What has Trump done to this country?

Funny, yet not.
Yea, shitface has left a fucking diaster for Biden to deal with & today I read that now, finally fucking now, the Conservatives in the GOP are expressioning concerns over the FUCKING MASSIVE DEBT load that that motherfucking manic has/will leave behind.
Yea, let's bail out the farmers that Trump fucked over with his useless Trade war with China.
Yea, let's spend a fucking trillion $ on a fucking useless military in essence
Yea, let's give billions upon billions in Tax breaks to the fucking richest corporations/people in the fucking World.
Makes sense right?
And now, when a Democrat is about to take over, they want to declare that fiscal responsibility is needed?
I don't want to be crude (yea, I actually do), but suck my massive Irish dick you worthtless Republican cunts.
Absolute bullshit.
Millions upon millions of people are going broke right fucking now due to the effects of COVID-19 & all of a sudden this nation doesn't/can't afford to help them?
It's time for a drink

Funny, yet not.
Yea, shitface has left a fucking diaster for Biden to deal with & today I read that now, finally fucking now, the Conservatives in the GOP are expressioning concerns over the FUCKING MASSIVE DEBT load that that motherfucking manic has/will leave behind.
Yea, let's bail out the farmers that Trump fucked over with his useless Trade war with China.
Yea, let's spend a fucking trillion $ on a fucking useless military in essence
Yea, let's give billions upon billions in Tax breaks to the fucking richest corporations/people in the fucking World.
Makes sense right?
And now, when a Democrat is about to take over, they want to declare that fiscal responsibility is needed?
I don't want to be crude (yea, I actually do), but suck my massive Irish dick you worthtless Republican cunts.
Absolute bullshit.
Millions upon millions of people are going broke right fucking now due to the effects of COVID-19 & all of a sudden this nation doesn't/can't afford to help them?
It's time for a drink

Life could be worse, you could be this poor bastard, gotta love the sunshine state. I see Paul Manafort had a lot of concern shown about his health, he got out in no time over covid.
Florida man to be released early after serving 31 years for nonviolent marijuana crime - CNN

Florida man to be released early after serving 31 years for nonviolent marijuana crime

Richard DeLisi, now 71,  has been incarcerated since 1989.

Richard DeLisi, now 71, has been incarcerated since 1989.

(CNN)A Florida man who has spent 31 years in prison for a nonviolent marijuana crime could soon be a free man.
Richard DeLisi has been incarcerated since 1989 when, at the age of 40, he was convicted on charges of racketeering, trafficking in cannabis and conspiracy after agreeing to help smuggle more than 100 pounds of marijuana from Colombia into Florida. He received a 90-year prison sentence.

His case has received legal support from the Last Prisoner Project, a nonprofit that advocates for ending prison sentences for cannabis offenses. With 31 years in prison, DeLisi is the country's longest-serving nonviolent cannabis prisoner, according to the group.

DeLisi, now 71, could be released from South Bay Correctional Facility as early as December 4, though the exact release day still depends on several factors, according to the Florida Department of Corrections press secretary Kayla McLaughlin.
"It feels amazingly wonderful to know that I will be home with my family and loved ones very soon," DeLisi said in a statement to Last Prisoner Project. "I am grateful to everyone who has been there and helped me along in these long years."
His impending release comes as the American public has increasingly approved decriminalizing and legalizing marijuana for medical and recreational use. Despite that growing acceptance, people like DeLisi remain incarcerated -- some for decades -- for nonviolent drug crimes.

The US has the highest incarceration rate of any country in the world, and 1 in 5 incarcerated people are behind bars for drug crimes, according to the Prison Policy Initiative.

America's system of mass incarceration is also a public health issue during the coronavirus pandemic. With inmates in crowded cells and unable to social distance, prisons have consistently been the site of some of the country's largest Covid-19 outbreaks, infecting inmates, staff and visitors and seeding new outbreaks in their local communities.

DeLisi's age and health problems -- he has asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder and diabetes -- make him a particularly high-risk inmate. The South Bay Correctional Facility where he is being held has had 421 prisoners and 87 staff members test positive for the virus, according to state data.
'Sick indictment of our nation'

According to a website set up for him, he made the agreement to transport the cannabis with an old smuggling friend who was secretly a government informant. DeLisi has not been accused of or convicted of a violent act.

DeLisi's wife, son and both parents died during his time incarcerated. He said he was looking forward to reuniting with his two living children and to holding his five grandchildren for the first time.

"If I could go back to 1988 I would tell my former self to put more value in the time I spend with my family. I have learned that money is something that comes and goes but family is forever. I will take that lesson home with me and I will make the most of every moment I have left on this earth with my wonderful family.

"I am so excited to hug my children and grandchildren. I have missed so many important moments with them and I can't wait to get out there and create precious memories with everyone. I am so thrilled that this dark chapter of my life is finally over."

His daughter Ashley hasn't spent a birthday with him since she was 3 years old. "I just want to hug my dad outside of prison," she said in a statement.

Chiara Juster, the lead attorney and a legal advisor for Last Prisoner Project, expressed disbelief that DeLisi was in prison for so long.

"We participated in decarcerating someone who couldn't deserve it more," she said, calling the lengthy sentence for a nonviolent offense "a sick indictment of our nation."
Paul Manafort: Former Trump campaign manager released from prison - CNNPolitics
Updated 11:17 AM ET, Wed May 13, 2020
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort released from prison due to coronavirus concerns
Donald has several screws loose and a few are about to fall out and get caught in the gears, buckle up. After the Georgia runoff elections in Jan all bets are off. He will either follow the normal trajectory of grieving (major change), or he will go completely off the rails, he will do a lot of damage though just staying on the rails.

No matter how much damage he does, those who voted for him won't care, until it screws them and it will, even then many die with his lies upon their lips. Only the greedy will fall away, they are not as stupid as the fear and hate driven, but will blame Biden when they can. Blame Biden will be their slogan this time next year, Donald will be the best president ever, as Obama was their worst, though they can never name a specific thing. When the Americans took over deathcamps, they made the Germans tour the places so no one could say the holocaust didn't happen. Yet there are those who claim it didn't today and morons believe them, even thought they have film and photos documenting it. Until recently there were many millions of eye witnesses, who lived and witnessed it, Jews, Germans, Russians, Poles, etc.
Trump is mentally unfit to be president (usatoday.com)

Transition warning: Trump's mental illness is a growing danger
Psychiatrists must prevent harm and injustice, especially when they are coming from a destructive government.
Dr. Bandy X. Lee
Opinion contributor

As the world celebrated a Biden-Harris victory, mental health professionals braced for the two-and-a-half months that we deemed would be the most dangerous period of this presidency. Indeed, in just the days since announcement of election results, Donald Trump has refused to concede, has obstructed a peaceful transfer of power, has fired and replaced top officials responsible for the nation’s security, and has contemplated catastrophic war. All this is on top of ignoring a surging pandemic that is now infecting more than 150,000 per day and killing more than 1,500 Americans per day.

Since Donald Trump’s election, mental health professionals have come forth in historically unprecedented ways to warn against entrusting the U.S. presidency to someone exhibiting dangerous mental impairments. We held an ethics conference with the most highly respected psychiatrists in the country to ensure a solid ethical basis for speaking up. We then published "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President," which became an unprecedented bestseller of its kind, and donated all proceeds from the book to remove conflicts of interest.

How the American Psychiatric Association has reacted to Trump
Meanwhile, the leadership of American Psychiatric Association promulgated the false notion that we cannot know anything about a person without a personal examination — which goes against its own standards since 1980, when observation superseded interviews for diagnosis. Public health interventions, furthermore, do not even require a diagnosis, much less a personal examination. When we continued to speak up, it engaged in public campaigns that included the New York Times, soon after which media inquiries abruptly dried up. The APA thus “disappeared” mental health experts from public view since January 2018, leaving mental health discussions to lay pundits, who regularly underestimated and minimized the president’s dangers.

We knew from speaking and meeting with Congress members at their request, since April 2017, that they were depending on us to “educate the public medically, so that we can do our work politically.” Hence, blocking mental health experts’ voices would come to mean impeding any possibility of intervention, and this is indeed what happened. Yet, according to my scholarly exchanges with author of the 25th Amendment, together with Sen. Birch Bayh, attorney and professor John Feerick — with whom I had the honor to speak at the same conferences — the amendment was written so that “the data would drive the process, and medical professionals are a source of data.” Professor John Rogan, his close collaborator on the 25th Amendment, clarified on another occasion: “physicians have a supererogatory obligation to share specialized knowledge. This is especially important when discussing psychiatric conditions, which may be hard to apprehend.” The vice president, far from being the driver of the process, would be “leaned upon” by the cabinet or the “other body” that Congress can appoint to supplant the cabinet, in response to the data.
Trump’s mental pathology, confirmed - New York Daily News (nydailynews.com)

"The coming weeks and months will be the most dangerous period of this presidency, during which we can expect Donald Trump to go to any lengths to stay in power. The inability of the media to change its coverage significantly and the American Psychiatric Association’s refusal to retract its detrimental “gag rule” have been ominous signs. The abuser of the nation, bloated with entitlement and delusions of impunity over the years, is maximally positioned to threaten the victim who tries to leave the relationship with him".
Dr. Bandy X. Lee is a forensic psychiatrist at the Yale School of Medicine
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Funny, yet not.
Yea, shitface has left a fucking diaster for Biden to deal with & today I read that now, finally fucking now, the Conservatives in the GOP are expressioning concerns over the FUCKING MASSIVE DEBT load that that motherfucking manic has/will leave behind.
Yea, let's bail out the farmers that Trump fucked over with his useless Trade war with China.
Yea, let's spend a fucking trillion $ on a fucking useless military in essence
Yea, let's give billions upon billions in Tax breaks to the fucking richest corporations/people in the fucking World.
Makes sense right?
And now, when a Democrat is about to take over, they want to declare that fiscal responsibility is needed?
I don't want to be crude (yea, I actually do), but suck my massive Irish dick you worthtless Republican cunts.
Absolute bullshit.
Millions upon millions of people are going broke right fucking now due to the effects of COVID-19 & all of a sudden this nation doesn't/can't afford to help them?
It's time for a drink

Ya know he's got a point...
Life could be worse, you could be this poor bastard, gotta love the sunshine state. I see Paul Manafort had a lot of concern shown about his health, he got out in no time over covid.
Florida man to be released early after serving 31 years for nonviolent marijuana crime - CNN

Florida man to be released early after serving 31 years for nonviolent marijuana crime

Richard DeLisi, now 71,  has been incarcerated since 1989.

Richard DeLisi, now 71, has been incarcerated since 1989.

(CNN)A Florida man who has spent 31 years in prison for a nonviolent marijuana crime could soon be a free man.
Richard DeLisi has been incarcerated since 1989 when, at the age of 40, he was convicted on charges of racketeering, trafficking in cannabis and conspiracy after agreeing to help smuggle more than 100 pounds of marijuana from Colombia into Florida. He received a 90-year prison sentence.

His case has received legal support from the Last Prisoner Project, a nonprofit that advocates for ending prison sentences for cannabis offenses. With 31 years in prison, DeLisi is the country's longest-serving nonviolent cannabis prisoner, according to the group.

DeLisi, now 71, could be released from South Bay Correctional Facility as early as December 4, though the exact release day still depends on several factors, according to the Florida Department of Corrections press secretary Kayla McLaughlin.
"It feels amazingly wonderful to know that I will be home with my family and loved ones very soon," DeLisi said in a statement to Last Prisoner Project. "I am grateful to everyone who has been there and helped me along in these long years."
His impending release comes as the American public has increasingly approved decriminalizing and legalizing marijuana for medical and recreational use. Despite that growing acceptance, people like DeLisi remain incarcerated -- some for decades -- for nonviolent drug crimes.

The US has the highest incarceration rate of any country in the world, and 1 in 5 incarcerated people are behind bars for drug crimes, according to the Prison Policy Initiative.

America's system of mass incarceration is also a public health issue during the coronavirus pandemic. With inmates in crowded cells and unable to social distance, prisons have consistently been the site of some of the country's largest Covid-19 outbreaks, infecting inmates, staff and visitors and seeding new outbreaks in their local communities.

DeLisi's age and health problems -- he has asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder and diabetes -- make him a particularly high-risk inmate. The South Bay Correctional Facility where he is being held has had 421 prisoners and 87 staff members test positive for the virus, according to state data.
'Sick indictment of our nation'

According to a website set up for him, he made the agreement to transport the cannabis with an old smuggling friend who was secretly a government informant. DeLisi has not been accused of or convicted of a violent act.

DeLisi's wife, son and both parents died during his time incarcerated. He said he was looking forward to reuniting with his two living children and to holding his five grandchildren for the first time.

"If I could go back to 1988 I would tell my former self to put more value in the time I spend with my family. I have learned that money is something that comes and goes but family is forever. I will take that lesson home with me and I will make the most of every moment I have left on this earth with my wonderful family.

"I am so excited to hug my children and grandchildren. I have missed so many important moments with them and I can't wait to get out there and create precious memories with everyone. I am so thrilled that this dark chapter of my life is finally over."

His daughter Ashley hasn't spent a birthday with him since she was 3 years old. "I just want to hug my dad outside of prison," she said in a statement.

Chiara Juster, the lead attorney and a legal advisor for Last Prisoner Project, expressed disbelief that DeLisi was in prison for so long.

"We participated in decarcerating someone who couldn't deserve it more," she said, calling the lengthy sentence for a nonviolent offense "a sick indictment of our nation."
Paul Manafort: Former Trump campaign manager released from prison - CNNPolitics
Updated 11:17 AM ET, Wed May 13, 2020
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort released from prison due to coronavirus concerns
I gave your post an Angry, but that isn't good enough, I'm fucking disgusted.
In 1981 in NY I had a good friend that I grew up with who was 18 fucking years old & sentenced to 25 years to life for dropping off an ounce of blow for a friend.
He didn't even do cocaine, he was simply helping out a friend.
Fucking destroyed him/his family & me in a fucked up way.
He was a good boy/man but the Rockefeller Law in NY at that time took away his existence.
Fuck drug laws
A person should have their individual right to ingest/do any fucking drug they want in my opinion.
My/their body, the State has no fucking right to tell me what to smoke/snort/inject.
Fuck them
I gave your post an Angry, but that isn't good enough, I'm fucking disgusted.
In 1981 in NY I had a good friend that I grew up with who was 18 fucking years old & sentenced to 25 years to life for dropping off an ounce of blow for a friend.
He didn't even do cocaine, he was simply helping out a friend.
Fucking destroyed him/his family & me in a fucked up way.
He was a good boy/man but the Rockefeller Law in NY at that time took away his existence.
Fuck drug laws
A person should have their individual right to ingest/do any fucking drug they want in my opinion.
My/their body, the State has no fucking right to tell me what to smoke/snort/inject.
Fuck them
The laws were fucking nuts, they probably have the death penalty still in Texas for trafficking pot. There are lots of black people in prison for drug crimes, it became the favorite way to disenfranchise blacks in the south and fuck them over in general everywhere else. Lot's of white folks got caught up and ground into dust too, your friend was lucky it wasn't crack, penalties are higher for that. The democrats with a majority in senate are the only ones who will change this, but don't kid yourself a majority of Americans are fascist. This last election indicated this, all they have to do is put lipstick on the pig and they will be ready to go again with Donald's formula, only with a smile next time. They can legalize pot and treat the addicted (because of oxy and speed), but that would be it.

If they legalized oxy and meth, it would be popular among the Trumpers, pot among the liberals, everybody likes to drink! Think about it though, legalize oxy and meth and a lot of Trumpers will "magically disappear", it will finish what covid started. Those feeling social rejection are particularly vulnerable to opioids, we feel much of the pain of social rejection using the same brain circuits as for physical pain, opioids soothe this. Blacks have felt it's comfort and lately a lot of uneducated white people who are feeling left out of the future and looked down upon, hillbilly heroin. Nobody was worried about treatment when black people were most afflicted, but now a lot of young white folks are dying from addiction and attitudes are changing towards treatment and mitigation.
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Looks like the monster might have got away from the republicans, I hear Donald is coming to the rescue to campaign for those two senators. Wanna bet he spends 90% of the time whining about a rigged election and that he was robbed blah, blah. The Devil going down to Georgia could cause more trouble than they realize. I wonder what Mitch promised him so he would STFU and help in Georgia? Perhaps support to steal the election after Jan 5th? Donald is pretty stupid and very desperate, he wants to believe shit too, Mitch will have to cut his throat eventually, even with his silence. I figure after Donald has been convicted in court, the democrats should impeach him to prevent him from holding future office, throw him in Mitch's lap and watch the base go up in flames. Even if he is doing life, anybody who wanted to get the GOP nomination would have to promise a full pardon to Trump and perhaps make him the VP pick.

The GOP are now controlled by the most racist and radical elements of the party, the base, the "nice" people just go along.
RNC chair faces tough crowd at Georgia campaign stop

At a campaign stop in Marietta, Georgia, Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel attempted to persuade Republicans to vote in the Georgia Senate runoff elections, even as voters expressed ambivalence about expanding "money and work when it's already decided."
Everything tRUmp touches dies. Unemployment will start ending for people starting the day after Christmas and the moratorium on evictions will end on new years eve. Most people seem to be oblivious to what's coming and it won't be pretty. If you want to know what's coming just look to the great depression. Millions of people that haven't even known hunger will find themselves homeless with no safety net. Will the government set up camps or will it be lord of the flies?

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Do yourself a favor and watch the first minute of this video at least, to get an idea of what Trump is leaving Joe, besides a pandemic disaster, a divided nation, a possible war with Iran and a delayed tax increase on working people kicking in, but the rich keep their breaks, winning, MAGA. I call it national sabotage, supported by the republicans and if Mitch can he will do anything he can to impede progress, or any addressing the problems, to do that requires income redistribution and other things he would rather die than see come to pass.
Anand Giridharadas: America Is On A First Date With Biden | The Mehdi Hasan Show

MSNBC Political Analyst Anand Giridharadas joins Mehdi Hasan to discuss uneasiness mixed with cautious optimism among some liberals for President Elect Joe Biden. The Mehdi Hasan Show: Insightful reporting and probing interviews that examine the day's events and provide a deeper level of context for the politics of our interconnected society.
Mehdi Husan is brilliant.
Over 30,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 since Election Day, according to data from the World Health Organization. Outgoing-President Donald J. Trump has spent at least nine of those days at his golf course, Trump National Golf Club in northern Virginia, hitting the green.

Some Republicans consider this to be a clear indicator that Trump is a man of confidence, who knows how to play it cool even as he loses his grip on power......... sure if you say so.

Meanwhile , President Loser continues to putt away.


This year of hell will peak before Christmas as those individuals that chose to travel begin to add to the numbers falling ill and hospitalized.
Over 30,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 since Election Day, according to data from the World Health Organization. Outgoing-President Donald J. Trump has spent at least nine of those days at his golf course, Trump National Golf Club in northern Virginia, hitting the green.

Some Republicans consider this to be a clear indicator that Trump is a man of confidence, who knows how to play it cool even as he loses his grip on power......... sure if you say so.

Meanwhile , President Loser continues to putt away.

View attachment 4755214View attachment 4755215View attachment 4755216View attachment 4755217View attachment 4755218View attachment 4755219View attachment 4755220View attachment 4755221View attachment 4755222

This year of hell will peak before Christmas as those individuals that chose to travel begin to add to the numbers falling ill and hospitalized.
Is it just me, or does it seem like has Trump been grounded to golfing in DC area?
Over 30,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 since Election Day, according to data from the World Health Organization. Outgoing-President Donald J. Trump has spent at least nine of those days at his golf course, Trump National Golf Club in northern Virginia, hitting the green.

Some Republicans consider this to be a clear indicator that Trump is a man of confidence, who knows how to play it cool even as he loses his grip on power......... sure if you say so.

Meanwhile , President Loser continues to putt away.

View attachment 4755214View attachment 4755215View attachment 4755216View attachment 4755217View attachment 4755218View attachment 4755219View attachment 4755220View attachment 4755221View attachment 4755222

This year of hell will peak before Christmas as those individuals that chose to travel begin to add to the numbers falling ill and hospitalized.
Your post should be emailed to every asshole/motherfucking idiot that voted for that POS & ask for a reply.
"I won't have time to play golf"
FUCK HIM & anyone that supports him.
He is a murderer in my opinion & anyone that supports him is an accessory to that.
Simple fucking FACT!!!!!
Update on what this threads title states, which is what "has" Trump done to this Country.
Fuck "has done", it should be what he actually is doing right now & continues to do on a momentary basis.
Did you listen to that lunatic on Fox this morning?
World leaders calling him & supporting his lies about massive fraud in this election?
The guy is a fucking madman & Fox News is happy to peddle his line of shit.
Not only peddle, but to endorse it, spewing garbage & deadly garbage at that.

Fucking Fox "News" is a detriment to America, & that is a sad fucking fact.
They preach bullshit to millions of susceptible fools & think that's cool.
It's not & it's leading to the downfall of America



Fuck Trump & all his followers, they have/will destroy this once proud Nation.
Update on what this threads title states, which is what "has" Trump done to this Country.
Fuck "has done", it should be what he actually is doing right now & continues to do on a momentary basis.
Did you listen to that lunatic on Fox this morning?
World leaders calling him & supporting his lies about massive fraud in this election?
The guy is a fucking madman & Fox News is happy to peddle his line of shit.
Not only peddle, but to endorse it, spewing garbage & deadly garbage at that.

Fucking Fox "News" is a detriment to America, & that is a sad fucking fact.
They preach bullshit to millions of susceptible fools & think that's cool.
It's not & it's leading to the downfall of America

View attachment 4755469

View attachment 4755470

Fuck Trump & all his followers, they have/will destroy this once proud Nation.