What has Trump done to this country?

This really, really good :)

ewwwwwww that pic of him is very orange and greasy looking like when he first got the plague.

Goodbye @IvankaTrump,” reads one reply to her tweet. “You will be loved by the people you disdain and disdained by the people you want to be loved by. There will never be a Met Ball for you again. You are fated to live out your years as an aging, corrupt, villainous Barbie; paying the price for what you did.”
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Jesus Schuylaar. Your like an idiot standsavant and by that I mean you already l your not going to win the 1k and your not getting a place for conjugal visits so work on encouraging Wally world to share the wealth STARTING by paying their employees a living wage. HaHa.
I think the Walturds could just scape the interest off their 250 billion and accomplish so much. What could the Betsy DeVos and the Walton's and throw in a gates and Bezos and a few more billionairs really do if they wanted. It boggle the mind
Jesus Schuylaar. Your like an idiot standsavant and by that I mean you already l your not going to win the 1k and your not getting a place for conjugal visits so work on encouraging Wally world to share the wealth STARTING by paying their employees a living wage. HaHa.
I think the Walturds could just scape the interest off their 250 billion and accomplish so much. What could the Betsy DeVos and the Walton's and throw in a gates and Bezos and a few more billionairs really do if they wanted. It boggle the mind

you mean my evil s*******t ways?

you know you're crazy when you actually have a 'best moments' vid..

How much did he win his district by? He has a lot of fucking morons at his back and that is the problem. An example of political terrorism, this was going on before Donald showed up, there is a rogue's gallery of them, Matt Gaetz also comes to mind.

Texas Election Results: First Congressional District
Texas Statewide Results
Updated 35m ago

Louie Gohmert*WinnerRepublican218,38572.6%
Hank GilbertDemocrat82,35927.4
Total reported300,744
* Incumbent

89% of the estimated vote total has been reported.
We received 339 additional votes from Texas.

300,744 votes reported
Estimated votes remaining

Rep. Louie Gohmert sees ‘revolution’ as option in face of ‘cheated election’
East Texas tea party congressman stokes Trump backers' anger by invoking Egyptian uprising and U.S. War of Independence.

WASHINGTON — East Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert, insisting the election has been stolen from President Donald Trump, has urged like-minded supporters to consider “revolution” like the Egyptian uprising seven years ago and colonial America’s revolt against England.

“They rose up though all over Egypt, and as a result of the people rising up in the greatest numbers in history, ever anywhere, they turned the country around …. If they can do that there, think of what we can do here,” he told thousands of cheering Trump supporters in downtown Washington at Saturday’s “Million MAGA March.”

The tea party Republican was one of a number of speakers at a plaza near the White House, where demonstrators waving flags and Trump banners readily agreed that Trump should not concede.

“This was a cheated election and we can’t let it stand,” said Gohmert, a Tyler Republican and former trial judge who easily won a ninth term this month.

President-elect Joe Biden collected 77 million votes, the most of any candidate in U.S. history and 5 million more than Trump. His projected 306-232 victory in the Electoral College is the same as Trump’s projected margin was in 2016, when he lagged challenger Hillary Clinton by 3 million votes. Trump actually wound up winning the electoral vote 304-227 after several electors, including two from Texas, refused to cast their ballots for their party’s candidates.

Major news outlets projected the final outcome nine days ago once Biden’s victory in Pennsylvania became clear. That gave him enough electoral votes to clinch.

But Trump has refused to concede to Biden. Trump did tweet Sunday that “he won” because of alleged fraud, but quickly backpedaled, emphasizing that he had not acknowledged defeat because, in his view, Biden’s victory hinged on disputed results.
Mad King Trump may not have conceded, but he seems to have lost all interest in anything presidential. He’s vaguely wondering if it’s worth bombing Iran, but mostly raging at the phantoms who “stole” his realm in a rigged election. William Thackeray wrote of George III: “All history presents no sadder figure than that of the old man, blind and deprived of reason, wandering through the rooms of his palace, addressing imaginary parliaments, reviewing fancied troops, holding ghostly courts …”

I wonder what the voices in Trump’s head are advising now? Retreat to civilian life again, with its legal perils and authorized memoirs? Or fight on as a heavily-photoshopped rebel king determined to leave as much wreckage and misery in opposition as he did in power?

I don’t want to be that pessimist but you know. He only lost half of America, didn’t he?

I’m shocked :shock: ( not really )

As His Bogus Election-Fraud Charges Go Up in Flames, Trump Goes Into Hiding ... :wall: ( trump in bunker emoji )

His already bleak hopes of mounting a successful legal challenge to the election now in the hands of Rudy Giuliani, the president has receded from public view. “It feels like bunker mentality,” one official said.

Jesus Schuylaar. Your like an idiot standsavant and by that I mean you already l your not going to win the 1k and your not getting a place for conjugal visits so work on encouraging Wally world to share the wealth STARTING by paying their employees a living wage. HaHa.
I think the Walturds could just scape the interest off their 250 billion and accomplish so much. What could the Betsy DeVos and the Walton's and throw in a gates and Bezos and a few more billionairs really do if they wanted. It boggle the mind

Wtf ? .... i tried reading this twice , upside down and backwards.... still couldn’t decrypt the rambling.

So i suggest this device.

The democrats should hold public hearings about FOX and other right wingnut broadcasters to determine if they were public health menaces. Rack up the video and audio of broadcasts they have made about covid and apply FCC regulations and the law. Use covid to simply get rid of them for good reason, they are murdering cocksuckers. Also use the lessons learned in the past 4 years and regulate large scale social media companies too. You need the senate to change the law and make a difficult environment for disinformation and propaganda can exist, different opinions and ideas yes, but different facts for a common reality, no. Spin needs to be treated as censorship and the journalist profession itself should regulate itself, like the medical profession and have the backing and support of the state too, as an independent professional body backed by academic study and research, like other professions. You can't call yourself a doctor, an MD and practice medicine, and the same perhaps should apply to journalists.