
This group he works with are his staff. He is the Governor. He is in a position of authority over them and if he acted like he’s been accused of acting he used his power over them.

I’ve been in a position of authority with women on my staff and I never found a desire or need to touch them or comment on their sexuality.

I was just a manager. Shouldn’t a state Governor hold himself to a better standard?
Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good, society and social norms are changing faster than people's attitudes and habits. Cuomo was always known as a bit of an asshole, abrasive, insensitive and he no doubt pissed people off. However the democratic party is not dependent on a single personality who can do no wrong like the republicans with Trump, they have a big bench of talent. The standards of personal conduct have become more stringent for liberals as the modern age progresses, especially since Trump. Older white males used to privilege money and power have the least pressure and incentive to change. If those older white males happen to represent liberal causes and parties, their past conditioning and subconscious attitudes towards women can bite them in the ass.
It’s a political worship thing. All sectarian politics worshipers indulge non stop.
So, I get it, you are the "both sides bad", naive kind of person.

How about if you tell us what you prefer, rather than don't like. Which country's system of government would you prefer? If not the US then where?
Bill Gates married his admin.
Not all such relationships are abusive, Bill was single and they have been happily married, that is proof enough of honorable conduct. His wife and family has had a major impact on Bill, he's giving away most of his fortune to charity and has almost developed a vaccine for Malaria. Not exactly a douche bag, he made his own fortune and contributed to the world in doing so. Now this is coming from someone who spent a good part of his life cursing old unstable iterations of DOS, windows and Bill Gates until he should have turned into dust! Bill is ok, ya need more like him, a successful Malaria vaccine will save the lives of millions of children each year in tropical countries.
So, I get it, you are the "both sides bad", naive kind of person.

How about if you tell us what you prefer, rather than don't like. Which country's system of government would you prefer? If not the US then where?
For someone that worships politics to call me naive is laughable as fuck. Our system is fine, the fact that fools think it has to be only two parties is the problem. Both work with each other just enough to keep any others out. That’s why we only get assholes to vote for. To think both sides aren’t equally evil is childish at best, horribly unintelligent at worst.
I think you could objectively prove that republicans are worse, but some problems arise when most people hear that. One is that they think it must mean that dems are awesome, the other would be that it must also mean everything is fine as long as a dem is in office. Neither of those things are true. We're on a decline whether a democrat is in office, or a republican is in office, the only difference is the angle of descent, but I will always prefer the descent that gives us more time to work on our problems.

And blaming two parties is a meritless angle. The number of parties is no different from a rock on the ground. It can be used for good or bad or anything in between. Even one party would be just fine.......with decent people.
Not all such relationships are abusive, Bill was single and they have been happily married, that is proof enough of honorable conduct. His wife and family has had a major impact on Bill, he's giving away most of his fortune to charity and has almost developed a vaccine for Malaria. Not exactly a douche bag, he made his own fortune and contributed to the world in doing so. Now this is coming from someone who spent a good part of his life cursing old unstable iterations of DOS, windows and Bill Gates until he should have turned into dust! Bill is ok, ya need more like him, a successful Malaria vaccine will save the lives of millions of children each year in tropical countries.
If giving away money to avoid taxes somehow makes you not a douchebag, then Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg, and Mark Zuckerberg are non-douchebags by that very definition. Except that they are douchebags. Yeah, I'm sure there's no impetus for him to make money off his vaccine program, he must just be a saint.
Not all such relationships are abusive, Bill was single and they have been happily married, that is proof enough of honorable conduct. His wife and family has had a major impact on Bill, he's giving away most of his fortune to charity and has almost developed a vaccine for Malaria. Not exactly a douche bag, he made his own fortune and contributed to the world in doing so. Now this is coming from someone who spent a good part of his life cursing old unstable iterations of DOS, windows and Bill Gates until he should have turned into dust! Bill is ok, ya need more like him, a successful Malaria vaccine will save the lives of millions of children each year in tropical countries.
The Gates Foundation does wonderful work.
But Bill has avoided 20 to 25 billion dollars in taxes with it over the years.
Just sayin'
If giving away money to avoid taxes somehow makes you not a douchebag, then Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg, and Mark Zuckerberg are non-douchebags by that very definition. Except that they are douchebags. Yeah, I'm sure there's no impetus for him to make money off his vaccine program, he must just be a saint.
Do you realize how fuckin stupid you sound?
Check the calendar. Do people really still have to be taught that?

If he did what he’s been accused of doing, he should resign.

I don't think he should resign, not in a time of crisis like this, not for being a creepy old man. If he forced anyone to do something that would be different.

But I do think he should hang up his political career after this.

How understanding would you be if your mother was placed in a nursing home and died wishing she could see you one last time?

Would you expect people to be rational after losing a love one? It doesn't mean that it is not worth understanding what actually happened though.

Is this what you are talking about?
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NEW YORK (AP) — New York hospitals released more than 6,300 recovering coronavirus patients into nursing homes during the height of the pandemic under a controversial, now-scrapped policy, state officials said Monday, but they argued it was not to blame for one of the nation’s highest nursing home death tolls.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration, which has taken intense criticism over the policy, instead contended the virus’ rampant spread through the state’s nursing homes was propelled by more than 20,000 infected home staffers, many of whom kept going to work unaware they had the virus in March and April. Another 17,500 workers were infected through early June.

“Facts matter. And those are the facts,” state Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker said in a news conference.

New York’s report came more than a month after The Associated Press did its own count finding that hospitals around the state released more than 4,500 recovering coronavirus patients to nursing homes under a March 25 Health Department directive that prohibited nursing homes from refusing to take in patients because they had or may have had COVID-19.

The directive was intended to help free up hospital beds for the sickest patients as cases surged. But several relatives, patient advocates and nursing administrators who spoke to the AP at the time blamed the policy for helping to spread the virus among the state’s most fragile residents. To date, more than 6,400 deaths have been linked to the coronavirus in New York’s nursing home and long-term care-facilities.

Cuomo, a Democrat, reversed the directive under pressure on May 10, but he has argued for weeks that infected home workers, not released COVID-19 patients, were to blame for a coronavirus spread through nursing homes that he compared to “fire through dry grass.”

The Cuomo administration didn’t release how exactly they reached the report’s conclusions, which back up Cuomo’s repeated defenses. And the report has its limits: it only looks at the number of residents who died inside nursing homes and not at hospitals, for example.

Cuomo noted Monday that it wasn’t well understood early on how readily the virus could be spread by people without symptoms.

“Nobody knew what they were talking about for a long time. That’s the bottom line here,” he told reporters in New York.

The health commissioner said there was “no reason to place blame” on anyone.

“If you were to place blame, I would blame coronavirus,” Zucker said.

The state’s findings didn’t deter Republicans from seeking investigations of the state’s nursing home deaths. And some nursing home groups remain convinced the March 25 order was a bad idea.

“Bringing in even one instance of COVID to a nursing home is in no one’s best interest,” said Stephen Hanse, who runs a nursing home association called the New York State Health Facilities Association and the New York State Center for Assisted Living.

While New York’s report doesn’t rule out whether the March 25 directive played any role in the thousands of nursing home deaths, it notes that the virus was already present in many homes before they accepted COVID-19 patients from hospitals. Over 80% of the 310 nursing homes that admitted such patients already had a confirmed or suspected case among residents or staffers, the report says.

And Zucker contends the timelines line up to suggest that COVID-19 was already surging in nursing homes before the March 25 directive.

The state report says the number of residents dying at nursing homes peaked on April 8 — around the same time as COVID-19 deaths statewide, but nearly a week before the peak of COVID-19 patients from hospitals — a sequence of events the report casts as “suggesting the policy was not the cause.”

Full Coverage: Virus Outbreak
The average patient had been hospitalized for nine days, the report says — the same period that it likely takes for the virus to no longer be contagious, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Nonetheless, the state’s data show over 1,000 COVID-19 patients entered nursing homes between March 25 and April 8. And it’s unclear how many admitted patients were hospitalized for fewer than nine days, and how many residents died each day at hospitals.

Cuomo has defended the March 25 directive as ensuring sick and elderly patients who weren’t well enough to return to their communities had somewhere to go if hospital beds overfilled as officials then worried.

But Hanse said the policy tied the hands of nursing home leaders who were afraid of residents becoming infected from new patients, or who wanted to require symptomatic patients be tested for COVID-19 so nursing homes could place them in the right unit.

“There’s now a clear recognition that the nursing home resident is the least among all the members of our community that can handle the COVID-19 virus,” he said.

The head of a union that represents 60,000 New York nursing home workers said they did all they could to care for residents.

“They did so at great physical and emotional cost, in many cases without adequate personal protective equipment and while being denied needed paid sick time,” said George Gresham, president of union 1199SEIU.

New York officials have said that the March 25 directive was never intended to force nursing homes to take patients they weren’t equipped to care for, and that they should have spoken up if that was the case. Officials also have noted that some other states, including neighboring New Jersey, had similar policies.

Michael Dowling, CEO of hospital chain Northwell Health — which sent more than 1,700 COVID-19 patients to nursing homes, according to the AP’s count — said those who claim that nursing home admission policies from hospitals caused the fatalities are “not supported by the facts.”

Nursing home residents’ advocate Richard Mollot said while the report might answer some questions about the virus’ devastating spread through the facilities, bigger, underlying issues — like the industry’s history of infection-control lapses — remain.

“There is, unfortunately, plenty of blame to go around,” said Mollot, executive director of the Long Term Care Community Coalition.

Don’t pay that fool any attention. He’s literally thousands of posts, with zero about weed. He tried to call me a bot or paid troll, listed reasons, then had no response when I showed he’s guilty of all the fake shit he accused me of. His only posts are in the political section of a weed forum, ffs.
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And about a 8 years later:

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Sure thing troll.

Notice the troll didn't provide a link to his bullshit claims. Talk is cheap and lies are free apparently.
I don't think he should resign, not in a time of crisis like this, not for being a creepy old man. If he forced anyone to do something that would be different.
If he is kissing staff on the lips he might as well grab em by the pussy. Both are sexual assault and go far beyond being a creepy old man.

Edit: Beautiful plants BTW! What are you averaging for a yield on those babies?
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If he is kissing staff on the lips he might as well grab em by the pussy. Both are sexual assault and go far beyond being a creepy old man.
If he doesn't resign or retire at the end of his term someone will primary him. The democrats are not dependent on one personality, there are no indispensable men, the graveyards are full of them. Besides, the democrats have a deep bench of talent, the party is full of smart people.

Standards of conduct have to start somewhere and ya lead from the front by example, the times are a changing, often faster than people can. Power and money can insulate us from change to a degree (and socially isolate us), most people don't like change and money allows us to control our immediate environment more.
Louis CK always asked the women he worked with if it was ok for him to whip out his cock before he started masturbating in front of them. He later self-acknowledged that with the position of power he was in, his "ask" was not really a regular ask. I think this likely holds true in Cuomo's circumstances as well. There's how many young, hot, and single women in New York? For some reason he had to focus on the women around him who he held power over, to "ask"? Come on now.

it's the women around day to day that they fall for and you don't have to be hot at that stage they get to know your mind from close professional collaboration and that's what they (at that level) become enamored with. this doesn't not include those that hunt women for sport like Cosby, Weinsten. i challenge one of you men to tell me with a straight avatar that you haven't at least one time in your life that you haven't said something or put your hands on a women that wasn't wanted. i started the list for you men.

If he doesn't resign or retire at the end of his term someone will primary him. The democrats are not dependent on one personality, there are no indispensable men, the graveyards are full of them. Besides, the democrats have a deep bench of talent, the party is full of smart people.

Standards of conduct have to start somewhere and ya lead from the front by example, the times are a changing, often faster than people can. Power and money can insulate us from change to a degree (and socially isolate us), most people don't like change and money allows us to control our immediate environment more.

the republican side is filled with rapists..don't FRANKEN this guy- when we had nothing he was there for us..April, May June on TV everyday giving us info our president wouldn't.

i'd like to see all the evidence first..who was that female senator who had aspirations of presidency pushed to get Franken to resign?..who was she?..i can't even remember her name now.

Violent delights have violent ends.
it’s funny watching you defend him. The pic is creepy, you can tell he doesn’t respect women or their personal space.

He crossed the line and he’s done. Cancel culture can’t just be against Republicans.
it's the women around day to day that they fall for and you don't have to be hot at that stage they get to know your mind from close professional collaboration and that's what they (at that level) become enamored with. this doesn't not include those that hunt women for sport like Cosby, Weinsten. i challenge one of you men to tell me with a straight avatar that you haven't at least one time in your life that you haven't said something or put your hands on a women that wasn't wanted. i started the list for you men.

I can say with a straight avatar that I have never put my hands on a woman that wasn’t wanted.

I can also say with a straight avatar that I’ve never said anything sexual or inappropriate to a subordinate in the work place.