What has Trump done to this country?

I'm sad about the covid situation and the chaos this administration has created throughout the world. But it has allowed us to see that we must stick together and call out those crazy individuals or another trump will be along. I tend to spend my money differently now.
IMHO Trump has awakened a sleeping giant, patriots now know how many of these fucking idiots there are in the country and the depths they are willing to go to, 75 million vs 80 million this time around. That's far too close for comfort when you consider who and what Trump is, if they put lipstick on the next pig it will be a different story. Use every weapon fair and foul against them, many will be fighting this fight now, all of them patriots and they have been known to go to extremes too, when they are fighting for the constitution. Patriots are fighting for something bigger than themselves too, much bigger than what the other side is fighting for. Their ranks will include many clever educated people, some of them won't be nice, too many have died.
If Stinky and this pandemic hasn't changed you, you're dead inside. I'll never be the same, I'm not shocked or surprised by peoples cruelty or stupidity but I was wrong about how many of these stupid assholes are out there, there are a lot of them.
Poignant post.
Yea, I was surprised when that moron was elected, but actually was willing to give him a chance despite my deep down inside gut feeling that he would be a fucking fuckup, again.
History has shown that my inner emotions were correct, that yes, he would be a fuckup, forever.
But for almost 1/2 of the counrty to vote in support of this lunatic/madman/liar now, again, is mind-boggling to me.
What the fuck have we become?
A nation almost full of fucking idiots?
This clown act/shit show is what we are?
I guess so.
Very,very sad.
My advice to anyone that is able too, get the fuck out of here now, we're doomed.
Finish school, (if you can afford it) & move
Go to Australia/New Zealand/Ireland/Iceland/Sweden/Canada or even Great Britain (at least you'll have health care)
I'm not kidding, get the fuck out now while you have a chance.
There are lots of black people in prison for drug crimes
They had no fucking other choice.
The system was & still is against them.
They needed to survive & did what they had to do in order to feed themselves & their families.
And you know what that was?
To sell cocaine/heroin/pot to the rich White Boys from the Suburbs that would drive into their neighborhood searching.
Fucking fact
I did it & observed it.
Fuck hiring more cops, invest in the actual needs of the community, such as job training/education (1/2 of my wifes students don't have access to a PC in this time of online learning)
Law & Order?
How about some good old fashioned empathy.
Equal educational opportunity?
Blow me
I've seen what that means & if you live in a low income area, you get shit.
The USA better/has to get it's shit together or we're all going down,
Have a nice day :)
They had no fucking other choice.
The system was & still is against them.
They needed to survive & did what they had to do in order to feed themselves & their families.
And you know what that was?
To sell cocaine/heroin/pot to the rich White Boys from the Suburbs that would drive into their neighborhood searching.
Fucking fact
I did it & observed it.
Fuck hiring more cops, invest in the actual needs of the community, such as job training/education (1/2 of my wifes students don't have access to a PC in this time of online learning)
Law & Order?
How about some good old fashioned empathy.
Equal educational opportunity?
Blow me
I've seen what that means & if you live in a low income area, you get shit.
The USA better/has to get it's shit together or we're all going down,
Have a nice day :)
We just got our first party representing 100% of our nation. It's not a surprise we haven't gotten to societal equity yet. I really look forward to the day that the Republicans have a non-racist/xenophobic/anti-'them' platform and our nation can get make some real progress.
They had no fucking other choice.
The system was & still is against them.
They needed to survive & did what they had to do in order to feed themselves & their families.
And you know what that was?
To sell cocaine/heroin/pot to the rich White Boys from the Suburbs that would drive into their neighborhood searching.
Fucking fact
I did it & observed it.
Fuck hiring more cops, invest in the actual needs of the community, such as job training/education (1/2 of my wifes students don't have access to a PC in this time of online learning)
Law & Order?
How about some good old fashioned empathy.
Equal educational opportunity?
Blow me
I've seen what that means & if you live in a low income area, you get shit.
The USA better/has to get it's shit together or we're all going down,
Have a nice day :)
Drug use rates among black and white people are about the same, but many times more black people are caught and in prison for it, for longer sentences too. Putting anybody in prison for being addicted or dependent on substances is a bad idea to begin with, the younger they are the more there should be intervention and help offered frequently, the longer someone has been addicted (mainly opioids here) and the older they are, they should be left alone and maintained, buying their supply from the government for cost (cheap). A small number of users use most of the opioids and finance their habit through sales, cut them off at the knees, most people who use opioids work and function fine.
Some tips from an ancient master, the politics of today's America is similar to war, social war. Many of these lessons were used against patriots and to fight this war you must think like a warrior, they do. Politics in a liberal democracy requires good will on both sides and a common set of facts. Half the population is biased, forming a tribe with social media, while being feed bullshit confirming biases and enforcing social division. Almost half the country don't care about the constitution or rule of law, the ethos of the nation, the majority of patriots and liberals in general, have no choice but to oppose this.

Joe's people know all about Sun Tzu, more patriots should too, the lessons are easily translated into social warfare, it is a lesson in psychology and human nature.
“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity”
― Sun-Tzu,

“If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected .”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy.”
― Sun Tzu

“Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“Thus we may know that there are five essentials for victory:
1 He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.
2 He will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces.
3 He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks.
4 He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared.
5 He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign.
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard.”
― sun tzu, The Art of War

“Opportunities multiply as they are seized.”
― Sun Tzu
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Parler, the “free speech” Twitter wannabe, explained - Vox

Parler, the “free speech” Twitter wannabe, explained
Conservatives are flocking to a site where they can post things that Facebook and Twitter don’t allow.

In recent weeks, you may have been hearing more about a site called Parler, which conservatives are touting as an alternative to Twitter and Facebook. From Ivanka Trump to the governor of Nebraska, right-wing influencers are asking those frustrated with alleged Big Tech censorship to join them on Parler, a two-year-old app and website that promises free speech online. It’s social media — minus the curation algorithms and content moderation.

Parler, which has been around since 2018, looks at first glance a lot like Twitter and Facebook. Open the app, there are profiles pushing doubt about the 2020 election’s results and declarations that the mainstream tech platforms are targeting free speech. With just a few clicks, it’s easy to find even more extreme right-wing voices and hate speech. Overall, the site appears like an amalgamation of some of the most odious factions of social media, centralized on one platform that’s attracted millions of users.

In the final days of the 2020 election, Parler’s popularity exploded. Searches for “Parler” have surged since late October, and the app saw a spike in downloads after Joe Biden won the White House. Currently, Parler is No. 4 in the news category on the Apple App Store. (At one point in November, the app actually reached the top slot in the App Store, though it’s since fallen significantly in the rankings.) The Washington Post reports that the site now has more than 10 million users, and the company’s COO has said that the user base is continuing to grow by the millions.

These numbers are still small compared to platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, which collectively boast billions of users. But Parler is becoming a topic of conversation on those platforms, too. Between November 10 and 16, Parler reached its highest number of mentions ever on Twitter (1.5 million) according to data collected by Zignal Labs. In the past month, posts mentioning Parler have racked up hundreds of thousands of “Likes” on Facebook.

As it’s grown, Parler has become a way station for hate speech and misinformation that Twitter and Facebook wouldn’t allow. The site is also where many Trump supporters are spreading the false narrative that the 2020 presidential election was rigged. The burgeoning influence of Parler is part of a broader trend of fringe outlets like One America News and Newsmax hoping to reel in an audience of Trump loyalists, especially after he leaves office.

This flurry of post-election attention is not the first time Parler has made the news. Over the summer, Parler started to see new users after Twitter put warning labels on several tweets from President Trump, prompting prominent conservatives to coax their followers into joining the app. Republican Sen. Ted Cruz even posted a video announcing his decision to move to Parler.

But despite the recent attention, some say the rise of Parler fits into the larger history of American conservatives and their relationship with the media.

“This follows a pattern of what the right wing has done [since] the rise of talk radio in the ’80s, and then through live cable TV, and then the rise of social media,” Lawrence Rosenthal, the chair of the University of California Berkeley’s Center for Right-Wing Studies, told Recode. “In each case, what you found is that the right wing gives up on participating in mainstream media and creates an alternative universe.”

Parler is just the latest iteration of this phenomenon, Rosenthal explained.

If Parler is looking to become a real competitor to the social media giants it criticizes, the company still has a very long way to go. While Parler is intent on not moderating much of its content, pressures to do so could grow as its users try to bend the few rules the site does have.

Parler looks and works like Twitter, but there are important differences
When you first sign up for Parler, the site asks for standard information like a phone number and an email address. Parler also provides a list of suggested follows — mostly conservative influencers — and recommended hashtags during the signup process. Once you reach the homepage, the site prompts you to post something (“What’s new?”) and provides an updated inventory of posts and threads from accounts you follow. Some of these accounts are verified, and some use hashtags (which you can search separately).

There’s also a private messaging feature that’s similar to direct messages on Twitter and a “Discover” tab, where Parler features “all of the latest news” from accounts that users don’t already follow. In the “Verification” tab, users are prompted to provide images of a government identification card as well as a selfie in order to earn “Citizen” status on the app.

Parler eschews content curation, and posts from people you follow appear chronologically — not algorithmically sorted as posts appear on Facebook and Twitter. “We do not curate your feed; we do not pretend to be qualified to do so,” state the company’s guidelines. While there are some limitations, like certain illegal activity, Parler’s community guidelines promise users that the platform will be “viewpoint-neutral” and that “removing community members or member-provided content [will] be kept to the absolute minimum.”

Parler emphasizes that it doesn’t have a particular ideological affiliation, but much of the content on the platform is conservative, and the site also has conservative backers. The site also immediately steers new users to conservative voices and content. When Recode started a new account on the site, we were prompted to follow a slew of prominent right-wing personalities and brands, including PragerU, Sen. Ted Cruz, and Dinesh D’Souza.
Trump Has Raised Up To $170 Million Since Election Day: Reports
President Donald Trump has raised between $150 million and $170 million sinceElection Day amid ongoing appeals to supporters as part of his effort toundercut results of the race that saw him lose by millions of votes toPresident-elect Joe Biden, according to several media reports.Both The Washington Post and The New York Times reported details of themassive haul, much of which was raised through small-dollar donations from thepresident's ardent base in the week after the election.But those ...
Read in HuffPost Canada: https://apple.news/Ao0A_hUANQPSmKXBBl2EH3w
Trump Has Raised Up To $170 Million Since Election Day: Reports
President Donald Trump has raised between $150 million and $170 million sinceElection Day amid ongoing appeals to supporters as part of his effort toundercut results of the race that saw him lose by millions of votes toPresident-elect Joe Biden, according to several media reports.Both The Washington Post and The New York Times reported details of themassive haul, much of which was raised through small-dollar donations from thepresident's ardent base in the week after the election.But those ...
Read in HuffPost Canada: https://apple.news/Ao0A_hUANQPSmKXBBl2EH3w
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