Compound HQ's Grows

Beautiful setup and awesome journal. Throughout all these grows is there 1 strain you've continuously ran? What's the best strain you've grown in this room that "ticks all the boxes"?
Beautiful setup and awesome journal. Throughout all these grows is there 1 strain you've continuously ran? What's the best strain you've grown in this room that "ticks all the boxes"?
Thanks!..Id say Ethos Orange Kush Cake. I started from seed 2 years ago and continually hunted down the best mothers. I like the structure of the plant, yield, tolerance to the environment, it doesn't get crazy hairy, very predictable stretch, and this is the 4th generation of clones from the mothers. A very close 2nd is Dosi Whoa!... same scenario, great yielder, and we're on the 3rd generation of that strain.
The worst we've tried growing is Kosher Sorbet.. terrible yield, grows very stringy, does not take heat well at all, and is very sensitive to nutes.
OKC, and DW can take 1000ppm from clone very easily, and up to 1400ppm during flower.
10th Planet is looking to be a winner as well. So our next set of clones getting rooted out for the next run are 10th Planet, Dosi, and OKC.
We tried Ethos Grape Diamonds this round, and its no good either. I had 2 plants from a mother I still have that came out good, but 90% of the others were crap.
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@DoubleAtotheRON Rigth on Man! Does the Orang Kush Cake have really dense hard nugs? From the photos she's definitely a heavy yielder with bag appeal too.
Pretty much everything we have in there right now made very dense nugs. I got a few 10th Planets that made colas as big as a RedBull can, but taller, and hard as a rock. ... very pleased so far with this run. We just need good labs now, and we'll be in the clear!
I'm rereading this journal from the begining... think I missed a few things on the first go.

On first couple pages you mentioned you lost 10% of the run due to not having enough time/man power to harvest in time and they died on the vine. I'm not following what happen here?
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I'm rereading this journal from the begging... think I missed a few things on the first go.

On first couple pages you mentioned you lost 10% of the run due to not having enough time/man power to harvest in time and they died on the vine. I'm not following what happen here?
That's correct. We had 121 plants going on that run. We simply ran out of time/manpower to take it down, and it died on the vine. Had to shit can them. We have figured out that 72 plants is optimum for our setup. Too many plants in too small of a space is disastrous. We actually doubled our yield by cutting back on the number of plants.. well, we added a CO2 generator also, but the moral to the story is TRAINING!. You can get a lot more with alot less if you train your plants to grow laterally rather than just straight up. So like on the past couple of grows, I will spend alot of time tying down leaders... AND, I adjust those as the grow goes along. The current grow that is being taken down prob has about 1500, 6" wire ties spreading these ladies legs apart as much as possible. So during the first 3 weeks of flower, that's all I do is tie and weave into the net. Making sure I have no leaders getting ahead of any others. That's why the canopy is so flat, even with 3 different strains going.
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I read you're 3 runs in without any pest or PM. I can see everything is clean and sterile but what product or products are you using as a preventative?
I read you're 3 runs in without any pest or PM. I can see everything is clean and sterile but what product or products are you using as a preventative?
We are 6 runs in.. We have had a couple of bouts of Fungus Gnats, but they are more annoying than anything. We put a BTI in our tank to kill out the larvae. As far as PM, Botrytis, etc. Lucky enough, we only failed for mold labs once. Since then, by the excellent advise of @Renfro, we installed an AirROS generator. It releases H203 at 30 PPB (with a B) to kill out any pathogens, mold, bacteria, etc. It was a $5000 machine, but hell, we lost 10x's that much on the summer experimental grow due to mold. Had to sell it to processors for dirt cheap.
Oh!. and also by the advise of @Renfro, a great product that we use is Physan20. We clean our dehuye coils, AC coils, floor, trays, etc.. we even hose our shoes and pant legs down with it before we enter the room with a pump up sprayer. It's really cheap on Amazon. A little goes a loooong ways. An operation this size might run you $40 a year.
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Yeah Renfro provides awesome advice. I've literally done searches just to read random comments he makes across the forums. I've followed that AirROS thread. Its in the cards for the future but I've gotta finish off my build and recoup some of my investment first. Here in Canada the comparable product and locally made is by a company called Air Sniper.

Physan20 is awesome stuff and cheap, also running Microbal Lift BTI in my rez... works like a charm.
Well, here we go! This is gonna take a straight minute to take down. We’ll post final weight as soon as possible. LETS HAVE ANOTHER CONTEST!... Closest guess gets a Compound HQ T-shirt!. For reference, there are 74 plants in there. Post your guesses!

I don't know...34 lbs is my wild guess. Looking great!
We delayed a day to start, but got all the main colas on tray 1 down today. Gonna get tray 2 mains tomorrow. Tray 1 secondaries are gonna bake for another week and a half or so.. It’ll probably be mid to low shelf, shake, or go to processors , we’ll have to see, but hey, it’s money. I can tell you already we are going to have to run more lines in the dry room, we’re quickly going to run out of room by tomorrow, which tells me this is going to be a bumper crop. Sorry for the crappy pics, I think the lens along with everything else is covered in resin.

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We delayed a day to start, but got all the main colas on tray 1 down today. Gonna get tray 2 mains tomorrow. Tray 1 secondaries are gonna bake for another week and a half or so.. It’ll probably be mid to low shelf, shake, or go to processors , we’ll have to see, but hey, it’s money. I can tell you already we are going to have to run more lines in the dry room, we’re quickly going to run out of room by tomorrow, which tells me this is going to be a bumper crop. Sorry for the crappy pics, I think the lens along with everything else is covered in resin.

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Fucking kilkin it bro!! Looks great and the resin on the lense only means the room must be full of frost monsters!