Some PGRs are completely natural and shouldnt be confused with synthetic PGRs like paclobutrazol
Really hate to see threads like this devolve into pissing matches...especially with a topic that needs to be at forefront with more awareness and education.
"Synthetic plant hormones and synthetic PGRs aim to either mimic hormones or interfere with pathways involved in the synthesis or breakdown of hormones in the plant. It's the PGRs that interfere with hormonal pathways that are most notorious. Big names include : Paclobutrazol, Chlormequat chloride, Daminozide, Uniconazole etc"
Very much agree the big offenders that I’m aware of :namely PacloButrazol
Are easy to spot .. if I’m not It mistaken it’s a phospho lipid.
Swollen calyxs and little trichrome development . Plus the color was always a little off.
I use organic methods and incorporate triacantrol,cytokinetins, Humid/fulvic acids And salysilic acid. Also use IBA acid for cloning.
( forgive me I’m sure I misspelled all those )
i consider all those PGR And Am all about The life and vitality of my soil. I would not put in anything that I feel is poison.
just want to say it’s a touchy subject and nuanced.Lots of interesting work being done by labs in regards to plant growth and PGRs.. and they’re are organic PGRs they enhance growth or flower formation and .. are not poisonous to humans. ( at lest they have not been proven to be yet)
Thanks for
“Naming The names “ in regards to synthetic PGRs that are carcinogenic. Paclo is btw..
And food for Thought EVERY SINGLE piece of fruit or veggie you get in a store that is not organic ...
Wash it well! especially apples.
I am frequently mistaken but I believe paclobutrozol was formulated to boost apple production ..
take everything I With a grain of salt and dyor