asshole. Fuck them. Some people here genuiuenly do want to help my friend. As I always recommend, start a grow journal and post a myriad of photos so that people can give you input.

All the best.
Spot on mate no disrespect taken all are welcome totally agre with what you are saying with people thankfully there are still good people like yourself and mustangstudfarm along with a few others. you know who you are that are willing to share there knowledge and expirence and I am one of many (newbies to organics) who thank each and every one of you who have helped us to better our own knowledge of organic growing and I hope I can pass on anything I know or learn from others on to other newbies as they join this community. Share the knowledge share the love.
For the Past year I have been building up my organic compost usual stuff veg waste,brown waste and horse manure and plenty of worms it seems to be teaming with bug life which I know is a good thing I intend to use this on next grow as am tired of using chemicals would what I have put in to compost be enough to ensure a healthy crop as I have no interest in putting any Chemicals this time all help and info Is appreciated
Use dry amendments such as Earth dust or Gaia green to ensure you have enough food for your plants.true organic soil will never burn a plant because it only takes what it wants when it needs it as opposed to chemical nutrients that Force the roots to be exposed to salt-based chemicals
Use dry amendments such as Earth dust or Gaia green to ensure you have enough food for your plants.true organic soil will never burn a plant because it only takes what it wants when it needs it as opposed to chemical nutrients that Force the roots to be exposed to salt-based chemicals
Thank you will look at this
I have several test kits that I use regulary I run 20/20/20 throughout my Veg then 2 weeks prior to flower I feed nothing but H2O then start 10/30/20 bloom and bud first week of flip. She lightens up before harvest...
Like I said I just change the fert mix when I stick then in flower this is what the mother looks like first week in flower, in your opinion would you go down a bit more on the N now or wait the last one came out in the end looking as light as the top leaves in this pic..???View attachment 4726473View attachment 4726473
I would watch the middle fan leaves. When the middle age growth matures and stops producing the dark clawed leaves, I would wait a week and then very slowly start adding a little N.

That plant looks pretty good, I only see a few rolled clawed leaves.
Fuck yeah I remember! Come on man, may have taken a hiatus but I certainly did not forget you. Hyroot and Greasemonkey were legit too, for sure. But its heartbreaking to know they were pissy about soil tests. Just confirms what I was saying before. Most people on this forum are intermediate, at best. When someone elevates themselves to "expert" status, people here feel threatened and attacked. Fuck 'em.

But there's a reason I remember you the most. At first, you were the one asking me questions before you took soil testing seriously. Then you started testing your soil and gaining knowledge that I had zero concept of, and the roles were reversed immediately. It did not take long for you to start teaching me things, and I learned a lot from your soil results. You remember, right? I went from being the driver, to pulling over and telling you to get the fuck in the driver's seat. You have experience that I do not have, and will not have for years to come.

Like I said before, people probably just felt attacked. They got bitter and not better.

I can't really call someone an "expert" if they get butthurt about someone calling their "authority" into question. If you're truly an expert, you should have no problems explaining things to people. Right?

I recently began an apprentice butcher training as of ~4 years ago. One guy had 27 years experience, but when I'd ask him questions he'd take my questions as a personal attack instead of me just trying to gain more knowledge and perspective. Meanwhile, the 82 year old with 50+ years experience said "I love that you ask questions, means you won't ever fuck anything up".

Wakatoo is a troll, pretty sure. Claimed that "cursory research" showed that Basalt doesn't have Sulfur when it is a fucking volcanic rock. My dumbass got butthurt too, until I realized I was being trolled.

Consider this my friend. Only the people that are butthurt will go out of their way to talk. Those that are satisfied will typically say nothing. Customer service 101, lol.

I go out of my way to post on here now. I credit @GrassBurner and @PadawanWarrior for that. I just started seedlings again, after having not grown for over a year now. I came on here to see if anyone had experience with CropKingSeeds (they did not) and saw a few questions people had about organics. As I said, I'm certainly no expert/guru, but I spoke from personal experience and the knowledge I've attained in the last 10+ years growing. The two users mentioned above were happy to see me. Just like I'm happy to see you.

Truth be told MustangMan (don't find it disrespectful I call you that, do you? I'll stop if so. Always saw you as MustangMan for some reason, total irrational truth be told), I liked talking with you. Not only that, I never ONCE got the vibe that you were "rough around the edges" or that you were going through the struggles that you're currently going through. Makes me bummed that I didn't reach out more and shoot the shit with you via PM.

I can see why you're upset for sure, but I also admire you. My own Father never served, but he spends so much time complaining about his body deteriorating that he doesn't try to do anything to keep his mind off of it. Unlike you. You're kicking ass and taking names.

Most people are shitty. I won't ever try to argue that. What I will argue is that if just ONE person wants to listen to you, pick your brain, get your advice, then it is worth dealing with the bullshit just to help out that one person.

You also have to consider that some people simply don't want to be corrected. They're either too proud, love misery, or even worse are both!

I've lurked RIU since 2010, finally creating an account in 2012. People were toxic and shitty back then too, just like they will be in another 5-10+ years. But, should that stop us from helping those that actually want to learn?

No disrespect here dude, but when you say "rough around the edges" I legit find that hard to believe. You were chill as fuck, always open to discussion, and constantly gave everyone the time of day. Sounds to me like your "darkest hour" still has not passed. Take it from this random stranger on an internet forum, I NEVER got that vibe from you. I don't want to see you believe that, because then it will become a reality.

Most people are in fact entitled, and want to be spoon fed. Its a sad reality. But, we shouldn't let those people jade us.

And when I say given freely, I mean the information was readily available only and I didn't have to pay a dime for it. I never had to buy books, pay money to subscribe to someone's bullshit, or anything like that.

Much like you; I too put my blood, sweat, and tears into many grows and learned things the hard way.

But that is where our similarities end. As I said above, you quickly turned into a guru and I always treated you as such.

That K problem you had? I gave my personal perspective (while not being an ass, or a know-it-all.. at least I hope?), but you very quickly became a teacher. I learned a lot from you.

I'm doing the same thing for you that Padawan and Grassburner did for me. I felt like this wasn't worth my time/effort, and stopped posting. I give random advice, and only then do I find out the input is valued. I'm trying to convince you of the same. I always valued your input, and I hope you know that.

Being a teacher, in any business, is thankless. That is the burden of being in a position to teach.

A lot of people here are in fact out for themselves. They think that growing weed is a get rich scheme, but its not. Growing hasn't been a get rich scheme since 2016, in my experience.

I'm a medium-scale grower, at best. People have consistently told me that my product is the best, and they look at me like I'm stupid when I say that my product is shit.

I have smoked some incredible product, back when growers got paid $3200-4000/lb. Now, $2400/lb is the highest a grower can hope to achieve. Why would these people keep growing? They're not being paid what they're worth.

I know what good weed is, and I don't grow it. Again, people look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them my stuff isn't good. I've paid $25/gram for stuff in a dispensary on 17th St. in Santa Ana back in 2010 and will always remember how incredible that weed was. I didn't want to smoke anything else, it was that fucking good. Even still, people tell me how "amazing" my stuff is, and I rebuke them. Its not. Its nowhere close to amazing.

Its just because my shit isn't laced with chemicals, and I don't gouge.

Dispensary weed looks good, smells good, and possibly even tastes good.. but you only experience the effects for 15-20 minutes before you need to smoke more.

I stopped growing for a bit because where I live now, business isn't good. Small town. My in-laws, and my handful of customers started going through other people for their meds. THAT is when they realized how shit their product is. My in-laws legit gave me $2k just to start a new grow, because in the words of my 75 year old father-in-law "You grew some of the best weed I've ever smoked". It's decent side money, but hooking my in-laws up is the only reason I started growing again. I work, and have plenty for my own personal needs (tourette's syndrome, but I won't bore you with that story).

He's disabled too. Disc in his back is fucked. He fucking hates that he can't work on cars anymore, or do anything physical. He fucking hates it. But that's life brother. We get old, we get useless, and that's that. We can't stop ourselves from getting old and useless, but you know what we CAN control? Is taking people under our wings and letting them help us out in our time of need.

Find those that are worth helping, and focus on them. Don't make the people that want to actually learn suffer because of the handful of dickheads that are lashing out on you out of jealousy my friend. I'm legit heartbroken that you're dealing with that shit, but that's life. Human beings are shitty, and self-centered. But not every human being is like that my friend.

Much love, and as always, sorry for the book!
Alright man, this is good stuff! You got me convinced. I say that people didn't help much on here but GreaseMonkey taught me the barefoot hippy stuff while hyroot got me into sub irrigated planters with probiotics(KNF/JADAM). I guess that I'll do a service and help everyone with soil testing. Here is the test that I use and I was buying them 4 at a time for a while. @GrassBurner
Alright man, this is good stuff! You got me convinced. I say that people didn't help much on here but GreaseMonkey taught me the barefoot hippy stuff while hyroot got me into sub irrigated planters with probiotics(KNF/JADAM). I guess that I'll do a service and help everyone with soil testing. Here is the test that I use and I was buying them 4 at a time for a while. @GrassBurner

Can second the soil savvy tests. Can’t beat the price and so far I’ve had great experiences using them. I have probably sent in 10-12 samples with them as I test a lot of my soil in my veggie garden as well. Great customer service from a small company and their tests always appear to be on point. I wouldn’t put a plant in a new batch of homemade potting soil without getting it tested first.
Damn, you remember!!! Thinking that it was K was a total newb mistake. I got my first soil test from Logan Labs and it was very difficult to read the test, so I sent it to some garden lady for a recommendation and she helped me shit the bed(Bad advice). The real problem was that my phosphorus was 15x too high and it was locking out micros like iron.

GreaseMonkeyMann is the one that took me under his wing. Phattabe, DonTesla, Hyroot, and a few others are badly missed!!!

Nothing was given to me. I am 100% self taught and the minute that someone like Hyroot led me in the right direction, they would disappear from the website. I had Wetdog and Wakatoo ridiculing me for soil testing during my darkest hour and I was ready to give up. GreaseMonkeyMann insisted that soil testing was bogus and he stopped talking to me shortly after I started testing. Now, I got people like @NewGrower2011 that will only take half of my advice and ignore me like I'm a doof.

I'm trying to go commercial now. I made a few posts about my worm farm and all of a sudden, my produce sources dried up. I don't know if it's a coincidence or if I really shot myself in the foot. It just seems like when I help people, it does the opposite of helping me. I'm 100% disabled and NOBODY helps me out of the goodness of their heart. I gotta take my disabled ass out and do manual labor to get ahead. It just seems like when it's time for someone to help me, there is nobody around. Then, I get ridiculed for withholding. I suppose that I could just drop myself from this website like the others have done. Even after I help people, they usually give me the cold shoulder afterwards. It's a big reason why I don't feel like this is a real community. Everyone is just out for themselves. I'm trying to make a living at this. How many other occupations give out their trade secrets(to people that don't even fucking like him). It would be different if someone was actually happy to see me around here. Instead, I get guilt trips. Why doesn't anyone else read a fucking book? My favorite author right now is Dr Steven Solomon and the subject is soil remineralization. I just don't think that people are motivated enough to do work themselves and they want to be spoon fed. "What's wrong with my plant, will you come and fix it for me while I just watch".

I started growing in Oklahoma back in 2011 and I was looking at a life sentence for growing pot in my garage and I grew that way for about 8yrs. I kept asking my friends to get in on it and help my disabled ass, but they were too scared or something. Now, the same friends(if you want to call them that) want me to be their personal coach and work for free. It's just a recurring cycle to where people treat me like a dick and expect that I give my time and knowledge for free.
@NewGrower2011 I would have talked you through your problem, but you don't even talk to me anymore. The test results you got are very similar to the tests that I've had in the past and you are making the same mistake that I did. I just don't feel like I should give out game changing info to someone who doesn't respect me. You did right by getting the Soil Savvy test, but you didn't look at the ENTIRE test, only the N-P-K. You need to look at the micronutrients my man. I know that you have seen me post about manganese multiple times, but maybe you don't understand how important it is(Wetdog and Wakatoo sure didn't). Cannabis is manganese sensitive(according to Dr. Steve Solomon), meaning that a Mn def is detrimental and you will have crop failure(30% or less harvest). Zinc is the 2nd problem. It's hard to find a source of Mn and Zn. If you are ready to listen, we can do this. You gotta stop giving me the cold shoulder too.
Sorry @Diesel0889 I have this problem of talking too much when I first meet someone, but I feel like I chased you off too. I'm just a crazy guy living in the woods, but I'm harmless. I know that I was talking too much, but I still think that it would be a very good idea to get a Soil Savvy test done. It's only $30, but I feel bad for telling to spend money. It's totally worth it though and all of the professionals will suggest that you do it. I'm not connected to the company in any way, I just feel that the Mehlich 3/Saturated Paste test is outdated and over priced($100 for both). The Soil Savvy test will show you what is being locked out and I can promise you that you will be low in manganese, especially if you are just using that BAS rock dust kit. I just looked a previous post and it looks like you are using Big 6. I wrote an entire post about this specific problem. Who knows, maybe you found a perfect amount to add but I don't add it to living plants anymore. I was talking about chelates and how everybody says to "Chelate your micronutrients" but nobody ever talks about chelating manganese specifically. I have this article that says that adding chelated manganese might actually increase the deficiency. If that statement is true, then Big 6 is a failed product. You don't want to add Big 6 to a Mn def plant's soil because you will increase the iron availability, which in return will lower the Mn availability because they are antagonistic towards each other. Maybe you guys just got lucky with TM-7/Big 6 and had more success than I did with the products, but I never successfully added it to living plants to fix a Mn def problem. It would only increase the problem. It took me about two years of wrestling with this problem to figure out what was happening. I read books and never had this specific problem explained and I felt like giving up during that 2yr span, so this info is dear to me. Look at the 2nd page where it is talking about adding chelated Mn to fix a Mn def, it was a mind blower for me!
@Diesel0889 If you get a Soil Savvy test and you don't have micronutrient problems, I will give you $30, bow down and slob your knob, say that you're the greatest on RIU, and start asking you how you got your phosphorus within the normal range while being able to keep your micronutrients in balance. I mean, I got close myself, but I still haven't figured it out 100%. I would appreciate if you did get a soil test so that you can be on the same page as me and @NewGrower2011

@NewGrower2011 I'm sorry about my above statement and I hope that we can work together. I want to come on this forum and feel like a community. I know that I'm not a very warm person, but I would like to be. I go to VA counseling for anger management and I know that I'm gruff at times, but I'm a combat veteran that caught IED's during my deployment. I'm not disfigured or mangled, but I was a gunner on a humvee and I was knocked unconscious by a bomb and have been diagnosed with Traumatic Brain Injury(TBI). I blame my attitude on this.

Nope. I never ONCE ridiculed you, or anyone else, for utilizing soil tests. I advocate for their use. Always have....

Neither did Wetdog. You’ve confused us with other members here.
Can second the soil savvy tests. Can’t beat the price and so far I’ve had great experiences using them. I have probably sent in 10-12 samples with them as I test a lot of my soil in my veggie garden as well. Great customer service from a small company and their tests always appear to be on point. I wouldn’t put a plant in a new batch of homemade potting soil without getting it tested first.
I'm glad that it's working out man!!!
Nope. I never ONCE ridiculed you, or anyone else, for utilizing soil tests. I advocate for their use. Always have....

Neither did Wetdog. You’ve confused us with other members here.
Wakatoo called "Soil Savvy" test some bullshit and suggested that I used the Mehlich 3/Saturated Paste test for $100ea. Sorry, I'll stick with the new technology for less than 1/3 the price! Also, when you get lab results back from Logan Labs, you have to ask a fucking scientist to figure out the results. Wak also told me that micronutrients will not affect your grow. This fool led me down a dark alley during my darkest hour of growing. I have zero respect for him. He is here to stroke his own ego. I'm here to call out the misinformers. I can't hate on Wetdog though, I think the he genuinely tries to help people and he got me using greensand, but he did side with Wak while I was trying to figure out what was going wrong in my grow. Sorry guy but I specifically remember "Wet-N-Wak". Tell me again how micronutrient deficiency will not cause crop failure, or that Soil Savvy is not as accurate as a saturated paste test. You two did nothing but give me grief when I was at my lowest point, fuck you!
I tried to pull up the old threads that I'm talking about but the search engine doesn't go back that far, you got lucky this time Wak...
I really urge people to send their soil samples to a state or province accredited laboratory for analysis. Your extensions and universities can be very cheap too. DO NOT get Amazon soil tests, I beg you! Instead just open a new browser window and type "accredited <Enter you province or state here> soil test extensions" and your government will have a list! They can be a fraction of the price depending on where you live, and offer so much more analysis data, including CEC and saturation levels.

I repeat: Do not get your tests done through Amazon or Alibaba or anywhere else. For F-sake, it's ridiculous for me to have to be even saying this considering its kinda common sense. Sorry... angers me somewhat especially when our tax dollars pay for this free service.
I really urge people to send their soil samples to a state or province accredited laboratory for analysis. Your extensions and universities can be very cheap too. DO NOT get Amazon soil tests, I beg you! Instead just open a new browser window and type "accredited <Enter you province or state here> soil test extensions" and your government will have a list! They can be a fraction of the price depending on where you live, and offer so much more analysis data, including CEC and saturation levels.

I repeat: Do not get your tests done through Amazon or Alibaba or anywhere else. For F-sake, it's ridiculous for me to have to be even saying this considering its kinda common sense. Sorry... angers me somewhat especially when our tax dollars pay for this free service.
Why not just Logan Labs or Spectrum Analytic, or do you not know who that is. Have you ever had a test from local "Extension Office"(That's what they are called). If you have, you know how hard they are to read. If you really want a Mehlich 3/Saturated Paste test($100), get one from Spectrum Analytic because they at least make it to where you can understand the results. Or, you could take my advice and get a Soil Savvy test from Unibest because they have a patent on their testing method.
Tell me @Northwood where have you had your soil tested? You haven't been here long enough to know that I'm a regular person. I've been here long enough to see people like you come and go, you are no different. You offer advice based on 6 months of growing and make it sound like gospel. I've had my soil tested from at least 5 different companies and some of them just feel like you are wasting money. You wouldn't believe how many posts that say "I had my soil tested but I don't know what the #'s mean". Logan Labs>
People get the stupid ass, motherfucking Mehlich 3 test(and not the more important saturated paste test) and ask for an opinion. It's like when my sister buys a used car and asks me how I like it, it fucking sucks and it's useless. Nothing that we can do now, the money is already spent. The real scam is Build a Soil, they will sell you a Logan Labs test "With a recommendation from BAS" for like $130. I went that route and it fucking sucks! They don't even tell you that you are supposed to ask for a weighted scoop test when you are testing lightweight medium like potting soil, your fucking test is skewed before they even take it! You gotta know what the fuck you are doing to use an extension office or a place like Logan Labs(which everyone uses). I don't see why Spectrum Analytic isn't more popular, their website is more informative and their test results are easier to read, but it's still $100 for a Mehlich 3/Saturated Paste test. I can buy 4x Soil Savvy test kits for that much.

If you wasn't an idiot, you would know that you send the Soil Savvy test kit into a laboratory and the kit has prepaid postage, everything is included in the kit. I found out about this test kit from a cannabis podcast that I listen to(because it's my passion) and I'm kind enough to share my hard work figuring this out. Don't act like I'm here for people's credit cards or some shit, you can fuck off with that. It's pod #17

I know that you don't know who Tad Hussey is or his podcast, but he is well known in the cannabis industry. I imagine that you don't know this shit because you are just a casual passing through. It's cool, go on and just pass through. Go press your little cock on someone else now. "go get your soil tested at the local extension office and ask someone on RIU to interpret it for me" I'm sorry, but I'm that guy that's supposed to interpret it for you. I'm right the fuck here. Get your soil tested and show us the results just to prove my point!

I speak from experience when I suggest people to get the Soil Savvy test.

Severe Mn def and sodium was 3x too high, I had germination problems and early yellowing in veg. I don't like my Ph being this high because it will lock out Mn, I like it be 6.0 or just under.

My soil usually has high phosphorus, so I added Big 6(BAS product) that didn't even contain iron, but my iron took a HUGE spike. It's from the Humic Acid. However, I finally got the Mn in place(Ph helps) but I didn't use this soil because the P and Fe #'s were scary. Plus, the sodium is 3x too high again. I let this stuff age and I composted it again.

Zn, Cu, B were 2x too high. You cannot have these elements in excess because it will cause phytotoxicity. There is a fine line between having too much B and not enough, it's a narrow line and I missed it on this attempt. I started using Mn sulfate instead of Big 6 shortly after I did this test because it barley fixed my Mn problem(which it's supposed to address), but it caused toxicity in 3 of the other trace elements. Big 6 is a failed product in my mind.

Gerardus Johannes Mulder had the devil in him when he made this chart! I imagine that you haven't hear of this guy either, it's cool because I know that you are not as passionate about soil science as I am. 100% disabled veteran here with plenty of time to explore my passions too. I'm not bound to a monkey job to feed my family and I make $52k/yr on disability alone. I'm not here to sell shit to nobody. Sit your ass down while you're in class son. Have a little respect for your elders or I'll have to punk on you some more. I bet that my garden cock is bigger than yours.

I repeat: Do not get your tests done through Amazon or Alibaba or anywhere else.
I hope that you feel like a complete dipshit when you figure out that Unibest sells their kits on more than just Amazon, you can buy them directly from their lab. Like other companies, it's easier and faster for people to buy on Amazon. If you buy directly from Washington state, it might take a week in shipping instead of Amazon Prime's one day shipping. I hope that you are feeling like a stupid little troll now, because you are. We can keep this up if you want, I'm enjoying bashing on you. You are trying to discredit what I am saying, but you don't know enough to do it. You have no idea how soil testing works or even what companies even offer it. Twiddle your newb penis elsewhere to where I can't see it, that means that you need to stop spreading misinformation.