Ive found the best spot to germinate ur seeds!


Well-Known Member
I've gotta agree . . . hate the paper towel thing. Did it once, about 25 years ago.
Always seemed to expose the embryo to all kind of unnecessary klutzy dangers . . . I mean, it's hard enough to get that point down in the dirt without a tender tap-root (that can suffer/die if touched by the wrong finger) being in the way.

Hey, just 'cuz' it didn't work out for me doesn't mean it's silly . . . there's just more than one way to do just about everything.
To each their own.


I've gotta agree . . . hate the paper towel thing. Did it once, about 25 years ago.
Always seemed to expose the embryo to all kind of unnecessary klutzy dangers . . . I mean, it's hard enough to get that point down in the dirt without a tender tap-root (that can suffer/die if touched by the wrong finger) being in the way.

Hey, just 'cuz' it didn't work out for me doesn't mean it's silly . . . there's just more than one way to do just about everything.
To each their own.

+rep for "wisdom of years":mrgreen:... and for being polite about it....
like i said, not hatin on you guys.... do it how you want, as long as it works; you just wont catch me using a paper towel for anything but cleaning up my messes


Well-Known Member
+rep for "wisdom of years":mrgreen:... and for being polite about it....
like i said, not hatin on you guys.... do it how you want, as long as it works; you just wont catch me using a paper towel for anything but cleaning up my messes
im gonna try doin just the plain old soil way next time, I havent tried it with just soil. But I can see how it would be good, because ur right about having to use tweezers, and not touching the root, and all that other crap the paper towel method comes with.
I mean, whether its a cannabis plant, tomato plant, beans, peppers, whatever it is, seeds were meant to be put in soil , so I dont know why it wouldnt work , right.


im gonna try doin just the plain old soil way next time, I havent tried it with just soil. But I can see how it would be good, because ur right about having to use tweezers, and not touching the root, and all that other crap the paper towel method comes with.
I mean, whether its a cannabis plant, tomato plant, beans, peppers, whatever it is, seeds were meant to be put in soil , so I dont know why it wouldnt work , right.

that would be my logic behind it.... man has conquered the cultivation of plants for thousands of years... never using a paper towel until us potheads come up with the idea... and their lives depended on their seeds sprouting....


Active Member
that would be my logic behind it.... man has conquered the cultivation of plants for thousands of years... never using a paper towel until us potheads come up with the idea... and their lives depended on their seeds sprouting....
true that...... I personally haven't ever grown from seed so I don't know.(know a few growers/clone givers) But I do know that if I grew in soil I would just use the dirt too. But its H2o for me so water is what I would do just plain ol' distilled water is what I would do.


Active Member
Ive Got To Agree i have never put them in a towel always in dirt when i used the towel it didnt turn out right


Well-Known Member
Any of you trying the straight into the soil thing for the first time, I soak my seed(s) overnight in water, then stick it/them in "slightly" moist soil, around 1/2" deep, then I try and get a bulb down close enough to the soil's surface to warm it slightly.
I want my seed to break the surface with light ON, and as close as is safe. Keeps stretch/reaching minimal.


Well-Known Member
i've always found that the pot/soil im gonna grow em in is the best place to germinate my seeds.... but maybe im old fashioned...
i get close to 100% germ rate.... the ones that dont can be attributed to bad seed.... works fine for nature, works fine for me:blsmoke:
then why all this paper towel crap??? i hate that method...tried it twice; failed miserably... never had a problem with just planting a seed in some dirt and watering it... dont see what is so complicated about that....
not bashin you; but i still dont understand why everyone feels the need to add extra steps to a rather simple, straightforward process??? my opinion only:eyesmoke:
I've gotta agree . . . hate the paper towel thing. Did it once, about 25 years ago.
Always seemed to expose the embryo to all kind of unnecessary klutzy dangers . . . I mean, it's hard enough to get that point down in the dirt without a tender tap-root (that can suffer/die if touched by the wrong finger) being in the way.

Hey, just 'cuz' it didn't work out for me doesn't mean it's silly . . . there's just more than one way to do just about everything.
To each their own.
Ive Got To Agree i have never put them in a towel always in dirt when i used the towel it didnt turn out right
Any of you trying the straight into the soil thing for the first time, I soak my seed(s) overnight in water, then stick it/them in "slightly" moist soil, around 1/2" deep, then I try and get a bulb down close enough to the soil's surface to warm it slightly.
I want my seed to break the surface with light ON, and as close as is safe. Keeps stretch/reaching minimal.
yes,yes,yes i love you all.. i soak em over night usually then plant em right in the soil in the morning and they pop up in like 2 days i havnt pre germed a seed in about 8 years and don't see any reason too so the best place to germ a seed is in its home(soil or other medium) why make something easy hard its that simple. that is all

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
Dunno man i spose it just one of those things yanno... Ive always done it that way and probably will, if ive ogt a duff seeds its nice to know i have before i waste time pottin it into the ground!


Active Member
Yes that might be true but if you put 4 or five seeds in a pot or even in seperate cups you can tell from that it still happends the same was and as fast with multipul chances becasue either way they go into soil


Dunno man i spose it just one of those things yanno... Ive always done it that way and probably will, if ive ogt a duff seeds its nice to know i have before i waste time pottin it into the ground!
thats what these lil things are for... you
dont have to waste time with a whole pot of dirt...


Well-Known Member
I have soaked them in a water peroxide mix overnite then put then in soil with great results. But i still prefer the paper towel method, i like to be able to see the tap roots when i transplant, if it is a bad seed and you put it in soil right away your going to have to wait a while before you can say it is no good. Usually takes 2 days maybe 3 tops in paper towel, ive had them take a week to show me any signs when put straight in soil. I think it is a matter of preference.


Well-Known Member
I have soaked them in a water peroxide mix overnite then put then in soil with great results. But i still prefer the paper towel method, i like to be able to see the tap roots when i transplant, if it is a bad seed and you put it in soil right away your going to have to wait a while before you can say it is no good. Usually takes 2 days maybe 3 tops in paper towel, ive had them take a week to show me any signs when put straight in soil. I think it is a matter of preference.

water and peroxide mix? never heard of that one before