People that own cats grow better weed

Shadow says good day!
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Good day 2 Beautiful Shadow!

See I knew u were really cool awesome; it's why we but heads over dumb things. My apologies Mister Who. +100 for the Tuxedo on his throne and also on a name like Thumby. This word is stuck in my head now I think I will use it too many times today.

My kitty holds no bars on her bad days - maybe u forgive her claws...

Hope everyone has a nice Monday & conquers their weeks challenges - :eyesmoke: :peace:
Ferrets are fun pets :)
Had a ferret when I was a kid, people I used to take pets home and nurse them, don't remember, but I do remember the ferret when I was 12, also a chicken I had at my nans, it would jump up on my grandads knee.and help himself to his bacon and eggs, wierd chicken that one.
Ferrets are very smelly and Iive in a flat. Not that that matters I suppose, a cat seems cool in that I don't have to run around too much after it, just get it's needles and stuff and see what happens.
I've been going through what pet to get (Covid gets ya lonesome)from Ravens to Parrots, reptiles to fish, first ones are to messy and remind me of my ex ( drama ffs) second one is expensive,
HAHA talk about options. So ur ex was messy & dramatic? Sounds like a movie...
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