What brand is the soil you used for the transplant?
Is it the same soil that was used in the 1 gallon pots?
Looks like a classic N problem.
If it was me I'd give it a dose of your synthetic ferts one time to see if it recovered quickly or not, something that is for N like if you had the GH trio I would give it 200 or 300 PPM's of the grow bottle to see if it has an affect.
I'd water near the trunk to get the water to the roots feeling that the roots may not have spread yet into the new soil.
If the new soil is fertile it should have started benefitting the plant after 10 days but it does not seem to be doing that.
Another thought. If that new soil is heavy in peat moss it is best to hydrate it 1st before transplanting. Hydrophobic peat is a bitch to get hydrated. Most newly purchased soils won't have this problem but if you had an old bag of soil or purchase one that is hydrophobic it's best to hydrate it before doing a transplant.