Loudmouth Trumptard Christians who HATE THE POOR!

On the whole, homeschool kids are more intelligent and well adjusted than public school kids. They also don’t have the fucked up tribal tendencies that public schooled kids do. Maybe you’re scared your kids will learn something profoundly intelligent from them? Maybe they question why their parent is so small minded? You seem worried about something.
That's largely accurate. Good post.
Here’s the kicker: I grew up poor, and have had shit happen where I had no place to go but the hatchback of my car. I have plenty of experience with being poor. What I didn’t do is ask for handouts or discounts because poor, thats actually disrespectful to a person, and it erodes self worth to take said handouts and fake discounts. I kept plugging away until I found a shitty little construction job, worked up to framing, and got life under way like an adult. I now own my own home, and have a good job in an automotive shop. My kids know the value of working and the hidden agendas behind the welfare state and “discounts” for the poor. You’re free to have your opinion, why shit on your neighbors just to feel superior? It’s kinda pathetic.
What a shame you didn't care about yourself. Kudos on getting that righted.

Sometimes people need help, and Christianity DEMANDS you help them.

Does the massive corporate welfare, which far exceeds social welfare, also ruffle your feathers?

Discussing something is not "shitting on," feeling superior is not remotely the aim (are you disputing me so you can feel superior???), and I seriously doubt you feel actual pathos for me. Seems you have a pot calling the kettle black problem.

Thanks for participating.
Wrong answer, The Sequel.
1) I'm both self- and other-important. That's being well-rounded.
2) Everyone should be a cunt when appropriate.
3) I'm extremely grounded. Having an opinion about the interesting behavior of my bonehead neighbor is pretty far from grandiose delusion. It's just life.
4) You sure have found a lot of deep meaning in a few short posts of mine. What, exactly, is self-intellect? Is it anything like, uh, intellect? I've extremely intelligent, as clearly evidenced both on paper and in the results I've produced for generations. If that upsets you, tough shit. Deal with it.
5) I relish interacting with those who have different views than mine - THAT is largely what makes life interesting and prosperous. Your outrageous overstatement is hilariously untrue. I do, however, have a limit to how much sheer idiocy I can endure, and Mr. Doesn't Understand Hemispheres and Seasons Despite Being on the Motherfucking School Board has found that limit.
6) Again, for the record, I actually like the guy. Were he not such a moron, I'd like him much more.


I love your ability to willfully ignore the forest for the trees, lol. Your posts prove everything I posted. You just can’t stand being judged for judging people. That puts you firmly in the hypocrite category.
Have a good one, time to go homeschool my well adjusted, non judgemental, highly intelligent kids.
Political & religious? How can I not stop by -

Christians? The ones who fed poor people to lions? Those ones?

I think people should just start identifying with God rather than separating with category.

I have a rosary, don't shoot me pls :bigjoint:
1) Bleedover. Many subjects touch upon multiple topics.
2) I don't need anything from your imaginary god. Life is perfect. When you pray to nothing, tell our imaginary god to suck my fat cock. Nothing fails like prayer. It has never worked once.
3) The burden of proof is on the glassy-eyed flock, not on those with a lick o' sense. You, despite having zero evidence, are the one making hilariously outlandish claims. Perhaps you should limit yourself to worrying about whether a post is in the exact right forum - at least those things actually EXIST.
4) Did I mention that your god can suck my fat cock?
God loves you. I can’t stand your ignorant, self righteousness but God loves you.

I’m a gun toting democrat btw. If you want to make it political.

Trumptards aren’t Christians. Those are contradictory terms.

That’s cute and all, but your child is your responsibility, it’s child abuse in all 50 states to let your kid go hungry. There’s always a flip side to the coin. Many kids only eat at school, that’s why school lunch programs were kept going. If you don’t properly care for your kids, you need to not have kids. Children become your only responsibility, not having a cell phone, Netflix, Amazon, or any of that other shit these people have that they put in front of feeding their kids. To let them be raised by parents that don’t care is barbaric.
That’s cute and all, but your child is your responsibility, it’s child abuse in all 50 states to let your kid go hungry. There’s always a flip side to the coin. Many kids only eat at school, that’s why school lunch programs were kept going. If you don’t properly care for your kids, you need to not have kids. Children become your only responsibility, not having a cell phone, Netflix, Amazon, or any of that other shit these people have that they put in front of feeding their kids. To let them be raised by parents that don’t care is barbaric.

to throw away a perfectly good meal because child's account isn't up to par is child abuse as well imo.
How do you feel about homosexuality?
I don't feel anything about it - It doesn't move me.

I myself am not gay and I find it funny if a gay dude is flirty. I've bought gay dudes drinks and they have brought me to female friends after laughing about how fucking gay they are and how straight I am. They are people too - not like they are going to attack. People can do whatever they want

* I have met a few gay people that are douche bags. But that's not because they are gay that's because they are Douche Bags.
I don't feel anything about it - It doesn't move me.

I myself am not gay and I find it funny if a gay dude is flirty. I've bought gay dudes drinks and they have brought me to female friends after laughing about how fucking gay they are and how straight I am. They are people too - not like they are going to attack. People can do whatever they want

* I have met a few gay people that are douche bags. But that's not because they are gay that's because they are Douche Bags.
todays Trumplican party says we have to dehumanize and hate any one different than our fellow parish members?

Are you not following dear leader?:bigjoint:
What a shame you didn't care about yourself. Kudos on getting that righted.

Sometimes people need help, and Christianity DEMANDS you help them.

Does the massive corporate welfare, which far exceeds social welfare, also ruffle your feathers?

Discussing something is not "shitting on," feeling superior is not remotely the aim (are you disputing me so you can feel superior???), and I seriously doubt you feel actual pathos for me. Seems you have a pot calling the kettle black problem.

Thanks for participating.
Christianity demands NOTHING of you. There’s really only one requirement man. I don’t think you get that part.

Humans are sinful. They’ll act in such a matter until they have a feeling of change.

I’m Christian, maybe not the best one but we all fall short and it’s ok.

Humans change for a myriad of reasons. You’ve heard about foxhole Christians I’m sure.

I love all spiritual people as they generally have a peaceful manner. Not always, we’re only human after all.

People who don’t help when they can, will pay in one way or another. If only we could watch karma in action.
Political & religious? How can I not stop by -

Christians? The ones who fed poor people to lions? Those ones?

I think people should just start identifying with God rather than separating with category.

I have a rosary, don't shoot me pls :bigjoint:
You hit it on the head, organized religion has led to most atrocities in our history. I was in the religion hating group before I understood that organized religion is the problem. I found an answer in a really odd place, hall of fame defensive lineman Reggie White. He talked about a personal relationship with god, that’s where it’s at. Some churchy people can be overbearing, but it’s not a faith wide problem.
Now I really have to get my ass to the school room. Have a good one everybody, trumptards, blue commies, and patriots alike.
todays Trumplican party says we have to dehumanize and hate any one different than our fellow parish members?

Are you not following dear leader?:bigjoint:
what is up with you guys pinning Trump on me? Even deleting my comments where I said he smokes mids like that's going to change the fact I don't like the guy. Whatever ; if that's all ya got ~ Peace
I don't feel anything about it - It doesn't move me.

I myself am not gay and I find it funny if a gay dude is flirty. I've bought gay dudes drinks and they have brought me to female friends after laughing about how fucking gay they are and how straight I am. They are people too - not like they are going to attack. People can do whatever they want

* I have met a few gay people that are douche bags. But that's not because they are gay that's because they are Douche Bags.
You should feel complimented IMHO. Just asking because I got the homophobic vibe from you.