This isn't over.


Well-Known Member
Then red states/districts need to start to vote in Republicans that are not trolls. It sucks out of the last 50 years the Democrats have only had 6 years (2 in the first two years of each Democratic presidency) to actually get work done, and each time they were dealing with the impacts of Republican recessions.

It does suck that the only way Democrats have been able to get anything done (since the civil rights era) is to have to sweep in DC.
I think Stacey Abrams is writing the play book for part of the political future, the democrats lacked the ground game and she not only has an effective plan and organization, she is and will be an inspiration to many women. She is gonna be going on a tour of the states, giving seminars and handing out manuals along with online support apps etc. Pick winners and back them. She will be one of the organizing generals and a power to be reckoned with in the democratic party. I'm betting on the ladies.


Well-Known Member
I think there is an ongoing war against the proper use of precise language. People:

3) I think that proper use of precise language at a young age is one of the building blocks for being able to effect the change you want in the world, to be able to become a doer rather than follower. To writ, how can you change the world if you can't begin to describe what's wrong and how you will fix it.
to wit


Well-Known Member

Now that Trump is on his way out? NOW is the time to work with the other side? Trump said it clearly when explaining why he shoved a remarkably patriarchal, religious conservative onto the Supreme Court: "We did it because we had the power". Doesn't sound like Republicans understand the concept of "reaching out in order to work with the other side".

The checks and balances written into our Constitution are intended to do exactly this: Freeze the ability of Congress to write new laws until a consensus among the people of this country is reached. I don't expect our radical right wing lawmakers to change their tune and reach out to liberal Democrats. I don't want my representatives to sell out the rights of others in order to "reach out" to radical right wing nationalists on the other side. Where there are common interests, there will be progress. But don't expect much compromise.
Yes, trump and anyone who jumps on that bandwagon needs to be written off, but we have to keep trying. If we cant come to any consensus, then we are done for as a country.


Well-Known Member
Yes, trump and anyone who jumps on that bandwagon needs to be written off, but we have to keep trying. If we cant come to any consensus, then we are done for as a country.
Some people have legitimate grievances, but have been lied to about causes and solutions, provided a simple narrative of conspiracies and the "other". Solutions must be offered, the radical elements isolated and social stress reduce to clear and open minds. Everybody becomes an asshole when frightened or angry and the first hook on talk radio is creating rage in the listener, then feed them the line, when a good part of their brains are offline.

Joe is on the right track, he fights the strategic war, you fight the tactical one, for your future and that of your children. Others in the administration will be fighting both strategically and tactically for the constitution, they declared war on it remember, patriots defend it.


Well-Known Member
Yes, trump and anyone who jumps on that bandwagon needs to be written off, but we have to keep trying. If we cant come to any consensus, then we are done for as a country.
Right now too many Republicans are playing the 'see/hear/speak no evil' about the Russian military's attack on our citizens. Once the lid is blown off and the line is drawn, I have hope enough Republicans will not be compromised (via American entities like the NRA), and will see the light that consensus will be found.

We need to actually be able to talk about all of the facts of what is occurring and not have half of the politicians in DC pretending that what the nonsense being spread online is reality. Republicans have been waging the war on reality for far too long.


Well-Known Member
Every night before closing someone would have to round up the stragglers still trying to find their way out of the house of mirrors.
they were actually looking into an affordable hotel chain for the peasants- BBQ tits and beer but it got shelved because of BBQ tits and beer.



Well-Known Member
When tRUmp has all his properties seized and loses everything to the banks and the government will love keep him and Melania together lol?
Not unless she can leverage his ass with "Free Donald" tours (free willy movie) and fleece suckers who wanna try and roll open the gates of a supermax and free Cheeto Jesus. She could also be the unvirgin Melina in the coming Trump religion, we are in the Holy days before the crucifixion, the passion of the Cheeto.

A future republican will run on a pardon for Donald to get the republican POTUS nomination in 2024, count on it, if Donald is still around.


Well-Known Member
Yes, trump and anyone who jumps on that bandwagon needs to be written off, but we have to keep trying. If we cant come to any consensus, then we are done for as a country.
72 million people voted for Trump. They aren't going to have a change of heart or go anywhere very soon.

I woke up on November 4 and confronted that reality with exactly the same idea you discuss here. 72 million people voted for Trump's attempt at establishing a dictatorship. What do they want? How do we come together after this?

The problem as I see it is, Trump's supporters are attracted to him because of his racist, misogynist and authoritarian rhetoric. He followed that rhetoric up with presidential orders and in no way did he or his followers care about what went on in Congress. There is no interest or desire by that faction to compromise or work with Democrats "for the common good".

So, I think we are going to have to march in place for a while.


Well-Known Member
Olbermann vs. Trump #31: To Heal America, Biden Must Prosecute Trump, Family, Enablers. All Of Them.

There are laws in this country and Trump broke nearly all of them.

I revere the President-Elect, but he is hinting at not prioritizing pursuing prosecutions against Trump, and his crime family, and his staffers. Obama did the same thing even after Bush inadvertently confessed to war crimes, and the message was clear to future Republican presidents (namely, Trump): If there are no consequences for illegal acts, they cease to BE illegal.

To ignore or slow-walk prosecutions is to say not just to the current White House miscreants that not only are you above the law, but if you or others wish to break the law later, you will be able to get away with it.

If we should have learned one thing from Trump it is that this not a nation of laws, it is a nation of traditions. Representative government in this country is not only not sacrosanct; it is full of self-destruct buttons that didn’t detonate – this time -- more thanks to luck than thanks to skill. As I have always believed and stated, the preservation of democracy is less the result of those of us who have fought and strived to protect it, and more the result of the stupidity and carelessness of the morons who wish to destroy it. In short, the next Donald Trump will not be nearly as stupid as this Donald Trump.

Democracy will emerge from this nightmare but will not emerge intact. The only thing a President with a small majority in the House, possibly a minority in the Senate, and a theocratic Supreme Court can do, is to protect democracy by keeping its enemies from hurting it further.

At minimum, put the fear back into the fascists.

So. Prosecute Trump. Prosecute Pence and the COVID-19 deniers. Prosecute Stephen Miller. Prosecute Pompeo. Prosecute Giuliani and Ellis and everybody else involved in the attempted coup. Because the only thing these people understand is fear, and they should live their lives in constant fear that if they ever try anything like this again, they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Prosecute. Them. All.


Well-Known Member
When you literally believe that the 'other side' murders and eats babies, what is a little racism, misogyny, and fascism?

I think a nice federal government initiative to contact everyone Trump allowed to be attacked online with the nonstop propaganda and show them exactly how they fell into it, and some mental support would go a long way.


Well-Known Member
I think Stacey Abrams is writing the play book for part of the political future, the democrats lacked the ground game and she not only has an effective plan and organization, she is and will be an inspiration to many women. She is gonna be going on a tour of the states, giving seminars and handing out manuals along with online support apps etc. Pick winners and back them. She will be one of the organizing generals and a power to be reckoned with in the democratic party. I'm betting on the ladies.
She needs to be running the DNC. Perez has been asleep at the wheel.