"Biden White House Sandbags Staffers, Sidelines Dozens for Pot Use"

Here you go: the Democrats have given us a non functional President and a very bad Vice President who is already being prepped to take over. They have trashed the National Debt just as the past Republicrat agenda has done for the last 100 years. The Libertarian Party speaks truth with reason and facts. Just try listening to Ron Paul on the Liberty Report and just see how much you agree with him. Knowledge is the key to our problems not Government spending.
Why would anybody want to experiment with an untried and hypothetical economic theory on a country with an economy the size of the US?

The originators of that academic theory say outright that there is no basis for it. That they just made it up and said so.

Then again, Q is probably behind all of it. lulz
He is a politician. Don't trust a dam one. All of them. nuthin they say is good for any period of time.
And for the record. Everyone knows joe is nothing but a remote control hand n head. He’s not coherent half the time. Does that mean we are fucked? No! Hilary ran the country for years n did ok. So who knows. I know I personally look at the government as armed thugs just like the courts and the cops. So I try to avoid them in every instance.
youre a pussy
Oh wait, now it's not a crisis again. Oh, and it's Trumps fault of course, lol.

Let me know when the migrants start slaughtering massage parlor workers or synagogues or movie theaters like you trumptards like to do

Btw we warned you about this years ago when trump was stripping aid to central American countries you inbred dipshit