Skipping the germination and going straight to the soil

Sure proper moisture and temp in soil and air. Don't use soil that have alot of nutrients.
Edit. When I say alot of nutrients, I mean hich ec.
It's not bad at all. I always go straight to soil. There is no need to germinate in paper towels. Think about it. Damp paper towel or damp soil? Moisture is moisture. That's what makes a seed sprout.
How moist should it be?I poured like few large droplets (my plaint is inside a solo cup)
I myself like to soak them before planting them. I like to seed the seed is viable vs waiting.... I wait until I see the tip just starting to pop out of the seed, and then I get a toothpick, or similar, and poke a small hole into the top of my premoistened, not soaked Promix BX, and plant them tip down. Cover with 1/10th in soil. Enough to not spray away, and hold moisture, but not to much.

I usually use 18oz- 24oz cups, or 32oz Deli Containers from Uline.
I then get some Saran Wrap, and spray one side, and put that side on top of the cups, pull tight, and then spray the tops of the Saran Wrap for added weight.

I like to keep the temps 72f-82f, and I put a 1000w HID/Hortilux HPS over top of them at 2 feet in a 4 x 4 area. Theyre usually up 1-3 days after planting. I also keep fresh air flowing.

But it all works. I grew for years using Jiffy 7 pellets, and had all but 100% success.
A big thing is keeping them warm, and humid, not planting them to deep, and dont drown them, but do keep them moist. I usually spray mine lightly, but as soon as the break the surface, Ill spray the crap out of them, then Ill use a small bottle, and water by hand after that. I also feed from the first watering that they break the soil. 10% strength, and they get food every watering. This is if using chemicals, and Promix BX/HP as they have nothing in them except a bit of Calcitic/Dolomitic Lime.
How moist should it be?I poured like few large droplets (my plaint is inside a solo cup)

You can water them in and then just keep the top of the soil damp using a sprayer. Make sure they are in a warm location.

Going to be hard to skip germination unless its a clone lol

Why? I never pre-germinate seeds. Straight to soil with usually 100% success rate.

These were all straight to soil with no germination. Paper towels belong in the kitchen or bathroom for cleaning up spills or drying your hands.



LoL when did paper towels get Greek and not usable doing germination? U wanna do it a way fine, but don't shit on another way just cause it doesn't fit u.
The reason to use paper towel would be for once, to know if it is a dud or not.

Edit. And I'm pretty sure legilizeit were joking x)
You can water them in and then just keep the top of the soil damp using a sprayer. Make sure they are in a warm location.

Why? I never pre-germinate seeds. Straight to soil with usually 100% success rate.

These were all straight to soil with no germination. Paper towels belong in the kitchen or bathroom for cleaning up spills or drying your hands.



Apparently you don't live in a farming community.
I constantly see the farmers out in their fields, moist paper towels in hand, individually placing each seed in its pre-soaked, heated, humidity controlled rows...