Aussie Growers Thread

I don’t get people walking their dogs on the hot pavement at this time of day!! The owners wouldn’t walk bare foot why the heck do they think their dogs would want to??
Far too many just simple and dumb people. Sheesh Rant over
I don’t get people walking their dogs on the hot pavement at this time of day!! The owners wouldn’t walk bare foot why the heck do they think their dogs would want to??
Far too many just simple and dumb people. Sheesh Rant over
my dog was happy to walk all day on the beach or the desert sands in the Kimberly. Mind u id be bare foot most the time to. depends if u have a soft dog or not?
Had a city mate (the scientist one) burn his little feet on the road once, fairly badly . Like baby skin his feet must of been.
Bugger! There was a post up before that has been withdrawn/deleted between me leaving work & getting home just now.

I was going to say "Where there's smoke........& mirrors......", but I guess the guilty party (if in fact they actually acknowledge "guilt" in any shape or form) has removed it.:roll:

I'm off to check on the bush girls now. 'Back in a couple of hours.....

It's Friday, after all....:D
I'll gracefully decline your challenge tonight, 'though I will indulge a little....

I've been musing about the Brereton report over the past couple of days & have concluded that it's probably best that I just shut-down the computer tonight & walk away for awhile, rather than "Cry Havoc & let-slip the dogs........." of my alter-ego.

Goodnight & enjoy your collective Friday evening.

But seriously, anyone tried out for the SAS lately? I slaughtered loads of Kurds thinking this will guarantee my spot. Apparently its Afghan farmers you need to murder. Semantics I say. Tomato tomato.
to much hard work for me
Maybe Biden can join? Not many have slaughtered as many women and children as he has.