Hey guys new to the site! HERES MY GARDEN


Active Member
HEY guys I dont have to many people to talk to about my stuff around here! After really getting into some of the conversations on here. I have come to a conclusion, I am in the right place! So I wanted some feedback maybe this is my first grow ever. I wanted to know how to either start a grow journal so you all can watch or yeah ANY feedback is welcome good or bad. I've truly learned that you have to be able to make mistakes growing to really learn!! Starting from top in between the 3 gals smart pots is 2 tomahawk (photoperiods) from greenpoint seeds, on the left 1st 3 gallon smartpot is pineapple glue [auto] from advanced seeds. Across from there to right in the other 3 gal smartpot is Afghan skunk [auto] from advanced seeds. The three in the middle are my buddies own cross of cherry pebble pie 3 [auto] the one on the bottom of picture next to trellis is a clone of ice cream punch in the 3 gal smart pot is another pebble punch clone! (Both greenpoint seed genetics) I'm super excited I know I rambled a little there bear with me I am learning too! Excited for you feedback! Please do! I most appreciate you all old schoolers especially for keeping this game alive when it wasn't supposed to be! Nice to meet all you my growmies! Peace ☮✌❤❤



Active Member
Hey guys! Looking for some help here. Not sure what going on or if this is fine. I dont like the way it looks, I am on my first grow! Also if anyone knows how to make the peppermint essential oil insecticide for the girls would be very appreciated. Here is the picture of the plant I am worried about. Picture two is the progress from last week! Currently 3 weeks from flip. Will probably be separating the autos. Into my DIY tent. Please any feedback is appreciated!



Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Looking for some help here. Not sure what going on or if this is fine. I dont like the way it looks, I am on my first grow! Also if anyone knows how to make the peppermint essential oil insecticide for the girls would be very appreciated. Here is the picture of the plant I am worried about. Picture two is the progress from last week! Currently 3 weeks from flip. Will probably be separating the autos. Into my DIY tent. Please any feedback is appreciated!
Holy red light district Batman! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a light that red unless it was used to keep my baby chicks warm. Do you have another light by chance.


Active Member
Its not the lights it's just the table I am using! Lol but yeah its alot of red for sure. I am gonna he ditching the table soon
Holy red light district Batman! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a light that red unless it was used to keep my baby chicks warm. Do you have another light by chance.


Active Member
Its not the lights it's just the table I am using! Lol but yeah its alot of red for sure. I am gonna he ditching the table soon
Right now I have an 1000 w LED Cre Cobb (245w) true watts. And running another cheaper 55 w LED for side lighting and really just to add more light. Havent really used the Cobb's yet was gonna wait for flower to turn them on


Active Member
Holy red light district Batman! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a light that red unless it was used to keep my baby chicks warm. Do you have another light by chance.
Camera def makes it seems alot more red also. So yeah, I'm sorry. I am looking for some guidance tho! Never said i was a pro! I feel like I'm doing a pretty good job. Maybe im not. I know if someone would ever want to mentor me I have the skills and a green thumb for sure! Just have to make mistakes to keep on getting better!


Well-Known Member
1st, chill. You said it yourself, we gotta make mistakes and to me the biggest mistake is stressing out over growing weed.
2nd, you look to be doing a good job. Plants look to be growing well and the slower one could possibly just be due to genetics or slow rooting, they're still young.
3rd, my advice would be to let the auto finish untill you flip, or separate it from the others when you flip to 12/12 to maximise its potential.
4th, more in for on your setup would help us help you. Medium, nutrients you use, environmental conditions like temp and humidity.
Lastly, as much as I love this site no matter where you go online your gonna find people who just wanna troll you or wind you up. Especially as a self confessed newb, but we all were at some point. Fuck the haters and enjoy yourself


Active Member
1st, chill. You said it yourself, we gotta make mistakes and to me the biggest mistake is stressing out over growing weed.
2nd, you look to be doing a good job. Plants look to be growing well and the slower one could possibly just be due to genetics or slow rooting, they're still young.
3rd, my advice would be to let the auto finish untill you flip, or separate it from the others when you flip to 12/12 to maximise its potential.
4th, more in for on your setup would help us help you. Medium, nutrients you use, environmental conditions like temp and humidity.
Lastly, as much as I love this site no matter where you go online your gonna find people who just wanna troll you or wind you up. Especially as a self confessed newb, but we all were at some point. Fuck the haters and enjoy yourself
I sincerely appreciate that! Thank you so much for that. I am growing organic with promix and happy frog dry fertilizer the red bag will be using the yellow bag for flower! Again thank you so much. I really look forward to more dialogue with you guys! You all are truly beautiful people and as a cannabis lover. I have to say the intelligence on this website is incredible and I really respect that!


Active Member
Temps regularly staying between 67.5-73,74 degrees, RH has been a struggle some days but is always between 35-45% during lights on. I'm up in the northwoods here so winter is coming to an end.


Active Member
1st, chill. You said it yourself, we gotta make mistakes and to me the biggest mistake is stressing out over growing weed.
2nd, you look to be doing a good job. Plants look to be growing well and the slower one could possibly just be due to genetics or slow rooting, they're still young.
3rd, my advice would be to let the auto finish untill you flip, or separate it from the others when you flip to 12/12 to maximise its potential.
4th, more in for on your setup would help us help you. Medium, nutrients you use, environmental conditions like temp and humidity.
Lastly, as much as I love this site no matter where you go online your gonna find people who just wanna troll you or wind you up. Especially as a self confessed newb, but we all were at some point. Fuck the haters and enjoy yourself



Active Member
A little ghetto right now but it's what I got right now by next winter will building this area into a grow cubby 3 1/2ft w × 8ft. Will be hopefully running an 1000w HPS with the led cobb for max coverage.


Well-Known Member
few more pics for you guys. This is my pebble punch clone she is a beauty truly! Been vegging for about 3 weeks since fully rooted. Her pistols are popping all over on all the tops
I hope this is accepted in the spirit it is meant. I think you may want to spend some time reading, learning and RELAXING. Not saying you are not doing a good job, the girls look fine. A pistil is a hair that protrudes from a calyx (flower). These plants have no calyx. I don't follow a couple of your posts...you have a CoB set up and a 55W side light...but you are waiting to use the Cob for flowering? You are growing autos and photos in the same area. You have plants that look as if they are in varying ages of growth and have barely past seedling stage.

You are bouncing off the walls with excitement of a first grow. Get it, been there done that. I am only saying this because again they look fine. But with the over-anxiousness you are exuding...if you do start to have issues you are gonna fall the fuck apart. I have seen a lot of new growers work themselves into a fervor by trying to make an already healthy plant healthier...and killing it in the process.

The point I am trying to make is slow down...read and learn. You show an aptitude for growing...a lot of new growers don't get as far as you are now. With some knowledge you could sharpen those skills and grow the danks!


Active Member
I hope this is accepted in the spirit it is meant. I think you may want to spend some time reading, learning and RELAXING. Not saying you are not doing a good job, the girls look fine. A pistil is a hair that protrudes from a calyx (flower). These plants have no calyx. I don't follow a couple of your posts...you have a CoB set up and a 55W side light...but you are waiting to use the Cob for flowering? You are growing autos and photos in the same area. You have plants that look as if they are in varying ages of growth and have barely past seedling stage.

You are bouncing off the walls with excitement of a first grow. Get it, been there done that. I am only saying this because again they look fine. But with the over-anxiousness you are exuding...if you do start to have issues you are gonna fall the fuck apart. I have seen a lot of new growers work themselves into a fervor by trying to make an already healthy plant healthier...and killing it in the process.

The point I am trying to make is slow down...read and learn. You show an aptitude for growing...a lot of new growers don't get as far as you are now. With some knowledge you could sharpen those skills and grow the danks!
I am one of the growers who almost ruined my healthy plant by using liquid nutes in fertilized soil. Someone else in this forum told me to follow the KISS method and its working for sure. This is a lot of plants for a first grow. I hope you have the space cause especially with LST they get a lot bigger. Also something stupid I did early on was I tried to use essential oil on a leaf because I thought it had some kind of fungus but spoiler it didn't and the oil INSTANTLY killed that plant. So if you're going to use essential oil definitely make sure you know exactly how diluted it has to be. I don't know myself cause I don't dare try it again LOL.


Active Member
No they absolutely have their white hairs coming out as far as the clones go. I will try to get you a picture. believe it or not everything in here was planted about 3 to 4 days apart. Oldest being the clones but they were put with these guys originally when they had rooted since and well since they started growing growing the clones have gotten huge. I think myself made the mistake of planting all of them together photos and autos. I believe i probably stunted them (pineapple glue) which has really started to make a comeback and the afghan which almost dosen't see worth growing at this point