Random Jabber Jibber thread

I bought that album in a record store with the paper intact in 1984. I tried to use it, but it ripped instantly because it was too old.

Fortunately there were plenty of soda cans laying about in those days.
If you mix it with tobacco and batshit, it might stay lit. Not sure.

I was rolling with Colorado brown weed. 1000 seeds in an ounce.

I figured out how to get my son to reply to a text right away.

KPIG airs the surf report along the central coast today is a danger day.

My text:
High wave warnings till 9pm out of the NW

20 min later via face time "dude, we just did 2 sets the last one held me down about 15 seconds longer then I like".
"We had enough."

LOL smart kid.