Loudmouth Trumptard Christians who HATE THE POOR!

1) Ah, you're one of those astute souls who think a few paragraphs is somehow the equivalent of War and Peace, eh? Perhaps Twitter is more your speed. Word haters are a trip. Complex issues often require more than 280 characters. It is my goal to never waste one syllable and the amount of money I've put in the bank both writing and editing suggests I've largely succeeded.
2) Yes, I can read. In fact, my reading skills are absolute top-notch with perfect scores on both the verbal SAT and GRE.
3) I'm pretty sure that was not "all" you wrote. Don't abuse starkly absolute words.
4) Why should one who ignores me be exempt from commentary? Why should ANYTHING be exempt from commentary? Why would anyone even want that?
5) Isn't referring to my writing as "garbage" judging me? What did I miss? You actually contradicted yourself within a single sentence and threw in a painfully erroneous comma in the middle to confirm your idiocy.
6) Yeah, it makes sense - you're not too sharp. Good luck with that.
This is where the phenomenon of internet forum mob mentality gets especially fascinating. One gets medical diagnoses from strangers based on almost nothing. One gets speculations about their sex life. One wonders why someone would spend a second of their one (uh, sorry, Hindus) precious life bringing such into the world. The grotesque gyrations to which people will stoop in order to avoid engaging issues is almost hypnotic to behold.

Nope, not an incel. Committed relationship that hits 20 years this month. Raunch factor high. Constant female companionship since age 14. I'm tall, white, strong, brilliant, bold, insightful, moneyed-up, resourceful, considerate, skilled, confident, capable, dual-brained, interesting, effective, loyal, reliable, innovative, enlightened, amicable, deadly, and find the female sexual response to be natures greatest miracle.

It's hard to fail with that arsenal.

Oh, and I'm a great listener.
1. I've always found medical diagnosis on internet forums to be helpful, it's certainly given me choices my doctor never suggested.
2. As a retired person I have plenty of spare time to fill, no need to work, 2 hours exercise a day is the most i can manage, COVID has put a halt to my recreational travel, there's only so much time I can read books, watch movies, listen to music in a day.
3. After 20 years in a relationship, there can't be much attraction left (I had a 30 year relationship, and after the first 10 years she wasn't attractive to me), she will have put on a lot of weight and sagging flesh, I'm amazed you can still get it up for her, well done. But at age 65, will have to agree with you, I've had a woman in my bed nearly every night since age 23 (you started younger than me), but unlike you, with me it wasn't always the same woman.
4. Female sexual response (excluding the first year of the relationship), you give them money and they reluctantly fuck you for it ......... not really that much of a miracle IMHO. Now if they provided you with a house and spending money while you sat at home drinking/lunching with your pals all day, and wanted sex with you every night, THAT would be a miracle!

Thank god for cannabis and alcohol!
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1. I've always found medical diagnosis on internet forums to be helpful, it's certainly given me choices my doctor never suggested.
2. As a retired person I have plenty of spare time to fill, no need to work, 2 hours exercise a day is the most i can manage, COVID has put a halt to my recreational travel, there's only so much time I can read books, watch movies, listen to music in a day.
3. After 20 years in a relationship, there can't be much attraction left, she will have put on a lot of weight and sagging flesh, I'm amazed you can still get it up for her, well done. But at age 65, will have to agree with you, I've had a woman in my bed nearly every night since age 23 (you started younger than me), but unlike you with me it wasn't always the same woman.
4. Female sexual response (excluding the first year of the relationship), you give them money and they reluctantly fuck you for it ......... not really that much of a miracle IMHO. Now if they provided you with a house and spending money while you sat at home drinking/lunching with your pals all day, THAT would be a miracle!
1. If you take advice from some stoner over the Internet, then let natural selection take it's course, lol.

2. I don't need to work either. That's what I have a wife for.

3. We've been together for over 20 years, but I can still remember her as a 17 year old hottie. And let just say there's always ways to keep shit spicy. Just gotta get creative. I better shut up now or this is gonna get X-Rated.

4. Well, miracles do happen. I'm living proof, lol. I'm an above average lover I guess.
Who doesn't hate the poor?

Female sexual response (excluding the first year of the relationship), you give them money and they reluctantly fuck you for it ......... not really that much of a miracle IMHO.

2/2. this is good shit.

If I adopt this mentality of urs maybe I will have a relationship as long as u guys. Clearly there is a trend here:bigjoint:
Thank god for cannabis and alcohol!


yes! Surely without cannabis and Alcohol u may as very well still be a virgin :bigjoint:

I think it was an old rap song; but with cannabis going legal and all the growing going on it applies in the modern day you can simply replace the word ‘crack’ with ‘cannabis’

‘ I know a lot of brothas who still be virgins if crack never came out ! ‘
Ignore is for people who are boring. You should write a book about yourself, it's your favorite subject. Granted the book will be boring to everybody else but you will love it.
1) I seriously doubt the ignore function was invented primarily as a safeguard against boredom.
2) Again, I have written a book about (but not wholly about, or course) myself. It's done very well and it's a hoot.
3) I am one of my favorite subjects. Why? Many consider me very interesting. It's obviously a subjective matter, though, and I wouldn't want it any other way.
4) Well-written books tend heavily not to be boring to "everybody." Beware windbags like this guy who abuse starkly absolute terms like "everybody." Our superb language has a word at the ready to honorably describe most any situation. The only reasons for abuse of starkly absolute terms are insanity, idiocy, and dishonesty. Strive to be EARNEST and ACCURATE in your communications. Words mean things. That matters.
5) It is a veritable orgasm of arrogance and idiocy to claim to speak for the world. Wise people have a switch in their brains making such folly profoundly impossible. You are not everybody. Many people have liked my writing for decades and it's put a lot of money in the bank.
6) You seem to find me sufficiently interesting to reliably reply to my posts. Actions speak louder than words.
7) Ya find me interesting? I wish ya the best. Ya find me boring? I wish ya the best.
Anyone seen Mr X lately?

3. After 20 years in a relationship, there can't be much attraction left (I had a 30 year relationship, and after the first 10 years she wasn't attractive to me), she will have put on a lot of weight and sagging flesh, I'm amazed you can still get it up for her, well done. But at age 65, will have to agree with you, I've had a woman in my bed nearly every night since age 23 (you started younger than me), but unlike you, with me it wasn't always the same woman.
Wrong. "Can't" is a real big word, Holmes. And, it most certainly wasn't always the same woman, LOL - there's a lot of years between mid teens and mid thirties.

We started in our 30's, math sez we're now in our 50's. After reading the superb books by the tragically late, great Neil Peart, we were astonished to learn that he, in a very effortful and challenging process, completely relearned to play the drums despite already being heavily regarded at the best in the world.

My mate was so impressed that she, despite being very proficient in the womanly arts, emulated The Professor and relearned most everything, right down to the perfect foot massage. The blowjobs, fantastic before, are now bordering on incredible. Her culinary skills, plenty serviceable before, are now of artiste proportions. That's just for starters.

It's a truly beautiful thing when people continually evolve, and tragically few manage that. Stagnation and complacency seem to be the rule as people fritter their lives away staring into sad, tiny smartphone screens. Yeah, we get old and flesh sags, but that's life. The most important sex organ remains between the ears, not between the legs, and the pains of aging can be greatly offset by the delight of truly connecting with and getting to deeply know another, a process requiring years of mindful attention.

Blowing a big load into a lady you actually have deep respect for is a glorious feeling.

4. Female sexual response (excluding the first year of the relationship), you give them money and they reluctantly fuck you for it ......... not really that much of a miracle IMHO. Now if they provided you with a house and spending money while you sat at home drinking/lunching with your pals all day, and wanted sex with you every night, THAT would be a miracle!

Yikes! Pity your ride has not gone very well, and by female sexual response I mean the physiological response. Having one orgasm after another rendering one unable to even walk for a while is extremely impressive to me. It's a blast to behold. What can be better than staccato explosions of sheer ecstasy? Miraculous? You bet your ass!

Your understanding of female sexual response is best described as horrific. Or, perhaps, whore-ific. It need not be that way.

When starting out, we didn't have much. I worked hard. She worked hard. We pooled our resources, abilities, and effort and succeeded. She treated me great when we were struggling and continually evolved for, as of today, 19 years, 11 months, and 20 days.

Words can't capture how grateful I am for her.

You've but one life. Settle for nothing less than a fantastic match. I almost stupidly pissed away my life on the wrong girl for the wrong reasons. I shudder now thinking about it. Thank goodness I came to my senses.

Oh, and I've never been in the same room with a reluctant fuck. That would be awful and I'd decline to partake without exception. I've seen nothing other than rabid enthusiasm to both give and receive pleasure.
My mate was so impressed that she, despite being very proficient in the womanly arts, emulated The Professor and relearned most everything, right down to the perfect foot massage. The blowjobs, fantastic before, are now bordering on incredible. Her culinary skills, plenty serviceable before, are now of artiste proportions. That's just for starters.

It's a truly beautiful thing when people continually evolve, and tragically few manage that. Stagnation and complacency seem to be the rule as people fritter their lives away staring into sad, tiny smartphone screens. Yeah, we get old and flesh sags, but that's life. The most important sex organ remains between the ears, not between the legs, and the pains of aging can be greatly offset by the delight of truly connecting with and getting to deeply know another, a process requiring years of mindful attention.

Blowing a big load into a lady you actually have deep respect for is a glorious feeling.

1. I've never needed domestic servants, I can look after myself.
2. Not interested in sagging flesh, my mind tells me to have firm young fertile women (but everyone's different).
3. Never found that to be the case, much prefer a woman I met 10 minutes ago, and the sex for the first couple of meetings is so much more enthusiastic.
Wrong. "Can't" is a real big word, Holmes. And, it most certainly wasn't always the same woman, LOL - there's a lot of years between mid teens and mid thirties.

We started in our 30's, math sez we're now in our 50's. After reading the superb books by the tragically late, great Neil Peart, we were astonished to learn that he, in a very effortful and challenging process, completely relearned to play the drums despite already being heavily regarded at the best in the world.

My mate was so impressed that she, despite being very proficient in the womanly arts, emulated The Professor and relearned most everything, right down to the perfect foot massage. The blowjobs, fantastic before, are now bordering on incredible. Her culinary skills, plenty serviceable before, are now of artiste proportions. That's just for starters.

It's a truly beautiful thing when people continually evolve, and tragically few manage that. Stagnation and complacency seem to be the rule as people fritter their lives away staring into sad, tiny smartphone screens. Yeah, we get old and flesh sags, but that's life. The most important sex organ remains between the ears, not between the legs, and the pains of aging can be greatly offset by the delight of truly connecting with and getting to deeply know another, a process requiring years of mindful attention.

Blowing a big load into a lady you actually have deep respect for is a glorious feeling.

Yikes! Pity your ride has not gone very well, and by female sexual response I mean the physiological response. Having one orgasm after another rendering one unable to even walk for a while is extremely impressive to me. It's a blast to behold. What can be better than staccato explosions of sheer ecstasy? Miraculous? You bet your ass!

Your understanding of female sexual response is best described as horrific. Or, perhaps, whore-ific. It need not be that way.

When starting out, we didn't have much. I worked hard. She worked hard. We pooled our resources, abilities, and effort and succeeded. She treated me great when we were struggling and continually evolved for, as of today, 19 years, 11 months, and 20 days.

Words can't capture how grateful I am for her.

You've but one life. Settle for nothing less than a fantastic match. I almost stupidly pissed away my life on the wrong girl for the wrong reasons. I shudder now thinking about it. Thank goodness I came to my senses.

Oh, and I've never been in the same room with a reluctant fuck. That would be awful and I'd decline to partake without exception. I've seen nothing other than rabid enthusiasm to both give and receive pleasure.
What is it with these numbered bullet lists of talking points the Trumptards are posting?

Reminds me of sitting through a 90's style powerpoint slide presentation.

I will only do that if I'm paid to do so.
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What is it with these numbered bullet lists of talking points the Trumptards are posting?

Reminds me of sitting through a 90's style powerpoint slide presentation.

I will only do that if I'm paid to do so.
Lol the wordgod thinks he’s a clinical psychologist, he reads like a patient of one