Random Jabber Jibber thread

Me and my BIG mouth. Yesterday I complained to the Amazon seller that shipped my ebike motor for not telling me it was being shipped signature required.

They "fixed it" for me buy having it sent to an access point. I have no idea where that is, but a quick internet search shows the closest one about 9 miles away. UPS would have just re-delivered it today, but the numbfuck decided to help me by sending it somewhere and not telling me where...So brilliant.

I sent them a few choice words, and quite honestly might not even go pick it up....It's like if you are that incompetent do i really want to do business with you?

The good news is, the plowing is done, and I have burritos :P
Lol I’ll take it, I can build a bike with it and sell it for 2x the price with only 30 minutes labor

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We've received a little over 1.6" of rain so far and we are still getting showers today. 48 degrees and not getting much warmer, however the wind has backed off a lot. Got some good sleep last night as opposed to the night before.
Got a 20% off coupon from Ace hardware, good timing to go get some wood to repair the fence.
Still not buying an I phone.

I'm not either, screw Iphones.....over priced pos....
Still not buying an I phone.

That's not a phone..... it's a I touch