Most efficient # of plants in a 4x4

I’m gonna be getting a 4x8 tent & one sf4000 to start with. I only plan on using half of the tent for now, but if the light could cover more then I’m open to using more of the tent.

how many plants, in 7 gallon pots, should I use in order to yield the most bud under the sf4000? This is in a 4x4 unless you suggest otherwise.

also how big of any area can one AC Infinity T4 regulate effectively?

As HydroKid239 said. Go a bigger pot size and do just the one plant. With the right strain, lighting, nutrients and room environment in check you could get up to 2-3 pounds per plant.
Time is a factor of efficiency. So you have to make the equation such that all factors are weighted appropriately based on your value of importance. So one could make the case for 1 per square foot (64 plants) in 4” rockwool in an ebb and flow table, which I would say gives fastest turn around and greatest yield. And on the other hand 1 plant total in a 25 gallon soil pot. Slowest turn around since you have to take time to scog it out but maybe for some the simplicity of 1 plant and no pumps timers tables etc makes it the choice to select.
That being said I run 1 plant per 2’x2’ in 3 gallon coco DTW hand watered.

So if it were my tent it would be 4 plants. Seems to be a consensus in that as being a sweet spot.