Globilization...The Future!


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah. I don't know why people can't just barter in the first place. Get rid of all this paper currency bull shit.

Hell... get rid of all currency and just barter materials.


Well-Known Member
No money=no power. How else do you keep people enslaved? Best way is to give people value-less currency, and let them believe they're the rulers of their own destiny.


Hell yeah. I don't know why people can't just barter in the first place. Get rid of all this paper currency bull shit.

Hell... get rid of all currency and just barter materials.

the problem is most people dont produce ANYTHING... not even arts/crafts... americans are consumers, not producers... it will get damn interesting when it gets to that point.... glad i live in the country...


Well-Known Member
I hope that we are all being paranoid because if not 2009 will be a year not soon forgotten by anyone.


Well-Known Member
I hope that we are all being paranoid because if not 2009 will be a year not soon forgotten by anyone.
I'm sure massive global food shortages, and a collapsed global economy/introduction of global currency will be easily forgotten. :grin:

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
A plea to the sane...STOP READING RIGHT NOW!! This type of thread is driving me crazy. Are you all so drugged up that you truly believe that which you are spouting? I know marijuana is purported to make users paranoid, but this is just too extreme. One world police states bent on controlling every aspect of an individuals life? Puhlease you cannot be serious. Get sober for a while, maybe work at a job, have a family and think outside of a cloud of smoke. Unless you believe in planetary civil war, this can NEVER even hope to happen in your life time, or your childrens, or their childrens, or theirs, ad infinitum. We can't even agree in one particular town never mind on a global scale. There are not enough soldiers who'd be willing to kill their own families to make something like that remotely possible. To all you people out there who feel it's neccessary to spread doom and gloom prophesies, STOP GETTING ALL YOUR SUPPOSED FACTS FROM WEBSITES!! Civilization will go on. 2 things might possibly end it, 1) a cosmic catastrophe, or 2) too many of yourselves with fingers near buttons who will kill us all off. Relax, breathe, and live life. Stop trying to work yourselves up to the end of days.


Well-Known Member
well Hitler got his soldiers and killed a fuck load of jews and many other people, its easier than you thing buddy.. history repeats its self.... well "wannabe grower" the government has done its job of brain washing you to believe something like this will not happen for hundreds of years... just remember this post when your chillin in the bread lines lol


well Hitler got his soldiers and killed a fuck load of jews and many other people, its easier than you thing buddy.. history repeats its self.... well "wannabe grower" the government has done its job of brain washing you to believe something like this will not happen for hundreds of years... just remember this post when your chillin in the bread lines lol

or gettin shot at by one of us prepared people for tryin to rob our garden:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
well Hitler got his soldiers and killed a fuck load of jews and many other people, its easier than you thing buddy.. history repeats its self.... well "wannabe grower" the government has done its job of brain washing you to believe something like this will not happen for hundreds of years... just remember this post when your chillin in the bread lines lol
hahah funny shit man, hes another sheep let him graze the grass bongsmilie :p


Well-Known Member
As a response to Wannabe Grower this thread is not about doom & gloom or the end of days. I simply wanted people's opinions & theories on globilization. If you don't believe a one world financial system or government is possible I encourage you to look more deeply into the subject. I believe Barack Obama has a piece on his views towards this concept. I thank you for posting your feelings & hope to hear more from you.


As a response to Wannabe Grower this thread is not about doom & gloom or the end of days. I simply wanted people's opinions & theories on globilization. If you don't believe a one world financial system or government is possible I encourage you to look more deeply into the subject. I believe Barack Obama has a piece on his views towards this concept. I thank you for posting your feelings & hope to hear more from you.

+rep for handling that politely:clap:.... now tell em how you really feel:-P


Well-Known Member
Thanx gogrow! I'm really neutral about the whole thing. I feel as though this could be a very positive thing for humanity, but there are some things could go very bad if they are incorrectly handled by government or even societies worldwide. I think a one world currency could work well if it's done properly & accepted by the people.


Thanx gogrow! I'm really neutral about the whole thing. I feel as though this could be a very positive thing for humanity, but there are some things could go very bad if they are incorrectly handled by government or even societies worldwide. I think a one world currency could work well if it's done properly & accepted by the people.

my views are more biblical based.... but from outside that standpoint, it would never work... unless you believe that people are all goodhearted and only want the world to "get along and be one"... impossible; but it sounds good, so people will go along with the idea; not realizing that the people up top responsible for it dont give a shit about anyone but themselves and furthering their already obnoxious wealth.... and your welcome; polite handling of impolite people is a skill rarely seen these days; especially on the internet


Well-Known Member
A very solid point you make & I can't disagree one bit, but I sure wish I could. I like to think that the "light" of the world can see through the "dark". You are correct that these could be the days of great misleading, but I will do my best to speak only truth.


A very solid point you make & I can't disagree one bit, but I sure wish I could. I like to think that the "light" of the world can see through the "dark". You are correct that these could be the days of great misleading, but I will do my best to speak only truth.

i imagine we would all like to think that... i wish people were good; i tend to trust most of em anyway:wall:.... but that is not the case... especially people in power... power corrupts; absolute power...... im sure you know; now power is money, money is power; the banks are who will be running the NWO; they're the ones that will fund it.... the more research i do, (not just conspiracy theories either) the more i want to be in the dark... cant call any of it fact without faith though, but the coincedences are just too many to be ignored....


Well-Known Member
fuck. you guys are scaring me. do you have to be 21 to buy handguns in texas? also, are there any other states where you can buy guns without registering and getting a background check? are there any particular models that are recommended?


Well-Known Member
A plea to the sane...STOP READING RIGHT NOW!! This type of thread is driving me crazy. Are you all so drugged up that you truly believe that which you are spouting? I know marijuana is purported to make users paranoid, but this is just too extreme. One world police states bent on controlling every aspect of an individuals life? Puhlease you cannot be serious. Get sober for a while, maybe work at a job, have a family and think outside of a cloud of smoke. Unless you believe in planetary civil war, this can NEVER even hope to happen in your life time, or your childrens, or their childrens, or theirs, ad infinitum. We can't even agree in one particular town never mind on a global scale. There are not enough soldiers who'd be willing to kill their own families to make something like that remotely possible. To all you people out there who feel it's neccessary to spread doom and gloom prophesies, STOP GETTING ALL YOUR SUPPOSED FACTS FROM WEBSITES!! Civilization will go on. 2 things might possibly end it, 1) a cosmic catastrophe, or 2) too many of yourselves with fingers near buttons who will kill us all off. Relax, breathe, and live life. Stop trying to work yourselves up to the end of days.

Milgram experiment. Look it up...ah hell, I know you're too much of an elitist prick to do so, so i've done the work for you.

Milgram experiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Soilders will attack their fellow countrymen if ordered. Not all of them, but there are alot who will. Are you that naive to think you're in control? If so you're the exact type of person they're banking that we'll all be. "Nooooooo it could never ever happen...Like ever" Face it...they don't care about us, and governments have been fucking it's people over for centuries.

This is not a new concept.

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
Hey Chicken Little "the sky is falling, the sky is falling", and Boy who cried Wolf, guess what you were right even though you lied the first couple times.

BagelThief, you're right to be scared just look at how easy it is to get people to believe that bread lines are right around the corner, and you'll need guns to defend your property, and bartering will be a needed skill soon.

I take exception to the person (gogrow) who said I was impolite. I was not swearing or degrading any individuals. I was stating my opinion.

Dank, you seem to be a reasonable person. You initiated this thread as well. Not sure of what you were looking for by doing it, but you sure have solidified in my thinking who I will trust in the future if things go horribly wrong. It won't be people who smoke pot, or go on the internet and spout off random snippets of info that they've read.

Why don't all you people learn how to SEE what's going on instead of being told what you should be thinking by others who you wish to emulate. Get some facts, learn about human nature, make some conclusions.

SICC I know you like "sheep" look at all the people who read your threads and "follow" you. You MUST be a damn shepard.

If you're too ignorant to think for yourselves I don't know what else to tell you that will help. I truly am sorry for the way you all feel.