Loudmouth Trumptard Christians who HATE THE POOR!

Wowzers! An actual reply apparently written by a human and at least somewhat relevant to the matter at hand. Mad props! We should have you stuffed.

OTOH, the quality of the reply is, well, lacking.

No, that was not the point, but it may well be true that heathens are morally superior. The point is that it's a a thunderous orgasm of hypocrisy to be going on and on about Jebus and such while also shitting on a, if not THE, primary tenet of the institution. It would be like the head of the DEA cooking speed. There's only so much hypocrisy one can stomach before having to fight off the Family Guy-style projectile vomiting.

As for atheists being morally superior:
1) Why pick out atheists? I've not claimed to be one. There is an ocean of possibilities other than Christianity and atheism.
2) It's a complicated matter. We'd need, for starters, an operational definition of morally superior, and that alone is awfully problematic. Some think it's morally upstanding to join the military; others, like those who rightly claim that unjust war is THE ULTIMATE CRIME, are of an opposite inclination. Some think using cannabis is deathly immoral. And so on.........
3) My experience and that of many others has found heathens to be both intellectually and morally superior to The Flock, and by a wide margin. I've seen Christians do a lot of truly wicked and deplorable things.
4) To be fair, I've seen many Christians who were very kind and busted their asses helping the poor, but all too often it's done as an inroad to add to the flock. Those who truly help the poor with no strings attached good faith are largely assets to our society, but guess what? They are NOT THE FUCKING SUBJECTS OF THIS FUCKING THREAD!
Wait you’ve got what kind of degree? And it’s “mad props” from you?
hehehe no
I've been on since the beginning. I've certainly heard of sock puppets, and that was people who registered an alter ego for apparent support like Mitt Romney did on Twitter. The specific term "socks" was not familiar to me, though. I did actually Google both socks (which obviously went poorly) and socks meaning slang (not much better) before posting that.

Your point has merit - given my experience on the interwebs, you'd think I'd be familiar.
The beginning? As in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth?
You’re on ignore.
I actually agreed with your assessment in the first couple of posts you made. But then your true “15 year old boy with too much free time” self became obvious.

Nice try slugger. Better luck next time.
Hmmm.....this one is interesting:
1) You were right to agree. The posts are valid.
2) What, exactly, suggested to you I'm in my mid teens? I bet you cant cough up a valid answer. As a larf, I'll refer to my spreadsheet for something I actually did at age 15. Wow...a good one, too - 11/28/83. The British Are Coming Benefit for Ronnie Lane. Eric Clapton. Jeff Beck. JIMMY FUCKING PAGE! Many others. My first concert with a girl. Yowza!
3) What is wrong with having too much free time? One would think it's a cardinal aspect of a life well-executed. I tend to be quite busy with many interests, but in the dead of winter I sometimes have some extra killin' time. Can you rationally explain why that is contemptible?
I think yowza is an incel.
This is where the phenomenon of internet forum mob mentality gets especially fascinating. One gets medical diagnoses from strangers based on almost nothing. One gets speculations about their sex life. One wonders why someone would spend a second of their one (uh, sorry, Hindus) precious life bringing such into the world. The grotesque gyrations to which people will stoop in order to avoid engaging issues is almost hypnotic to behold.

Nope, not an incel. Committed relationship that hits 20 years this month. Raunch factor high. Constant female companionship since age 14. I'm tall, white, strong, brilliant, bold, insightful, moneyed-up, resourceful, considerate, skilled, confident, capable, dual-brained, interesting, effective, loyal, reliable, innovative, enlightened, amicable, deadly, and find the female sexual response to be natures greatest miracle.

It's hard to fail with that arsenal.

Oh, and I'm a great listener.
Wait you’ve got what kind of degree? And it’s “mad props” from you?
hehehe no
A doctorate in clinical psyc and a master's in both soci and CJ. Given another go at it, I would have proceeded differently - that was largely a waste of time.

Whaddaya gots against mad props?

No, hahaha yes. The mad props were extended and can't be undone.
Hmmm.....this one is interesting:
1) You were right to agree. The posts are valid.
2) What, exactly, suggested to you I'm in my mid teens? I bet you cant cough up a valid answer. As a larf, I'll refer to my spreadsheet for something I actually did at age 15. Wow...a good one, too - 11/28/83. The British Are Coming Benefit for Ronnie Lane. Eric Clapton. Jeff Beck. JIMMY FUCKING PAGE! Many others. My first concert with a girl. Yowza!
3) What is wrong with having too much free time? One would think it's a cardinal aspect of a life well-executed. I tend to be quite busy with many interests, but in the dead of winter I sometimes have some extra killin' time. Can you rationally explain why that is contemptible?
You misunderstood me. I don’t resent that you have free time to spend. I resent you spending it here.
The beginning? As in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth?
You’re on ignore.
Egad man, is the concept of context foreign to you? We're discussing THE INTERNET, dude, not the universe. Stop it. Just stop it. No need to senselessly be a dick.

Ignore is for cowards. But, have it your way. Good luck with all those tragedies of yours.
You misunderstood me. I don’t resent that you have free time to spend. I resent you spending it here.
LOL, good answer, but that was kindasorta understood. I didn't think you were resentful of me playing my guitar.

You have, mildly, the gift of wit. I like your avatar (I actually named a pet after Ricky). I like Canada and Canadians.

By "here" do you mean on this par-tickler forum or RIU as a whole?
LOL, good answer, but that was kindasorta understood. I didn't think you were resentful of me playing my guitar.

You have, mildly, the gift of wit. I like your avatar (I actually named a pet after Ricky). I like Canada and Canadians.

By "here" do you mean on this par-tickler forum or RIU as a whole?
Carry on for as long as you want, I honestly don’t care. I’m sure you take yourself more seriously than I take you.
Hmmm.....this one is interesting:
1) You were right to agree. The posts are valid.
2) What, exactly, suggested to you I'm in my mid teens? I bet you cant cough up a valid answer. As a larf, I'll refer to my spreadsheet for something I actually did at age 15. Wow...a good one, too - 11/28/83. The British Are Coming Benefit for Ronnie Lane. Eric Clapton. Jeff Beck. JIMMY FUCKING PAGE! Many others. My first concert with a girl. Yowza!
3) What is wrong with having too much free time? One would think it's a cardinal aspect of a life well-executed. I tend to be quite busy with many interests, but in the dead of winter I sometimes have some extra killin' time. Can you rationally explain why that is contemptible?

Dallas ehh
Egad man, is the concept of context foreign to you? We're discussing THE INTERNET, dude, not the universe. Stop it. Just stop it. No need to senselessly be a dick.

Ignore is for cowards. But, have it your way. Good luck with all those tragedies of yours.
Ignore is for people who are boring. You should write a book about yourself, it's your favorite subject. Granted the book will be boring to everybody else but you will love it.