In the Aftermath of Trump's election loss.

Lulz. Biden got millions more votes.

Look at the status of this country when he took office and the status now.

His presidency was a fucking train wreck in every aspect. This is fact. In your mind, you believe something else. Congratulations in your ability to believe contrary to reality.
They love their "alternative facts". :wall:
Whatever it is that helps you sleep at night for voting for the worst president in American history. Or at least would, I think I remember you saying your a Canadian.
These are the days I remind myself I should apply for dual citizenship. Idk how long and involved the process is though.

Define 'criminal' might help me a bit if you can say something as absolute as this.
They used to say politics is the art of compromise. Now their job is literally to tell enough people the things they want to hear to get elected while selling out to the biggest interests. There's no choice really, it's all part of the game if someone doesn't want to play ball then they will promote someone who will.

Did you honestly not see all the videos of how the kids were acting working themselves up? I know you might want to make it about the one kid who got all the press because he has a shit eating grin in the face of a Native American elder.
Watch the videos again. The elder approaches him. Also the media ignores the black people in those videos shouting racist slurs.

The Democrats won a seat in the Senate, and have the chance to win 2 more in January.
Historically the governing party doesn't do well in midterms.
Like Biden said, rioting is not protesting.
Yes yes, protesters should be protected but there should be a national interest in jailing every person caught on camera stealing or even throwing stones.
This strikes to the very heart of where I think you have gone wrong in your reasoning. People are absolutely capable of weighing their options and making an educated choice. Just because you value what you think will make people like you more than what is objectively best *for you* doesn't mean everybody does.
How does my saying:
"So if actual American (or another democratic nation) people who are on the 'right' go online, they will be attacked by 'left trolls' to make them think that the Liberals are out of their minds. While getting to see that same troll using a 'right' account to come to their defense and steer conversations."

To help describe the attack that the Russian military have been conducting on our citizens mean any of what you are saying I am wrong about.

I am not saying people are not capable of being 'educated' and making a choice. I am saying that they are surrounded by propaganda and that false information and false narratives are weaving together a information bubble around them that they are making very rational decisions based on very incorrect information.

Ie "build the wall" is about better opportunities and higher wages for you and your kids, about closing down cross-border human trafficking and drug trafficking, not about making some bleeding heart liberals think you are compassionate.
Because you bought into the propaganda Dear Leader needed you to, I don't doubt you believe this.

To me you are incompassionate because you value the lives of foreigners (or at least pretend to, but you're not actually sponsoring someone right? You just want the taxpayers to do it for you) over the lives of your fellow citizens.
Because you said so? I call bullshit on your being able to say that about me.

You really should drop the whole 'because I said so' bullshit. That is a big problem about why over-privelaged males have fallen for this propaganda attack so hard, it plays into their bullshit pride illusion.
Millions of illegal votes lmao. Millions of illegal votes in cali alone. Thanks to immigration and no id laws.

Also note that in an average year before the wu flu there are usually 20 to 25 million unaccounted for ballots. Add that to the us having several million more registered voters than people of legal voting age and what do you get?
Prove it
They used to say politics is the art of compromise. Now their job is literally to tell enough people the things they want to hear to get elected while selling out to the biggest interests. There's no choice really, it's all part of the game if someone doesn't want to play ball then they will promote someone who will.
You are listening to too many Republicans and edited clips man, for real.

Watch the videos again. The elder approaches him. Also the media ignores the black people in those videos shouting racist slurs.
The elder approached him after the kids and the Black Israelites got into a confrontation, which was a good thing to do for someone to do to try to stop a big fight from braking out.

Do you deny those kids where being assholes all day long?

Historically the governing party doesn't do well in midterms.
This is going to be a period of a lot of bullshit getting drug into the light. I have hope it will motivate people. But we will see.

Yes yes, protesters should be protected but there should be a national interest in jailing every person caught on camera stealing or even throwing stones.
There is, Biden even called them out early on. Criminals shouldn't just get to burn and murder people and get away with it.

But people should also not have to worry about calling 9/11 when their mentally impaired relative is having a bad time because they might be murdered by the police.
"I really wish you would look to the leaders of the black community - ie those calling for more police because they care about their neighbourhoods rather than jewish owned organisations such as blm. I have a dream brother. A dream that my children will be judged by the content of their character not the colour of their skin."

Sounds good, should they have to be screwed because you lived in a area with shit schools? And if that is something that is a institutional issue with how we have underfunded minority communities, wouldn't it make sense to set these children up for success like they are in the wealthy suburban areas?

You missed the point. Please look into what the people that have run mental health facilities and addiction centers, and yes chiefs of police have to say on the matter. Ie not people who get paid by putting on a show (activists) or whose income is dependant on more of the same (social workers), but instead literally anyone who has spent decades *on the streets* trying to improve *their own* city.

Please take baltimore in the 90s as an example. Blm forces police out of the city while black community leaders call for more policing. Crime goes up and the lives (and life expectancy) of black makes gets worse. This is not debatable, it is written history, please learn from it.
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I loved Barry Sanders growing up. Especially how after a amazing play, he would jog up to the ref toss them the ball and jog off the field. No need to showboat, no reason to throw a fit when he got destroyed because his line couldn't block for him, just move on and get on with the next play.

I was thinking how this applies to today.

If Joe Biden wins, and Trump can't throw a big enough fit like every spoiled brat will to get his way, there is going to be a big hole in Trump supporters life. If this happens the right thing is for people who support Biden/not Trump to not rub this win into their faces.

Trump supporters have been convinced that the Libs are going to burn their world down nonstop for years.

Trump and his militarized trolls (foreign and domestic) have been spamming everything that they see, and manipulating every real world conversation that they have had (thanks Facebook for making it so easy for foreign militaries to know who talks to one another in real life in real time), alienating them from anything and anyone, that might have popped their information bubbles.

And too many of the 68 million people who thought Trump was a good idea are likely going to be very vulnerable for a while as they feel jeered and dejected.

Trump supporters:
1. Joe Biden is not a criminal or child murderer/molester. Nor are the Democrats in DC. And if they are ever shone to be that, do not doubt that Democrats will be there calling for their heads right next to you.

2. The 'Liberal left' are not rioting or destroying our cities. And 'Black Lives Matter' is not something that you need to fear or feel resentment towards.

3. You have been trolled online for years, all those 'people' that you think are constantly saying stupid things online and attacking you as being whatever it is that they are calling you, are really just the 'left-troll' version of the 'friend' you have that schools them from the 'right-troll' perspective.

4. We will all be ok and you can trust credible news journalism. Anything free (outside of AP news and Reuters) online that is pretending like news is sketchy and generally a scam in one way or another, so be very skeptical. Actual news sources have legal liability if they lie to you, but you need to understand the difference between 'opinion' and facts. Just stick to AP and Reuters is my suggestion if you are unsure of why you are feeling strongly about an issue in the news.

5. Democrats are not trying to end your religion or hinder your ability to celebrate it. There is a difference between not pushing a religious agenda in government and trying to hurt your ways of worship or how you raise your families.

6. If your friends and family give you a hard time about your support of Trump, just remember they too have been getting trolled for just as long as you have, both online, but also by the POTUS who has the biggest megaphone in human history, so please be patient with them, because a lot of them will also need to wake up to how propaganda (though websites like "the Nation" and "the Hill" instead of "OANN") has also been impacting what they think and feel.
No one has divided this country more than trump. He also gave a voice to radical hate groups again. With a 20% increase in hate crimes to go with it, per the FBI. I see the radical right spew pure hate towards fellow Americans because they vote differently than them. On what planet is it patriotic to hate your fellow countrymen? In fact its the most unpatriotic thing one can do. Left or right. This extreme polarizing view we're in is not good for anyone. I don't see how anyone who is informed could support Trump. I honestly dont. If you are spoon fed right wing media. You're brainwashed, especially if you dont question what you are told. This goes for extreme left wing media as well, but its not nearly as bad. Dont be scared of facts. Dont get offended if your way of thinking is challenged and most of all. Remember that your opinions dont equal facts
But people should also not have to worry about calling 9/11 when their mentally impaired relative is having a bad time because they might be murdered by the police.
People shouldn't have to worry about 911 not coming because of some "protesters" either.

Sorry people, I'm not ignoring ya, just gotta work my way back up the posts.
I voted for Biden. I live deep in the Bible belt where education takes a backseat to opinions and Fox news. These conservative red states are dog and pony shows. SC for example. Every dollar paid in taxes gets the state almost 3 dollars back from the government to support all these anti welfare conservatives lol. These red states are anti abortion but lead the nation in abortion and teen pregnancy. There's nothing more sad than watching a conservative who is on welfare and foodcstamps vote against their own best interests
Millions of jobs lost, hundreds of thousand of unnecessary lives lost, a ballooning national debt, civil unrest and white terrorists rampaging in our cities is a poor reflection, environment degrading. These are facts of Trump's failed presidency and his failure of leadership.

The only policy that I agree with Republicans about is the need to roll back our ties with China. Democrats and Republicans agree on this. Has Trump really stood up to China? The objective fact is that our trade deficit and national debt to China is larger today than it was at the beginning of Trump's presidency
1) you seem to think trump caused covid. Are you ok?
2) white terrorists killed what a few hundred people worldwide this year, and islamic terrorists? Focus on some real problems instead of pointing out that some deranged nutbags killed less people than die in their bathtubs.
3) Kinda hard to stand up to china where it matters, eg taiwan, south china sea, hong kong. Not like we could put troops there.. Australia will be a bit easier I hope. At least trump gave his voice in support and brought these things to the consciousness of tens of millions. Think biden will do the same?
Because you said so?

(insert Putin "Da" meme)

AKA made it harder for our businesses to make long term business decisions with our trading partners.

Costing the economy about $1.4 Trillion dollars and increasing the amount of socialism we have as a nation by forcing more tax payer money into the hands of farmers he screwed with his half assed trade war that ended up with us basically in the same place we were in 2016 minus all the trading partners we would have had backing our play with the TPP.

I wonder if Ivanka gets to keep her patents?

After saying 'only I can fix it'? After tossing his hands up when people got sick of listening to his nonsensical daily briefings (bleach injections)?

Nice spin.

Are you ok with Trump selling the same nuclear shit his troll army has convinced you is wrong with Iran having to Saudi Arabia? Without the consent of congress?

All that is watered down racist bullshit. It is all about creating a 'them' for you to blame for everything while cult leader picks all of our pockets.
America was basically built on socialism. To a degree anyway. Public schools, military salaries, nasa, irs, noah, public parks, roads. Police, fire, ems, etc.
To help describe the attack that the Russian military have been conducting on our citizens mean any of what you are saying I am wrong about.
Evidence? I mean I agree with you in that foreign governments have been meddling in elections - but that's what they do, they protect their interests. How many foreign elections has the us govt been involved in?

As many have requested proof of fraud. Got any proof that the "russians" affected the election in any way? Gotta be delusional to believe in something so unlikely to be true without any concrete evidence right?
No one has divided this country more than trump
Friendly reminder that trumps message is literally "make america great again" for ALL american citizens. He mostly rejects identity politics which is a staple of the left. Nationalism is better than tribalism which is the message of the left what with biden taking a knee for blm. Identity politics is what has divided the country more than anything and the sooner we can get back to being americans instead of individual racial blocs the better.
"I really wish you would look to the leaders of the black community - ie those calling for more police because they care about their neighbourhoods rather than jewish owned organisations such as blm. I have a dream brother. A dream that my children will be judged by the content of their character not the colour of their skin."

You missed the point. Please look into what the people that have run mental health facilities and addiction centers, and yes chiefs of police have to say on the matter. Ie not people who get paid by putting on a show (activists) or whose income is dependant on more of the same (social workers), but instead literally anyone who has spent decades *on the streets* trying to improve *their own* city.

Please take baltimore in the 90s as an example. Blm forces police out of the city while black community leaders call for more policing. Crime goes up and the lives (and life expectancy) of black makes gets worse. This is not debatable, it is written history, please learn from it.
Do you think I disagree that our nation needs to do a lot of work to solve the problem caused by the vacuum left behind from the Reagan and Republicans closing down all of our mental health facilities instead of making the investment to get them up to date?

Why do you think that underfunding (due to Republican tax cuts) and rural areas shipping these mentally impaired people into the cities is not something that every community wants to fix?

I really think you have bought hard into the racist logic trying to paint our cities as what they want you to believe to think voting for a Democrat is the worst idea ever.

No one has divided this country more than trump. He also gave a voice to radical hate groups again. With a 20% increase in hate crimes to go with it, per the FBI. I see the radical right spew pure hate towards fellow Americans because they vote differently than them. On what planet is it patriotic to hate your fellow countrymen? In fact its the most unpatriotic thing one can do. Left or right. This extreme polarizing view we're in is not good for anyone. I don't see how anyone who is informed could support Trump. I honestly dont. If you are spoon fed right wing media. You're brainwashed, especially if you dont question what you are told. This goes for extreme left wing media as well, but its not nearly as bad. Dont be scared of facts. Dont get offended if your way of thinking is challenged and most of all. Remember that your opinions dont equal facts
I am not sure if you are saying that because you agree or disagree with what I said, but I agree with everything you have written in your post.

I blame hate radio/Fox pundits and of course Trump and his troll army teaching people how to hate spew rapidly for them to emulate, and the trolls that reinforce talking points and snowflakes in real time if they talk to their friends and family for how offended the 'right' gets when confronted with facts outside their particular information bubble and the other person triggers a trap that they are set up to believe (using bullshit propaganda websites like 'The Hill' and 'The Nation').

People shouldn't have to worry about 911 not coming because of some "protesters" either.

Sorry people, I'm not ignoring ya, just gotta work my way back up the posts.
They are not. The protests are not causing the damage. The rioters are. And that is being amplified by Trump's troll army in the hopes that people will believe the spam is common and part of the BLM protests that they are triggered by because of Russian pushed propaganda to help Trump keep power.

Luckily Trump lost the election and we have a shot at fixing these problems we desperately need to for our society to thrive.

America was basically built on socialism. To a degree anyway. Public schools, military salaries, nasa, irs, noah, public parks, roads. Police, fire, ems, etc.
Socialism is just a boogey man propaganda term. Used to trigger people who are triggered by it.

Investing in our community is perfectly fine.

Dear Leader having a temper tantrum because a nation didn't want to manufacture dirt on a political opponent causing our farmers economic distress and having to use tax payer dollars is something that is not perfectly fine.

Evidence? I mean I agree with you in that foreign governments have been meddling in elections - but that's what they do, they protect their interests. How many foreign elections has the us govt been involved in?
No, there is a clear difference between them funding a campaign to get a politician elected and them protecting their interests.

As many have requested proof of fraud. Got any proof that the "russians" affected the election in any way? Gotta be delusional to believe in something so unlikely to be true without any concrete evidence right?
9 billion interactions with over 128 million Americans leading up to the 2016 elections is something that a political campaign would have to pay hundreds of millions of dollars for if they paid a advertising firm to do that legally.

You got to be delusional to think that is just honkey dory.
Because you bought into the propaganda Dear Leader needed you to, I don't doubt you believe this.
Immigration causing wage stagnation is fact. Cry harder. Open borders being ripe for human and drug trafficking is fact. Idk how you can call this propaganda, explain how this is not true and how every expert in the world is wrong please lol.
I really think you have bought hard into the racist logic trying to paint our cities as what they want you to believe to think voting for a Democrat is the worst idea ever.
I usually vote liberal, but tbh I will vote for whoever gets the fkn tents out of the parks. Can't wait for winter.
Historically the governing party doesn't do well in midterms.
Yes, what you said is true. On the other hand, history doesn't determine current events. Just look at what happened Nov. 3. Historically, the incumbent president most often wins re-election. Trump lost in a landslide.

Agree that Democrats will be in the hot seat in the midterms. At this point they look to lose the House in 2022. Much depends on how much Gerrymandering Republicans manage to do next year to defeat the will of the majority in contested states.

There are factors that look good for Democrats going forward. After all, Trump's presidency is ending at a low point from which we expect to recover. Also, demographic shift toward a more diverse society is ongoing and a headwind against the white-supremacist ruled Republican Party. Over this decade, for each and every election, that shift will make it harder and harder for Republicans to hang on. Of course, this is why Republicans oppose majority rule.
No it isn't. You are mistaken something you believe for a 'fact'.
I guess I will abandon the proven economics of supply and demand and the knowledge of every economist everywhere just cause some guy on the internet told me it's wrong. Convince me?

Convince me the russians actually affected the outcome of the election? Give me proof.