What are Biden's foreign policies?

Answer my question.
Your throwaway "question" that attempts to characterize an accurate political cartoon about the continuing arc of US interventionism represented as a murderer who simply changes Presidential "masks" as...."Pravda Propaganda"?

You can't possibly be serious. That's not a serious question.
Never liked the "it's not a war if you're going after individuals not connected to the government" angle. Bush Jr. didn't exactly help the world getting lawyers to weasel that loophole. Have some other country come here and bomb Antifa or the Proud Boys and see how that goes over. It'd be stamped as an act of war in two seconds.
I did support our war on the Taliban in Afghanistan because we were attacked by their agents. Not the Iraq war, it was a joke that "Saddam threatens the United States". WMD were a lie and Bush knew it.

That was like 20 years ago and a whole lot of water has gone under the bridge since then. Not much can I say to defend it either. So, not going to. What will happen next is what I'm interested in.

Iran is the key to all of this.

Trump is presently overseeing a deployment reduction in Iraq to around 2,500 U.S. forces, but he plans to leave office with this war very much intact -- and with a ground presence barely smaller than the one he inherited four years ago.

Whatever he may say about ending wars, Trump's obvious disinterest in ending the war in Iraq makes sense if we remember the Iran-focused framing of the possible embassy closure.

"Iran policy has simply taken over Iraq policy," as Douglas Silliman, who served as U.S. ambassador to Iraq from 2016 to 2019, told The Atlantic in February. Trump in many ways leaves this war much as he found it, with a relatively small but apparently indelible U.S. military footprint mainly concerned with a perpetual counterterrorism mission against an evolving slate of targets. But he has introduced a new purpose for U.S. military intervention in Iraq: "to watch Iran."
No, actually. My position is that there is no proof that Russia was behind either "poisoning", because to date there is no actual EVIDENCE, only "assertions". I don't even know or care what Putin has to say about it. THOSE are the facts.
gaslighting doesn't work any more. Trump broke it.
Your throwaway "question" that attempts to characterize an accurate political cartoon about the continuing arc of US interventionism represented as a murderer who simply changes Presidential "masks" as...."Pravda Propaganda"?

You can't possibly be serious. That's not a serious question.

"Accurate pollical cartoon"

Ok, so, two can play that stupid game and we all just get stupider together.

bbbut Obama
You do realize that by posting a cartoon of "Trump's bloody hands" as a way of excusing "Obama's bloody hands" that you are emphasizing the point the cartoon I posted above makes? Namely, that the killing goes on no matter who is President? How do you not get that?
It's not binary though. Obama almost certainly killed more than necessary *AND* (not "but") he was put in a situation where didn't really have much of a choice with many of his killings. I suspect this killing succession concept isn't new, but it's something I wasn't really aware of before Bush Jr.
What specifically do you think she has wrong on Syria?
Why would you think that I know enough about her to say what she has wrong (or right) about Syria?

She lost me at her Putin talking points.
Can you be specific?

Her being a Assange apologist makes me think she is shady AF.
f you don't believe her, watch the whole thing. Listen to what Joe Biden himself says. Listen to what other high ranking people in the Government said. We armed "rebels" with shitloads of weapons and...now they own the province of Idlib. The Russians are actually the GOOD guys here.
Are those 'Biden's own words' full context or will they be edited soundbites turned clickbait?

The Russians are actually the GOOD guys here.
Are you ok with the Russian military attacking our citizens? I guess that is where I would start if you are a actual person and not another in the endless line of sock puppet militarized trolls (foreign and domestic).

By mainstream media, I mean MSNBC, CNN, and the like. Corporate media that reinforces US imperialism with propaganda. They all sing from the same songbook. Aaron in an independent journalist, one of the few people even questioning the Syrian narrative foisted on an amazingly gullible American public.
Yeah man, I would question everything I have ever known over the last decade if I was you. If you think that 'mainstream media' are those news stations.

The reason the news sources 'sing from the same material' is because they are facts. Im guessing if you really take a long look at whatever it is you have used in the past you will find they are just all bullshit clickbait edited propaganda tricking you into thinking that shit like 'The truth isn't the truth' makes sense.
The notion that Gabbard is supported by Russia is nonsense, like 99% of the RussiaGate bullshit regurgitated for the last 4 years by the idiots in the "Resistance", who are only bested in their moronic conspiracy theories about Putin by their flip image - the "Stop The Steal" fools.
Do you actually understand the attack on our citizens that has been constant since 2014 that has been actually confirmed?

If you actually think that it is bullshit, I would guess it is because you didn't actually take the time to understand how you were under attack. It sucks that Trump allowed it to go on for 4 years unchecked because it was the only way he had any chance at all to get re-elected.
That Hope and Change guy is set up pretty nice too. The guy that said "He'll let it play out" while Native Americans were getting hosed down at Standing Rock with freezing water and having dogs set upon them.

I'm not sure what the point of this is, but yes : "leaders of superpowers have big mansions".

I guess I missed that, other that Rachel Maddow saying "Russia Russia Russia" a trillion times. What exactly did they do? Can you be super-specific in detailing how they altered the results? Or was it those devastating Facebook Memes?

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Good lord, I guess I should have kept reading. You don't actually know shit about this attack do you?

From bullshit news-esque websites that push a cherry picked narrative like OANN, Breitbart,
You do realize that by posting a cartoon of "Trump's bloody hands" as a way of excusing "Obama's bloody hands" that you are emphasizing the point the cartoon I posted above makes? Namely, that the killing goes on no matter who is President? How do you not get that?
You do realize that Trump is president 45 and Obama is 44?

So, I get that you'd rather talk about the distant past than what has just happened. After all, the recent past has Trump totally fucking up and getting people killed in the Middle East. US allies killed. Not that a Putin lover would care. The point in that cartoon that you insisted I post is that abandoning allies and getting them killed is bad foreign policy. Trump abandoned allies in Syria and got them killed. He has blood on his hands.

you: bbbbut Obama. lol
I absolutely love how earnestly shit-liberals have embraced this kind casual McCarthyism. It's hilarious in a sad way. Maybe they should read some actual history?
Dude, you've been sucking Putin's sack since your first post in this thread. Now you are crying victim?

Goddamn, maybe you should read what you write.
That's the eventual plan, or hope, but it's not totally fueled out of bitterness for Trumpers, it's somewhat out of fiscal necessity. There are some other first world countries out there with a much better quality of life, at least for the life I want to live, as well as a lower cost of living and healthcare that ranks in the top five in the world, as opposed to 37th or whatever we are.
Me too ;)