Auto flower v normal


Well-Known Member
The main disadvantage to an auto is that you cant clone her

Pros and cons for each photo and autos, harvest weight and potency are just about the same nowadays if not breeders are pretty damn close to closing the gap. Autos can go over 2 pounds dry "link below" and up to 27% thc levels. The largest harvest ive ever pulled was from an auto at 13 ounces dry from one plant, some of the best smoke ive ever grown. They have small 46 day quick harvest autos "ie white dwarf"and what is called "super" autos which can take up to 10 to 12 weeks from seed to harvest.

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Well-Known Member
That's really a misconception. Autoflowers are incredivly resilient. My very first auto was a White Widow in DWC. at 21 days, I accidentally broke the stem at the second node! I taped her up and three days later her stem was healed enough to remove the tape. She stalled for about 10 days. I was growing two of these. The second one gave me 30 grams, the plant I broke? 170 grams! Had other really stressed autos,
( been growing them quite a while ), like the one myy dog pulled completely out of a pot of coco, about ten days old. I replanted it just for the hell of it, didn't expect it to live. Again, the biggest and best producer of the lot.

The trick with training them is start early.

I defoliated this girl about 2 weeks ago. Linda seeds Gorilla Glue auto in a 1 gallon ( 4L ) pot. 44" tall. She's so tall in that little pot I had to tie her to keep her from falling over.

she at about day 50 right now

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You seem to have tried lots of things along the way, I'm curious why you choose not to top your autos? And you mentioned you grow photos too, do you top them?

I started topping a few years ago with outdoor grows, because bugs or mold could hit that giant top cola and I'd lose too much of the plant if that was lost or damaged. Better to spread out the joy. Once I started, I never stopped -- indoors and outdoors, autos and photos -- and I've been consistently happy with the results.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I top, just not always. I also like to see a strain in it's natural form the first time I grow it. I have a smaller tent and I always top in there because of the height limit.

And yeah, I scrog them sometimes too!

Here's on in a cabinet, auto Mazar in about 5L of soil, fed Megacrop.

Mazar auto pic1 -12-2-2020.jpg

You seem to have tried lots of things along the way, I'm curious why you choose not to top your autos? And you mentioned you grow photos too, do you top them?

I started topping a few years ago with outdoor grows, because bugs or mold could hit that giant top cola and I'd lose too much of the plant if that was lost or damaged. Better to spread out the joy. Once I started, I never stopped -- indoors and outdoors, autos and photos -- and I've been consistently happy with the results.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious why you choose not to top your autos?
Autos are going to start flowering on day (example 35) regardless of what you do them. Anything you do to slow down/reduce the amount it vegges will lower yield. Photos on the other hand will flower when you switch to 12/12. So you can top them several times and just keep vegging them out until a single plant fills a 10x10 tent if you want.


Well-Known Member
I know the breeder very well.... they are my own cross. Blueberry Headband x Durrty Dragon ( by Mossy ). These are F7 I'm growing.
think we have misunderstandings , Ii was replying to @Dontjudgeme about he's veak potentcy grown autos..
Not to you my man...

How do you know on what height to put scrog net?
Especially with autos..
I again fcked mines in start..This will be "fun" journey..


Well-Known Member
Autos are going to start flowering on day (example 35) regardless of what you do them. Anything you do to slow down/reduce the amount it vegges will lower yield. Photos on the other hand will flower when you switch to 12/12. So you can top them several times and just keep vegging them out until a single plant fills a 10x10 tent if you want.
So far I've grown about 2 dozen autos over the course of three summers, all outside. I think there was only one plant I didn't top, the rare stunted one that was so small it wasn't worth it. I've only had one react badly, it sort of froze at the topping point and created two very odd round bud structure. The rest reacted exactly like all the photos I've topped over the years, although autos I only cut once after the fourth node for eight main branches, and photos I have topped more than once.

I don't have a point of comparison, I never had two side by side where one was topped and the other not (and two plants from seeds are a vague comparison anyway), but since I've been happy with the results I'm going to keep doing it, at least outdoors. I'm considering growing some indoors, so if I were to setup a small perpetual run I might reconsider it, but for now it's working for me.


Well-Known Member
So far I've grown about 2 dozen autos over the course of three summers, all outside. I think there was only one plant I didn't top, the rare stunted one that was so small it wasn't worth it. I've only had one react badly, it sort of froze at the topping point and created two very odd round bud structure. The rest reacted exactly like all the photos I've topped over the years, although autos I only cut once after the fourth node for eight main branches, and photos I have topped more than once.

I don't have a point of comparison, I never had two side by side where one was topped and the other not (and two plants from seeds are a vague comparison anyway), but since I've been happy with the results I'm going to keep doing it, at least outdoors. I'm considering growing some indoors, so if I were to setup a small perpetual run I might reconsider it, but for now it's working for me.
Oh yeah outdoor is a whole different game.


Well-Known Member
And I can plant enough of my Blue Dragons to do the same thing, Don't need to keep mother plants, don't need a space for clones and being F7 seed, they are pretty uniform. And I could fill that 10x10 space every 70-90 days. And no, manipulating an auto won't usually affect growth or yeild. I scrogged an Auto Ultimate. The early defoliation and super cropping slowed her down, didn't flower till day 43. She completely filled a 4x4 scrog net and yielded just shy of a pound dry. And that was my first scrog attempt.

So if you want to talk autos with me, you'd best know what your talking about. Any kind of plant training you can name, I've done to autos, including mainlining!

Autos are going to start flowering on day (example 35) regardless of what you do them. Anything you do to slow down/reduce the amount it vegges will lower yield. Photos on the other hand will flower when you switch to 12/12. So you can top them several times and just keep vegging them out until a single plant fills a 10x10 tent if you want.


Well-Known Member
And I can plant enough of my Blue Dragons to do the same thing, Don't need to keep mother plants, don't need a space for clones and being F7 seed, they are pretty uniform. And I could fill that 10x10 space every 70-90 days. And no, manipulating an auto won't usually affect growth or yeild. I scrogged an Auto Ultimate. The early defoliation and super cropping slowed her down, didn't flower till day 43. She completely filled a 4x4 scrog net and yielded just shy of a pound dry. And that was my first scrog attempt.

So if you want to talk autos with me, you'd best know what your talking about. Any kind of plant training you can name, I've done to autos, including mainlining!
All this guy does is complain aboit autos in this and the general section and he doesn't even grow them anymore. Did like 3 grows of Fast Buds and now trashes them. Like, what's the point? Move on man XD

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Autos are going to start flowering on day (example 35) regardless of what you do them. Anything you do to slow down/reduce the amount it vegges will lower yield. Photos on the other hand will flower when you switch to 12/12. So you can top them several times and just keep vegging them out until a single plant fills a 10x10 tent if you want.
Not true dude. You can stall flowering using HST/LST to create a more even canopy. This increases veg time and therefore yield.

I have one that preflowered at 15 days old but due to HST and LST I prelonged the veg time by 4 weeks. It got stuck in preflower until I stopped messing with it and let it stretch.

She has been too abused so now she’s 10 weeks old and is in early flower. I’ll grab a picture.


Well-Known Member
And I can plant enough of my Blue Dragons to do the same thing, Don't need to keep mother plants, don't need a space for clones and being F7 seed, they are pretty uniform. And I could fill that 10x10 space every 70-90 days. And no, manipulating an auto won't usually affect growth or yeild. I scrogged an Auto Ultimate. The early defoliation and super cropping slowed her down, didn't flower till day 43. She completely filled a 4x4 scrog net and yielded just shy of a pound dry. And that was my first scrog attempt.

So if you want to talk autos with me, you'd best know what your talking about. Any kind of plant training you can name, I've done to autos, including mainlining!

Reading your post I came to this conclusion I think its about genetics..
Because I had autos (mostly ) mephisto that had their flowering clock set up at 21st day.. And If I fckd up my seedling / veg stage, final result would be pretty bunk..

SO I think you both are right!


Well-Known Member
Every genetic variant is going to react differently, otherwise, it's similar to stereotyping people, we can't assume they are all the same. But a good percentage will respond well to even extreme training. LST can be something as simple as bending a plant over sideways and letting the branches grow upward. I did that with a big, Sativa photo in greenhouse. Even bent over 18" above the raised bed, the branches grew to 5 feet tall, I'f I added the top to the length I bent over, she'd have been 10 ft tall! It was a nice harvest from a small greenhouse! She took up 1/2 of my 8'x10'x8' greenhouse!

Reading your post I came to this conclusion I think its about genetics..
Because I had autos (mostly ) mephisto that had their flowering clock set up at 21st day.. And If I fckd up my seedling / veg stage, final result would be pretty bunk..

SO I think you both are right!


Well-Known Member
I judge how high to place the screen by the breeder's description of potential height, or by having grown them before. With unknown strains, I place them on the high side, I'd rather not fill a screen than having bud climbing the wall. Average screenheight is 12". Or see how far the plant can bend over just before flowering stretch starts, that's how high you want it!
think we have misunderstandings , Ii was replying to @Dontjudgeme about he's veak potentcy grown autos..
Not to you my man...

How do you know on what height to put scrog net?
Especially with autos..
I again fcked mines in start..This will be "fun" journey..

That's ok, and I was just filling in about my dragons, not meant as a retort. We good!
think we have misunderstandings , Ii was replying to @Dontjudgeme about he's veak potentcy grown autos..
Not to you my man...

How do you know on what height to put scrog net?
Especially with autos..
I again fcked mines in start..This will be "fun" journey..