Any freakshow growers around? What sort of phenotypes have you had?

What you are looking at is likely a triploid plant that has been self-pollinated.
so just that you know that triploid plants cannot form seeds through meiosis... technically impossible...

Did you grow this plant yourself or did you just post the 6th pic that comes from google image search?
it's from your link above... to show it's Cannabis and not some fern
I just wonder how the buds do develop with that particular strain - if that particular leaf-type is changing the game somehow... With them, the plant actually looses some ability to bring the leaves into an optimal 90° angle towards the mainlightsource - but it could mean more light is reaching the inner parts of the plant... well, in the pic I've posted that wasn't the case - bud development seemed to have been rather lackluster.... so let's how you are fareing with this special plant... I'll be watching this curiousily :weed:
I ended up killing the weakest looking out of 3 females, because it was taking so much room and did not look like it would be making much bud or would be flowering for a year if it were to produce much of anything lol.

Here is the best looking one at about 6 weeks of 12/12:


Im not sure if the soft stems are due to genetics or because there havent been strong enough wind to harden them, but its funny, the plant almost feels like a vine. Those leafs grab onto everything and gets tangled up, and im sure that in suitable environment outside, it would end up tangling onto other plants and likely use them as a support lol. Pretty much all the stems bent at 90 degree angle and one of them got bent pretty badly(right after i took this pic) because the bud on it had too much weight on it. But its properly supported now and the plant did not seem to mind.

Next to it you can see a clone of the same plant that i started spraying with colloidal silver and hoping to make selfed seeds from it and also to pollinate something else with it. I have a third clone of it also and am planning to keep it alive and breed with it maybe some more.

Here is the second best looking one at around 5 weeks of 12/12:


I dont think this one will make as good buds as the other one, looks like it will be some very loose stuff you cant properly tell whats flower and whats leaf. But it does look like it might get quite frosty, but has not started frosting up as well as the other, yet..

Here are some bud shots of the better looking one bit under 7 weeks of 12/12:




Its funny i only recently started to realise whats going on with the bud structure. It makes these reaaaaaaally tiny calyxes that all seem to grow in a pattern that those calyxes grow that are going to foxtail tons, you know push tons of hairs out of single calyx and then start to foxtail from it. This seems to be full of that sort of small calyxes. You can feel that there is air in it, but not much and the buds do feel quite heavy, pretty much as heavy as dense nugs of same size.

Its definitely not a big yielder, but big yields were not my aim in the first place, but unique growing experience(and smoke) and something weird to start breeding with for fun. It does seem like its going to be really strong.

For me growing it has been a fun experience thus far and this particular pheno does look like i hit the jack pot on it. If someone wanted to grow for selling or for growing big yields for himself, i would not recommend this strain. But for those who want something exotic and different, well this is definitely worth it, no doubt. Because how little this produces, i dont think that you will ever be able to buy this from a dispensary, and if you can it will cost like hell. So if you want to smoke some, you will have to grow some or make your friend grow some :D
what kind of smells are you getting

Sorry i missed your question. Kinda hard to describe the smells. Perhaps it wouldnt be too far off if i said kinda like mountain dew with some red bull mixed, one with lavender(the fluffier one) smell on top of them and one having more berry in there instead lavender. But definitely not a typical berry smell.


So i decided to harvest these the other day. The fluffier few days earlier, because it started losing hair and overall looking like its going to die. Sadly it did not develop as much resin as it looked like its going to. I tasted very little of it and it didnt seem as weak as it looks. They did spend their days half in semi shadow, because other plants started getting too big and im not sure if its because of that, that they seemed to have more trichomes when growing than now and seemed like they wanted to die before pushing that last wave of trichomes :/ I think i might try harvesting very early next time to see if that works better. Most of the trichomes are on leafs and leafs develop milky trichomes all the time. It doesent seem like there is more milky now than when it was growing at some points, but i was kinda running out of room and they seemed like it was their time and they seemed to start growing stems on buds, so they had to go.

Heres some pics of the better pheno:




Some Freakshow F2 seeds:

Fluffier one before harvest:



These pale green dots look like they might had been starts of pollen sacks, but upon closer look they seemed more like died off callyxes that had dropped the hair and just stopped growing at where the bud should be growing.

This is the cut of Freakshow I have: (It's not fastbuds.)

Nice grow @CannaOnerStar

I'm keeping the cut for novelty, not sure if I'll flower it... more to give out to people so they can have a plant that looks like cannabis, that isn't cannabis, but it REALLY IS cannabis.
Sadly the other one i tried to treat with colloidal silver did not start to produce male flowers :/ I guess i started a bit too late and have noticed that this particular cutting has strong female flowering genes. I have one cutting(now a full grown plant) of it still and it tries to flower at 20/4 light, a bit too small pot might make it worse, but its almost looking like some early strain in how much it tries to flower..

Now that i have smoked most of these and they have been curing for a while i can give some sort of smoke review about this. First i should mention that it might be hard for me to tell apart all nuances, because i have been smoking daily few other strains also.

These two phenos have so different type of highs, taste and scent that ill give a smoke review about them separately. Also keep in mind that there might be very different phenos out there if these two are so different.

Fluffier pheno:

Very strong lavender smell with a hint of mint and kinda like chocolaty. Really unique and nice(some might not like). Doesent really smell like normal much weed at all, more like lavender or some other similar smelling herb than weed.

Smoking you can get more peppery taste, mint will come out stronger and these in combination with the strong lavender kinda starts to taste like coca cola. A bit more of weed taste starts to come through, but its more like minty peppery lavender than ends up resembling coca cola plant.

High is weird. Very unlike normal weed, extremely clear headed and it feels like it clears your head even if you were stoned from other weed first. It gives the euphoria and calming effect, but at the same time increases focus and makes it easier to be active. Almost like taking a very mall microdose of shrooms on top of smoking a little hybrid weed. Almost kinda like when mixing a lot of CBD weed with regular weed, but not quite the same. From what i have read about THCV, it seems like it could have lots of it, but impossible to say because i never smoked weed im sure is high in THCV.. Not very potent, but the clear headed high is not just about it being too weak to get you stoned, but there clearly are some cannabinoids or terpenes that do the clear headedness, as it can clear away stonedness from other strains and still gives normal amounts of euphoria and some other aspects of being high.

"Better" pheno:

Extremely nice smell, easily the best i have come across, same with the taste. Its smell has some of that top notch old school skunk scent, but its not too skunky. On top you have a strong like banana strawberry soda smell with blueberries and a hint of mountain dew like smell and some mango. Very sweet and fruity smell with some of that skunky goodness in the bottom. Very low coughing and easy to smoke, tastes quite similar to what it smells like. Because its so easy to smoke, you want to take bigger hits and then you get more of that extremely good taste. Very good on the smoking department all around.

High on it is nice sativa leaning, doesent feel different from normal strains in terms of high, like the other pheno does. Chill, but not too stoned sativa high. Not the strongest one, but not too weak for daily smoker either. Because its easy to smoke more than most other strains and because it tastes so good, i think it easily makes up for it not being, not the strongest one, but its still strong enough for a daily smoker.

Nice grow CannaOnerStar

I'm keeping the cut for novelty, not sure if I'll flower it... more to give out to people so they can have a plant that looks like cannabis, that isn't cannabis, but it REALLY IS cannabis.

Thanks. Im sure i could had done better. They had a bit too small pots and i fed them nutes by trying to see what they might need instead of following some schedule, mainly because they were put in sort of pseudo supersoil, which they ate all food from at some point. I have a cutting taken from the better pheno still alive. Ill likely put it in large autopot and feed it better than this earlier one at some point :)

I highly recommend flowering out yours! And saving another cutting of it