Well, I dont run anything like that. Shit I wish I could. Id take bear and crow over HOA Linda and her fucking hair. I digress. Here is what I'm rocking for both of these beds. It does well and I have plenty of casting churning out of it. I do screen my ewc with a 1/12th sifter works well to seperate the worms from the castings.Neem cake in the soil mix will help with pests for sure. Neem oil well I wood never spray that on cannabis. Tried it once ruined my flowers nasty taste left and I used it in VEG not flower and bud washed. Neem cake I add to my soil mix and amend with it between runs.
On the worm thing. We run Vermi-composting bins. Its not a worm farm. The bins are 50 or more meters from our home because country living and critters LOVE compost.
Yeah so a vermi-bin is kitchen scraps, some yard waste leaves and I add some soil amendments like kelp meal and rock dust when I feel like it. The bins will attract worms and they will populate the bin. We use the bin and the worms eat the waste. In winter time temps are low enough worms die off after laying eggs. We let one bin after the winter time go dormant and begin using a 2nd bin full time.
As the dormant bin sits the compost breaks down ever further - it's not 100% EWC its composted scraps mixed with worm castings and eventually more worms. The worms in the bin make it to my containers or garden beds.
We take that dormant bin in the spring and sift it thru a screen and toss the larger particles back into the active bin and repeat.
Our vermi bins are 100 plus gallons and have a locking lid.... yup raccoons figure out how to open it and cats dig their way in. The challenge is real. Bears just tackle the whole shebang and why we have anther open pile we add bones and meat scraps to. Thats where the bear and the crows eat.
All these things about Nitrogen, seeds, being hot ect is why I said composted mulch from a nursery. It will avoid all of these issues and its a jump start on your composting mulch layer.
Peat moss is a natural organic soil ingredient.
You should be using water with a pH UNDER 7 all thru your grow. Specially if you're using and fertilizers.
ppm measurement doesnt tell you much about what those ppm's actually are..
What’s SPM Bill?It’s nice to have a few gallons of semi saturated SPM on hand, it’s nicer if a tbs of limestone and one of dolomite and Soft Rock Phosphate are mixed into each gallon.
i think he's talking about sphagnum moss.What’s SPM Bill?
Can top dress/mulch with some peat moss thats dampish and water thru the peat to slightly lower pH.
Sulfur is another option but you gotta be absolutely sure you need it.
You can have water pH between 6-7pH and you should be totally good.
What water are you testing ?? Run off / slurry test / tap water???
If in containers yes - you have about 3 weeks to change - or slow death.My water at my house is 10.4 can this be used with soil or should I bring it down?
If in containers yes - you have about 3 weeks to change - or slow death.
Can lower pH like that with Vitamin C powder. WAY cheaper than pH down and organic.
Need to solve your alkalynity issues with you water long term.
Calcium carbonate mostly. I got my water tested when I first moved in 7 years ago.What is in water with a 10.4 ph, seems like a potent anti acid.
I like citric acid as a PH down, but I do use a small amount of vitamin C powder to remove chlorine/chloramine.Calcium carbonate mostly. I got my water tested when I first moved in 7 years ago.
Its only 90ppm 0.18EC but 45ppm is CaCO3
On a deep municipal well all limestone and dolomite famous for minerals, we filter our coffee and drink water. Bad taste and coffee is the worst otherwise. Most plumber service calls are lime related. Mostly use rainwater.I'm in a well in a dolomite lime 300 million year old sea bed. Well water is 9-10pH with enough cal/mag to kill plants in containers. So RO filters work. Need to check ppms and pH 1x a week. The alkalinity is an issue as well is not quite the same as pH but related.