n defiency


Active Member
i am going through exact same thing, mine just hit 7 weeks flowering(ebb/flo, 600w). im trying straight water but doesnt seem to help.


New Member
im convinced nut defiecency ph is good fresh reserviour last week im gonna lay into her this week coming up magical(i think) tonight fri night top boost 3 days later 7th week feeding 3-4 days later 7th week feeding


Well-Known Member
I dont think you want to add any N to your regime. 6th week of flowering, N should be cut out and plant let go deficient. golden rule I believe


Well-Known Member
magical is ok, usable throughout flowering-in fact is omy only source of N. But serioulsy at 6 weeks, plants should be let to become deficient in N. you rpics do not show enough if you want to take some more we can have another look. what ph are you running and is this more of an idica or sativa?


New Member
cant take pics nowwill post fri ph 6 - 6.5 purple kush buds r nice size so sticky right now just fed magical not 2 worried fri i do a top booster 3 days drain resaviour and start 7th week feed schedual it is normal 2 have your plant yellow a bit it is nit def. at this time and its feeding off of itself correct??


Well-Known Member
magical was recomended 2 me as a dirtbag i know yelowing is normal but this is more severe compared 2 dirtbag ways. ist hydro grow maybe just nervouse
Are you using anything other than the cal-mag-iron-nitro suppliment? Because if you are NOT using any thing else, like a flowering nutrient system, then your plants have a big deficiency in potasium and phospherous. If these 2 elements are not present for the plant to eat then the plants cannot perform to their full potential.:peace:


New Member
im using house and garden nuits thier feeding regiment u used magical last night from what i understand its normal for a plant 2 b nitrogen deficient


Well-Known Member
you want it to become N deficicent right around where you are at until harvest. flush last 2 weeks with straight water and maybe molasses if you like-many people claim great things about molasses.
from those whacked pics-no offense-looks like you got some fat ass girls for 6 weeks. id imagine your getting close to the home stretch. you know to check the trichs right for harvest time?


New Member
babies r so sticky ya those pics r the worst u usually harvest end 8th week trichs r the mushroom clear looking things all over buds and leaves that r spewing out resins oils at least mine r i should take a good look at those suckers now healthy and active then they droop or drop mushroom tops implode sort of thats when thier ready


Well-Known Member
haha. yeah, what you want to look for and you will need a cheap $10.00 60x handheld miscroscope from Radioshack-is for the trichs to start clear, turn cloudy and than amber. depending on the strain, best and safest bet is mostly cloudy with 20% ambers to insure thc at highest levels possible -clear/cloudy-and not starting to denegrade-amber.
dont know about dropping or drooping but thats funny