Transplanting into 5gln. Should i add..


Well-Known Member
So im gonna be transplanting into 5 gallon pots.. i have ocean forest and perlite , dr ammendments, worm castings..

Should i add and worm castings?
If so how much per bag of soil or per 5 gallon pot?
They are in veg still..

I was thinking of
2/3 of soil
1/3 of perlite
but how much or worm castingsif i can use em . I wanna mix everything at once thn just pot by pot


Well-Known Member
I'd do the soil and perlite like you plan, and add in a little EWC. Maybe 10% or so of the mix. It depends on how good the EWC are.

Then save the Dr. Earth and the rest of the EWC for top dressing.


Well-Known Member
I have
I'd do the soil and perlite like you plan, and add in a little EWC. Maybe 10% or so of the mix. It depends on how good the EWC are.

Then save the Dr. Earth and the rest of the EWC for top dressing.
i have wiggle worm ewc and the chunky perlite also.

So ...
With 10% ewc for the transplant.
Im going from 1to 5 gallon fabric pots