scrog question?

While agree I dont know the exact science behind it i do know that it in fact does kill eggs. I have looked under a microscope and have seen eggs destroyed by lavender after a treatment. They look as if they have melted. It is no myth and you sound as if you are selling a product, are you ? As far as the effect on soil you are not supposed to spray it on the the soil at all just the leafs. Try it if you want or don't it your choice but don't be mislead.
Yeah totally you will kill eggs with lavender oil or any bio oil, if you hit them directly , how many can you see with the naked eye though is my point.

Mite eggs are layed in the thousands, microscopic things, they can stay dormant and viable for up to 24 months and explode insanely quickly only once conditions are right, and under lights high heat, low humidity, that is often. every summer , but under lights sometimes it can be a 12 month affair.
Usually late flower, they show themselves to those unaware, but they have been there all along.

nothing to sell jcdws602, mostly just here to help my friend thenative, after a decade plus posting here, im past trying to help everyone here, in the past ive done my bit, and there are a lot of better growers for it.

I turn over a crop from seed every 10 -12 weeks and most of it is pretty top shelf.IMG_20200427_164922.jpgIMG_20200312_140455.jpg
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Yeah totally you will kill eggs with lavender oil or any bio oil, if you hit them directly , how many can you see with the naked eye though is my point.

Mite eggs are layed in the thousands, microscopic things, they can stay dormant and viable for up to 24 months and explode only once conditions are right, and under lights high heat, low humidity, that is often. every summer , but under lights sometimes it can be a 12 month affair.
Usually late flower.

nothing to sell jcdws602, mostly just here to help my friend thenative, after a decade plus posting here, im past trying to help everyone here, in the past ive done my bit, and there are a lot of better growers for it.
Likewise I have been here since 2009 and just recently got back into trying to help here and there which i stopped doing a while ago. You know its funny almost every single time I post about lavender oil I get into some kind of debate about it and I almost didn't post it but I thought the op sounded like a good person and his grow looked great I figured I'd try and help so he could salvage it. I know eggs can lay dormant for a long time thats why usually spray almost everything down and use it as a preventative year round so they cant come back. A hot dry dusty environment attracts them so it is better to take care of the root of the problem to prevent even getting mites. Whatever the op chooses to do hopefully it works out. Also I didn't try to come off as a dick asking if you were a salesman. I just thought you might be. Good luck and good growing .
Likewise I have been here since 2009 and just recently got back into trying to help here and there which i stopped doing a while ago. You know its funny almost every single time I post about lavender oil I get into some kind of debate about it and I almost didn't post it but I thought the op sounded like a good person and his grow looked great I figured I'd try and help so he could salvage it. I know eggs can lay dormant for a long time thats why usually spray almost everything down and use it as a preventative year round so they cant come back. A hot dry dusty environment attracts them so it is better to take care of the root of the problem to prevent even getting mites. Whatever the op chooses to do hopefully it works out. Also I didn't try to come off as a dick asking if you were a salesman. I just thought you might be. Good luck and good growing .
All good, Ive pushed the Lavender treatment myself in the past.\ The Neem oil etc
@the native
I got those 7 clones you gave me cleaned them up , and gave them some loving care , from those tiny just rooted clones to now.
Has taken a while, but thats all good.

been beating them with a bit too much light/heat , hence the yellow leaves to prevent stretch in the flip stage, will raise the light.
They will green up after lifting the light, been way too hot, 32 degrees,its summer here, but wanted to prevent the stretch,and keep tight nodes.
just lifted the lights today, not amazing but thought you might be interest. flipped to12/12 14 days ago, so early days.
Those 2 HLG lights are only 40cm from the tops lol.
Advanced Seeds' Gelato #33 15cm deep trays of basic potting mix, which is how i grow all my plants.
Will do a defoliation soon to get light down deeper
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thanks for the info and help mate.i dont want to use chemicals tho,even if it means trying all the natural methods to find which one works.ive read a few threads and there is successw withnatural remedies.

Do a bit of research into chillies.

I had a minor infestation early in my grow, and a home made chilli + Tabasco foliar spray worked for me.
Do a bit of research into chillies.

I had a minor infestation early in my grow, and a home made chilli + Tabasco foliar spray worked for me.
i think im too late. week 4 flower and i dont want to spray the plants anymore but thanks for your suggestion i will put that info away for next time.i think i mite just keep hitting it early in veg and use predator mites and lady bugs,even if it means repeated uses and cost a bit more.
i think im too late. week 4 flower and i dont want to spray the plants anymore but thanks for your suggestion i will put that info away for next time.
A sensible approach if you are that far into flower.

i think i mite just keep hitting it early in veg

Check this out ... a nice wrap of the chilli cayenne garlic options:

It lasts a while on the leaves during veg ... and acts as a future deterrent, especially if you use garlic oil as a carrier.

Good luck through to harvest.
Plants look great.
thanks mate,i will look into that, sounds interesting.i will need all the luck i can get
Im pretty sure you will be ok, they are mostly in the lower canopy and your plants are healthy, strong and big, those trunks are huge... and going by the leaf size expansion your humidity is pretty good, temps too.

It will be fine. Hoping you get a awesome harvest , its looking good.

maybe water with some potassium silicate to harden the cell walls to increase cellular resistance to mites and give a potassium boost for flower size and weight at the same time, if you want..its natural, potassium silicate, although nature doesn't come in bottle form, i admit lol.
your call.

All the best as always.
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Im pretty sure you will be ok, they are mostly in the lower canopy and your plants are healthy, strong and big, those trunks are huge... and going by the leaf size expansion your humidity is pretty good, temps too.

It will be fine. Hoping you get a awesome harvest , its looking good.

maybe water with some potassium silicate to harden the cell walls to increase cellular resistance to mites and give a potassium boost for flower size and weight at the same time, if you want..its natural, potassium silicate, although nature doesn't come in bottle form, i admit lol.
your call.

All the best as always.
I hope your rite, first time obviously with the mites, and i think i got my soil rite this time(except i forgot to put coco or peat in there).
Its kind of true with all sprays, use them too often, and if it doesn't 100% kill all the bugs tolerance will occur.
The stuff I use is once only and you will never have a mite again adults and eggs, and unless you re introduce wont ever need to spay anything. which is ideal.
Im all for clean up sprays and then maintaining that clean environment, so you never have to ever spray anything. ever again..
Yeah I used that product too once flowering was done and with ipm they have not came back
Spider mite and egg killer......lavender oil.......1/2 ounce oil + 5 milliliters of plain unscented dish soap, mix thoroughly then add to 1 liter water in this order (this is a strong dose you can go lighter for preventative spray). If you mix the oil into water then add dish soap the oil wont emulsify properly.Spray entire plant top and bottom of leafs lights off. Spray every 2-4 days to break the life cycle in case you missed any eggs. This is a very effective, affordable, and safe treatment that has never let me down. You can use all throughout veg and flower.
So what kind of soap are you using my guy?
And do you rinse? Or just put them to sleep? Thx
Ok so, the ladies are still going but they have been smashed by the mites. I cant bring myself to put pics up of them as they look dreadful. I believe i left it too long before i did anything abt the problem and didnt know how(was all my own fault), BIG lesson learned.2 grows in a row have not been successful for me,lets hope the next is just having a whinge coz it takes so long, and then they were on the home strait then BOOM,it really grinds my gears aarrgh.
Ok so, the ladies are still going but they have been smashed by the mites. I cant bring myself to put pics up of them as they look dreadful. I believe i left it too long before i did anything abt the problem and didnt know how(was all my own fault), BIG lesson learned.2 grows in a row have not been successful for me,lets hope the next is just having a whinge coz it takes so long, and then they were on the home strait then BOOM,it really grinds my gears aarrgh.
Sorry to hear that bro. I know the feeling. Well we live and learn right. Did you ever figure out why you got them in the first place? My advice for your next run is to look into ipm treatments. That way you don't give the little suckers a chance to get a foothold.
Cheers man,lotsa learning.whats ipm?.im goona use this stuff for cleaning and preventive as well as predatory mites.

Cheers man,lotsa learning.whats ipm?.im goona use this stuff for cleaning and preventive as well as predatory mites.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) combines different types of controls — from hands-on pest removal to traditional synthetic pesticides — in a sensible, long-term plan. I copied and pasted that from another site but yeah implementing specific strategies and using products such as the one in your link is ipm. You prevent the whole ordeal insteading of having to battle pest in the first place.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) combines different types of controls — from hands-on pest removal to traditional synthetic pesticides — in a sensible, long-term plan. I copied and pasted that from another site but yeah implementing specific strategies and using products such as the one in your link is ipm. You prevent the whole ordeal insteading of having to battle pest in the first place.
ye bro,thats what im gonna try and do on the next one,spray all the tent and corners and cracks etc with this stuff.then again in veg on the plants if there are signs(mayb even if there isnt), and buy some predator mites as well.Build more microbes and bugs in the soil(first time ever that i havent had knats) and generally keep things more clean and tidy