A plea to the sane...STOP READING RIGHT NOW!! This type of thread is driving me crazy. Are you all so drugged up that you truly believe that which you are spouting? I know marijuana is purported to make users paranoid, but this is just too extreme. One world police states bent on controlling every aspect of an individuals life? Puhlease you cannot be serious. Get sober for a while, maybe work at a job, have a family and think outside of a cloud of smoke. Unless you believe in planetary civil war, this can NEVER even hope to happen in your life time, or your childrens, or their childrens, or theirs, ad infinitum. We can't even agree in one particular town never mind on a global scale. There are not enough soldiers who'd be willing to kill their own families to make something like that remotely possible. To all you people out there who feel it's neccessary to spread doom and gloom prophesies, STOP GETTING ALL YOUR SUPPOSED FACTS FROM WEBSITES!! Civilization will go on. 2 things might possibly end it, 1) a cosmic catastrophe, or 2) too many of yourselves with fingers near buttons who will kill us all off. Relax, breathe, and live life. Stop trying to work yourselves up to the end of days.