Random Jabber Jibber thread

Vacuum and a toothbrush is what use to clean the blower. Mind you, you have to stand on your head to clean it.
Yeah they put the thing in the worst possible place in my unit. My efforts yesterday were unsuccessful, so sometime soon I hope to be tearing the thing down....Which is ok, then I can look everything over and clean it good. My flame needs some adjustment too...wish I had a manometer. One thing about wood...It was dependable!

Today was doing favors for others...Ugh! I think I am gonna do something I haven't in a very long time...go soak in the tub! With vaporizier and cold drink!!
Yeah they put the thing in the worst possible place in my unit. My efforts yesterday were unsuccessful, so sometime soon I hope to be tearing the thing down....Which is ok, then I can look everything over and clean it good. My flame needs some adjustment too...wish I had a manometer. One thing about wood...It was dependable!

Today was doing favors for others...Ugh! I think I am gonna do something I haven't in a very long time...go soak in the tub! With vaporizer and cold drink!!

Damn, we've got a new Jacuzzi tub & I've been looking for an excuse to indulge myself.
And I found my Vape since we moved.

Hope I don't drowned.
Damn, we've got a new Jacuzzi tub & I've been looking for an excuse to indulge myself.
And I found my Vape since we moved.

Hope I don't drowned.
IMG_20201229_221006.jpgI put this one in about 15 years ago and used to use it all the time. I'd roll a fat joint, a cold drink ,grab a magazine, maybe a plate of cheese and crackers and I'd soak in there till I turned into a prune. I don't think I've used it in three or four years. I'm starting to smell though, LOL
My Dad died this morning.

Please excuse me while I self medicate.

We have all had those moments when we want to cry but we have to put on a  smile. Good thing for this little girl she is… [Video] | Cute funny pics,