What are Biden's foreign policies?

It's actually something right out of Joe Biden's mouth. Did you not watch the video?
Is it a edit? Just find the original video (full speech) and link that and I will be happy to watch it.

Or are you just sharing the stupid propaganda videos so that people's feed change to carry that bullshit lies and propaganda the right wing would be dictators are hoping people actually believe is reality and not just slick edited clips to make anyone look like an asshole?
I thought the dems liked Trump's $2k plan and when it was cut to $600, the dems decided to do $1400 to make Trump's $2k plan a reality. Is that not correct?
I thought the dems liked Trump's $2k plan and when it was cut to $600, the dems decided to do $1400 to make Trump's $2k plan a reality. Is that not correct?
The problem is that they used the phrase "$2000 checks". Which is a check for $2000. Not $1400. Terrible judgement on their part.
LOL. It's a video of different Democrats promising $2000 checks. How is this propaganda? Please explain in detail.
The troll is you moving the goal posts with your nonsesical spam. Pretending like you are able to be self righteous by moving the goal posts and demanding other people chase their tails to show once again (because other trolls have likely spammed it here already) to produce the proof of the lies you help spread.

Speaking of ACTUAL trolls ( and not just people you may disagree with on message boards) ,this guy ( "Brooklyn Dad") was paid $57,000 to shill for Biden while smearing Tara Reade.

LMAO, who gives a shit what some troll on twitter had to say about the chick who was writing Putin love poems and getting them taken down when she decided to take a shot at Biden.

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lmao at 'being paid by the Dems' in this idiots tweet. What a joke the right wing is without anything but trying to get anything they can to stick after the void Trump has left in their little troll lives.
The problem is that they used the phrase "$2000 checks". Which is a check for $2000. Not $1400. Terrible judgement on their part.
If you are worried about that level of "lying" ($1400+ $600 = $2000), how did you survive Trump, who lied with almost every breath he spoke with?
I'm not seeing the equivalence between Biden's bait-and-switch and the color of Obama's suit. The mid-terms are going to be brutal.

The equivalence being that they're pretty minor. You're essentially upset about semantics. Not even a lie, just...semantics. I think that's a great place to be. Please, continue, it's a breath of fresh air. Not even kidding. This is awesome.
I'm not seeing the equivalence between Biden's bait-and-switch and the color of Obama's suit. The mid-terms are going to be brutal.
So you are switching to left troll now? I thought you were for Trump, or I am getting the sock puppets confused?

I could understand if you are actually clueless to how big of a bill that was just passed, but you really are reaching to get people upset because they didn't get everything they wanted.
Biden's Coronavirus Relief Has 75 Percent Support From Americans

As President Biden's coronavirus relief package nears the finish line in Congress, new polling shows just how popular the aid is with Americans.
Rep. Tim Ryan Torches GOP, Demands Help For Working Class

Democrat Tim Ryan gave an fiery speech on the House floor Tuesday excoriating his Republican colleagues. Ryan accused the GOP of leaning into culture war politics and not cooperating with his party to help American workers.
Democrat Tim Ryan gave an fiery speech on the House floor Tuesday excoriating his Republican colleagues
Did he say anything about Team Biden's decision to NOT raise minimum wage and NOT provide student debt relief or nah? Great theater in any case.
Rep. Tim Ryan Torches GOP, Demands Help For Working Class

Democrat Tim Ryan gave an fiery speech on the House floor Tuesday excoriating his Republican colleagues. Ryan accused the GOP of leaning into culture war politics and not cooperating with his party to help American workers.

Nice little clip there. Big part of the problem is that republicans have become the party of trolling-for-liberal-tears, which is why you see such insane levels of philosophical inconsistency between conservatism and....what they do. The only reason they fight it, is because it's what the dems want, and they can't get hard anymore unless they see a crying dem, their own people be damned.
Did he say anything about Team Biden's decision to NOT raise minimum wage and NOT provide student debt relief or nah? Great theater in any case.
He did what he could in the face of republican opposition, a couple of democratic senators cratered the minimum wage, not Joe. Joe is a highly experienced politician who knows how to get shit done in Washington, he's a pro with long senate experience. Sometimes ya can't always get what ya want, don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
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