What has Trump done to this country?

Ya know what I really don't get/understand/comprehend?
Is why all these dumb as fuck/miscreants/Republicans orbit around a man that was a registered Democrat for most of his life (Yea, he actually was :( )
He has absolutely nothing in fucking commen with them
Why do they admire a slumlord/failure?
I just don't fucking get it
Republicans don’t like trump. They like the votes they get from his base of deplorables.
One of the best ways to get the news...
Returning To Norms: Biden Rips Putin In Tough Phone Call, Immediately Releases Details

I watch the Late Show every night right after The Daily Show. That's where I get all the hoary details about US politics in a user-friendly format. lol

I get the hard news daily from PBS Newshour, Democracy Now! and BBS World News America.

The Late Show tonight was all about Biden and Harris's previous interviews etc. For sure both have made mistakes along the way but both admit to those mistakes and will continue to do so as they make more.

I really believe that 'Merica has lucked out with this combo and now we'll finally see the swamps getting drained.

I found the new national spokesman for the GOP.

The Lone Ranger would have never used the 'N' word. Tonto would have scalped him while he slept! ;)

Come on guys. The Dumpster has had a hard time so we should all just relax and let him off with time served.

I just can't believe all these ReTrumplicans are still thinking like that! WTF is wrong with their internal wiring?

They are supposed to be the 'Patriot Party'! What part of being patriotic is the last 4 years? Lies upon lies and endorsed by 'patriots' for tRumps whole term? Then to endorse the same f'n lies while a true Patriot takes over.

Mark my words that Joseph Robinette Biden will prove to be one of the best presidents the US has seen since Kennedy who was cut short before his potential was revealed. With his hot as hell and hugely competent running mate Kamala Devi Harris they will bring back the greatness that tRump destroyed in a short but seemingly endless 4 years of total uselessness and corruption.

The reTrumplican party is dead but like the dinosaur it is the message hasn't hit the tiny little brain yet so it staggers on crushing any hopes in it's path. Why can't Mitch just grow a pair and drive that 50 cal slug thru it's brain and save us all more needless carnage.

Once all the evidence is compiled and revealed in the upcoming indictment of tRump's 2nd impeachment ANY republican vote against his indictment should be grounds for dismissal. Patriots? Don't make me laugh.

Here’s What Happens to a Conspiracy-Driven Party - POLITICO

Here’s What Happens to a Conspiracy-Driven Party
The modern GOP isn't the first party to embrace huge conspiracies. But the lessons should be sobering.

This 1856 political cartoon, titled “The Morning After the Election, November 1856,” depicts the responses of the three candidates to the results of the election. Winning Democrat James Buchanan sits reading the returns of the election while newspaper editors approach from the left. Behind them the defeated Republican candidate John C. Fremont rides off into the West. To the right the second defeated candidate, Millard Fillmore, laments his fall into "Know-Nothingism."

Digital Public Library of America

The rise of QAnon beliefs in Republican politics has been treated with a degree of shock: How could a fringe Internet conspiracy theory have worked its way into the heart of a major political party? The ideas behind the QAnon movement are lurid, about pedophilia and Satan worship and a coming violent “storm,” but the impact is real: Many of the pro-Trump Capitol insurrectionists were QAnon supporters, as is at least one elected Republican in Congress.

As tempting as it to take the rise of conspiracy theories as a singular mark of a partisan internet-fueled age, however, there’s nothing particularly modern or unique about what is happening now. To the contrary. Conspiracy theories as they say, are as American as apple pie — as are their entanglement with nativist politics.

Those currents have usually flowed beneath the surface, but for a time in the middle of the 19th century, they broke out into the open, powering a major political movement that dominated state governments, ensconced itself in the House of Representatives and became a credible force in presidential elections. The American Party, popularly referred to as the “Know Nothings,” may not have seized the White House, but its story bears an uncanny resemblance to what’s happening within today’s Republican Party.

The sudden implosion of the Know Nothings should also serve as a warning to Republicans that the forces that have propelled them to the apex of American politics, helping Donald Trump win the White House, can also tear them apart, leaving barely a trace. The Know Nothings today are a barely remembered footnote to American history; if it continues on its current path, today’s version could end much the same.
Much like QAnon, the Know Nothings started life as a secretive cabal convinced that the country was being controlled by an even more secretive cabal — and much like Trump-era Republicans, their anxieties were rooted in a country that seemed to be changing around them.

In the late 1840s, the United States was being flooded with immigrants, in this case from Ireland. The arrival of hundreds of thousands of poor Irish Catholics led to a rise of political groups in New York, Boston, Baltimore and Philadelphia convinced that these immigrants could form a fifth column taking direction from the Pope. Under orders from Rome, the theory went, these immigrants would undo American democracy and steal jobs from hard-working native citizens whose economic prospects were hardly secure even in the best of times.

Though these groups had actual names, such as the Order of the Star Spangled Banner, their membership at first was guarded and secretive. Asked about their views and political plans, members would reply only: “I know nothing.” The nickname was born.

Fringe movements need both oxygen and fuel. The panic over an influx of Irish-Catholics was the oxygen, and the fuel was provided by the break-up of one of the two major American political parties, the Whigs, after 1850. The Whig Party was never a coherent coalition, and when it finally cracked under the weight of North-South division over slavery, the Know Nothings suddenly emerged from the shadows to become a viable political force.
Well, Trump's entire defense team just quit.

Apparently, those fine, reputable, top notch lawyers were not willing to throw their entire careers under the bus by arguing a debunked, mass voter fraud defense.

So 9 days before the impeachment trial starts, Trump has no defense team.

Unless you count all the Republican Senators, that is.
Here’s What Happens to a Conspiracy-Driven Party - POLITICO

Here’s What Happens to a Conspiracy-Driven Party
The modern GOP isn't the first party to embrace huge conspiracies. But the lessons should be sobering.

This 1856 political cartoon, titled “The Morning After the Election, November 1856,” depicts the responses of the three candidates to the results of the election. Winning Democrat James Buchanan sits reading the returns of the election while newspaper editors approach from the left. Behind them the defeated Republican candidate John C. Fremont rides off into the West. To the right the second defeated candidate, Millard Fillmore, laments his fall into Know-Nothingism.

Digital Public Library of America

Might I remind you of the 4 years of thoroughly debunked Russian conspiracies that has held you and the rest of the Dems hostage since 2016?

TDS is real and some of ya'll need some serious help.
Might I remind you of the 4 years of thoroughly debunked Russian conspiracies that has held you and the rest of the Dems hostage since 2016?

TDS is real and some of ya'll need some serious help.
Yep, TDS is a problem among the Trumpers, seems to go along with a poor grasp on reality and deplorable moral judgement. Imagine how stupid you'd have to be to believe Trump, though racism and bigotry do make people that dumb apparently. Here is a typical Trump supporter, a raging case of TDS alright.
BTW: Did ya have fun at the Capital?
