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I loved Barry Sanders growing up. Especially how after a amazing play, he would jog up to the ref toss them the ball and jog off the field. No need to showboat, no reason to throw a fit when he got destroyed because his line couldn't block for him, just move on and get on with the next play.
I was thinking how this applies to today.
If Joe Biden wins, and Trump can't throw a big enough fit like every spoiled brat will to get his way, there is going to be a big hole in Trump supporters life. If this happens the right thing is for people who support Biden/not Trump to not rub this win into their faces.
Trump supporters have been convinced that the Libs are going to burn their world down nonstop for years.
Trump and his militarized trolls (foreign and domestic) have been spamming everything that they see, and manipulating every real world conversation that they have had (thanks Facebook for making it so easy for foreign militaries to know who talks to one another in real life in real time), alienating them from anything and anyone, that might have popped their information bubbles.
And too many of the 68 million people who thought Trump was a good idea are likely going to be very vulnerable for a while as they feel jeered and dejected.
Trump supporters:
1. Joe Biden is not a criminal or child murderer/molester. Nor are the Democrats in DC. And
if they are ever shone to be that, do not doubt that Democrats will be there calling for their heads right next to you.
2. The 'Liberal left' are not rioting or destroying our cities. And 'Black Lives Matter' is not something that you need to fear or feel resentment towards.
3. You have been trolled online for years, all those 'people' that you think are constantly saying stupid things online and attacking you as being whatever it is that they are calling you, are really just the 'left-troll' version of the 'friend' you have that schools them from the 'right-troll' perspective.
4. We will all be ok and you can trust credible news journalism. Anything free (outside of AP news and Reuters) online that is pretending like news is sketchy and generally a scam in one way or another, so be very skeptical. Actual news sources have legal liability if they lie to you, but you need to understand the difference between 'opinion' and facts. Just stick to AP and Reuters is my suggestion if you are unsure of why you are feeling strongly about an issue in the news.
5. Democrats are not trying to end your religion or hinder your ability to celebrate it. There is a difference between not pushing a religious agenda in government and trying to hurt your ways of worship or how you raise your families.
6. If your friends and family give you a hard time about your support of Trump, just remember they too have been getting trolled for just as long as you have, both online, but also by the POTUS who has the biggest megaphone in human history, so please be patient with them, because a lot of them will also need to wake up to how propaganda (though websites like "the Nation" and "the Hill" instead of "OANN") has also been impacting what they think and feel.