ill be fine in purgatory spectating both sides arguing. getting shot in no man's land will make the news for sure.
The facts are clear and the situation unambiguous, Trump is a sociopathic moron who turned most of the republican party into an image of himself, the rest went along out of cowardice. If they have no courage, they have no character, one cannot exist without the other. Donald doesn't have courage, he just discounts the future to a pathological degree, or is too stupid to calculate it's implications, he's been like that his entire life, a life of repeated failure.
The most important thing for you to remember here is there are 300,000 dead Americans and over 3000 dead a day, why? Why does America have over twice as many cases as India and over 25% of the world's covid deaths? The richest most prepare country in the world failed because Trump failed to lead or even care and his supporters failed themselves and fellow citizens, betrayed them in fact. What happened in America constitutes a crime against humanity, on the southern border with children and refugees. Also in the mass second degree murder of American citizens for misguided and malicious political purposes, this can be proven with Trump and others like republican state officials are guilty of manslaughter.
Donald Trump committed mass second degree murder through malicious incompetence and dereliction of duty, not to see that clearly is to be blinded by biases. Perhaps the UN and world court need to intervene, since we are talking about crimes against humanity. Some people appear to be caught up in the weeds and are concerned with bullshit and fail to comprehend the totality of the situation or the death toll.