Globilization...The Future!


Well-Known Member
wannabe, iv always thought this was a possibility. the reason i said they were scarring me is because i didnt know it was a possibility this would happen so soon. i am no sheep, and i didnt read all these threads, then get the idea to stockpile on guns and food etc. iv always had the inclination to move out to the country, get a few 3KW wind mills, and have plenty of weapons for defense. im getting scarred because if this were to happen anytime soon (next 5 years) then I, like a lot of people, would be fucked. i dont have the money for my big plan yet. so thanks for your concern, but iv always stood shoulder to shoulder with all these people you call "paranoid". yea, maybe we all are paranoid. so fucking what. like i said, even though it might not happen, the possibility is still there (i bet if you told the jews 10 years before they got gassed what was going to happen to them, a lot of them would have shrugged it off just like you), and possibility is a damn good of a reason for me to be concerned and prepared. if it did happen, and you were wrong, you would feel pretty stupid right before you died of starvation or a gun shot wound.

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
I can grow my own food, I know how to store it over winter, I have weapons for both hunting and/or defense. I know enough people and family to survive. I just am of the opinion that it will not come to that. However, if it does, suffice it to say I am prepared to deal with it. Hell, I'll make snares and pit traps and fish with a sharpened stick if needs be. It just isn't going to happen that way. I give up on you guys. Seriously. Good night, and good luck.


Well-Known Member
we the people will not let this happen i believe. theres militia, theres die hard constitutionist, theres crazy motherfuckers like me whod just love a chance to make some homade "devices". they cant control the local populace of poor ass iraq they cant control us. wolverines!


Hey Chicken Little "the sky is falling, the sky is falling", and Boy who cried Wolf, guess what you were right even though you lied the first couple times.

BagelThief, you're right to be scared just look at how easy it is to get people to believe that bread lines are right around the corner, and you'll need guns to defend your property, and bartering will be a needed skill soon.

I take exception to the person (gogrow) who said I was impolite. I was not swearing or degrading any individuals. I was stating my opinion.

Dank, you seem to be a reasonable person. You initiated this thread as well. Not sure of what you were looking for by doing it, but you sure have solidified in my thinking who I will trust in the future if things go horribly wrong. It won't be people who smoke pot, or go on the internet and spout off random snippets of info that they've read.

Why don't all you people learn how to SEE what's going on instead of being told what you should be thinking by others who you wish to emulate. Get some facts, learn about human nature, make some conclusions.

SICC I know you like "sheep" look at all the people who read your threads and "follow" you. You MUST be a damn shepard.

If you're too ignorant to think for yourselves I don't know what else to tell you that will help. I truly am sorry for the way you all feel.

state your opinion all you want bro.... but where the fuck did i say you were impolite... putting words in my mouth is impolite; so please, go re-read my post... i gave props to dfunk for his extremely politely worded post, nothing else....


Well-Known Member
I'm glad to hear you are prepared Wannabe Grower. I used to be a boyscout & that was our motto. I think as long as people are prepared for the worst then things should work out alright. I see your an "elite" member gogrow - that's awesome - how did you achieve that? Anyone else with some views on the NWO/globilization?


Well-Known Member
I'm getting to a point where i'm happy in my life.. so surely teh world is ending.. and if it is, all I can say is fuckin bring it on

No sence in digging holes and hiding in corners or under the bed.. let's form wild packs of roaving maniacs and go fuck some shit

I call supreme over-lord


Well-Known Member
That's the spirit!(LOL)I think people are dwelling on negatives too much. This could be possibly the most exciting time in human history yet. We should feel fortunate & embrace the changes with a clear mind.


I'm glad to hear you are prepared Wannabe Grower. I used to be a boyscout & that was our motto. I think as long as people are prepared for the worst then things should work out alright. I see your an "elite" member gogrow - that's awesome - how did you achieve that? Anyone else with some views on the NWO/globilization?

us "elite" members are nothing but members who have paid subscriptions to riu cause we feel the need to help with the financial aspect of the site... costs money to keep this site running... if you would like to be elite also, go into "my rollitup" and look on the left; click on "paid subscriptions" and its in there... look forward to seein an elite tag next to your name.... its only 5 bucks:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
That's the spirit!(LOL)I think people are dwelling on negatives too much. This could be possibly the most exciting time in human history yet. We should feel fortunate & embrace the changes with a clear mind.

oh, I wasnt pickin.. im accepting applications for the first major pack of wild roaving humans.. just send it to my PO box, i'll get my secretary to pick 'em up, look through 'em.. just because you don;tget a call back right away, doesnt mean your application has been thrown out teh window.. we have a very delicate filing system, so as my minions parish under me, I can keep replacing 'em..

for those of you accepted in the backdoorman's pack of wild roaving maniacs will receive an official letter stating that you are a member of BDMWRM... your own jacket (once you buy it of course.. ), a patch to be sown on in any fashion you like.. if you cant do it yourself, just bring 'em down to the office and we'll have someone handle it..

also, you'll receive a pamplet with a list of goodies that are available to purchase from our online catalouge, along with a disclaimer I'm gonna need you to sign..

nothing really.. mainly for you know.. corporate upstairs.. just staing you know.. should you suffer any phsyical damage, emotinal trauma, or death while being a member of BDMWRM, that you know.. it's not our fault and all.. like I said, it's nothing really..

apply today at your local KFC, Mcdonalds, and Stewart farms supply.. Also, please donate a minimum of 5 dollars for the christmas party this year.. thank you.. :blsmoke:


oh, I wasnt pickin.. im accepting applications for the first major pack of wild roaving humans.. just send it to my PO box, i'll get my secretary to pick 'em up, look through 'em.. just because you don;tget a call back right away, doesnt mean your application has been thrown out teh window.. we have a very delicate filing system, so as my minions parish under me, I can keep replacing 'em..

for those of you accepted in the backdoorman's pack of wild roaving maniacs will receive an official letter stating that you are a member of BDMWRM... your own jacket (once you buy it of course.. ), a patch to be sown on in any fashion you like.. if you cant do it yourself, just bring 'em down to the office and we'll have someone handle it..

also, you'll receive a pamplet with a list of goodies that are available to purchase from our online catalouge, along with a disclaimer I'm gonna need you to sign..

nothing really.. mainly for you know.. corporate upstairs.. just staing you know.. should you suffer any phsyical damage, emotinal trauma, or death while being a member of BDMWRM, that you know.. it's not our fault and all.. like I said, it's nothing really..

apply today at your local KFC, Mcdonalds, and Stewart farms supply.. Also, please donate a minimum of 5 dollars for the christmas party this year.. thank you.. :blsmoke:

:lol::clap: +rep, if i can; glad you're in a good mood this morning bro.


Well-Known Member
Socialism is ineffective on a national scale what makes you believe that it suddenly becomes effective on a Global scale? A free society is a prosperous society . . . .


Well-Known Member
:lol::clap: +rep, if i can; glad you're in a good mood this morning bro.

lmfao.. I'm glad you appreciated that.. I'm feeling alot better this morning.. thanks.. how're you and yours doin?

I'm still disappointed as a motherfucker my ride fuckin bailed on.. fuckin COCK man.. I swear when I see that fucker i'mma punch him right in his dick


Well-Known Member
Thanx for that info. gogrow...I would love to give back to a website that has given me so much. I will have to figure something out because I do not have a bank account or credit card. Thanx for the laugh BackDoorMan - keep it crazy(lol). To NewGrowth I wasn't saying that global socialism would be a positive thing...just seems that's the case.


Thanx for that info. gogrow...I would love to give back to a website that has given me so much. I will have to figure something out because I do not have a bank account or credit card. Thanx for the laugh BackDoorMan - keep it crazy(lol). To NewGrowth I wasn't saying that global socialism would be a positive thing...just seems that's the case.

olny accepting money orders now.... so as long as you have cash and a way to town, you too can become elite:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
That's awesome...I'll have to wait till next week as my transportation isn't functioning properly, but when I can it's a done deal! Is it possible to contribute more than $5?