"Biden White House Sandbags Staffers, Sidelines Dozens for Pot Use"

It's okay to call it a crisis.

Obviously Trump has played a role. The US used to have a president that caused many potential immigrants to stay in their own dangerous country, some probably even chose to stay in Venezuela instead of facing the hatred from Trump and his ilktards.

Now there's a president that doesn't hate brown people and for those wanting to immigrate, it's probably a good time to do it.

As a result, there may be a flood of them and there's not enough services to handle that flood. It's okay. Some may argue that it's a good problem to have, to have people wanting to come to your country instead of being afraid for their safety due to racism.

Just depends what one wants to see I guess.
When anybody speaks true about the real answer to the real crisis going on at our southern border, it sends republichumps into a rage. Biden spoke true: "Tackle the root causes of irregular migration"

Trump took aid money away from those countries. Biden restored aid that Trump vetoed. Different presidents, different approach.
When anybody speaks true about the real answer to the real crisis going on at our southern border, it sends republichumps into a rage. Biden spoke true: "Tackle the root causes of irregular migration"

Trump took aid money away from those countries. Biden restored aid that Trump vetoed. Different presidents, different approach.
What does the president of Mexico think of this? He's making fun of Joe. That should tell you something. Keep your head in the sand guys.
Head in the sand about what? Immigration has always been a difficult issue to manage and it's going to continue to be a difficult issue. All of our same problems still exist, except they'll be worked on in a far less white trash manner. And I just mean worked on, because they won't be fixed, at all, same as how no red/blue president in history has ever been able to fix these issues.
OMG the Mexican president is making fun of Biden!! Bad Mexican BAD!! :eyesmoke:
Huh? Biden was called a "migrant president" for good reason. Biden's a grown man and can take it. Imagine what his man-child predecessor would have said and done. lol

Seems to me, Biden and the prez of Mexico are in agreement:

Detentions on the U.S border have surged since Biden took office on Jan. 20. Mexico has urged Washington to help stem the flow by providing development aid to Central America, from where most migrants come, driven by a humanitarian crisis.

People are fleeing from a crisis. Seems like a good place to start.
Oh wait, now it's not a crisis again. Oh, and it's Trumps fault of course, lol.

Well, it is:

It may seem ironic, but even as it carried out the cruelest anti-migration policies in decades, the Trump administration presided over the largest flows of migration at the U.S.-Mexico border since the mid-2000s.
The jump in migration of Trump’s final months continued accelerating during Joe Biden’s first two months in office. This is happening even as Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) keeps in place “Title 42,” a probably illegal Trump-era pandemic provision that expels most migrants within hours, regardless of their protection needs.​

Source. Not that you'll read it.

Trump screwed up the immigration department badly by firing people that knew what they were doing. Obama actually deported nearly twice the number of people Trump did. How? Obama left it to people that knew what the hell they were doing.

Trump came in, gutted the department, put his "loyal" people in charge that knew nothing about how to handle the situation, and here we are with yet another crises Trump created.

And surprise, surprise, Joe Biden can't fix all of Trump's fuckups in 59 days. He has fixed about 90 of them though so far.
Those articles were written according to unnamed sources that made unfounded accusations.

The White House press secretary set the record straight and gave a full accounting to the media.

The media largely ignored it because the truth that it only affected 5 liars doesn't sell.

Then it shouldn't be hard to find and post. After googling it a few times, a few different ways I'm still seeing nothing.

A press secretary's job is to spin a narrative when on the defensive, not be a source of verified information, especially for those who sign her paycheck. Not buying it for a second. They were caught discriminating against people who choose to use cannabis, led by a president and vice president that were both front and center in the war on drugs. Maybe I'm wrong, I still don't see any evidence of what you are whining about
A press secretary's job is to spin a narrative when on the defensive, not be a source of verified information, especially for those who sign her paycheck. Not buying it for a second.
Right. Because it's not the media's job to spin crap into something sensationalist to make money.

Here's the headline:

Five Staffers Were Fired Over Past Weed Use Even Though The White House Said It’d Be More Chill

And here's the link:

And here's the relevant text:

Five White House staffers have been fired a result of prior marijuana use, weeks after the Biden administration said it would loosen these policies in an effort to modernize and expand the pool of people who can work there.

And here's another one:

And another one:

And another one:

I could go on all day long.
Right. Because it's not the media's job to spin crap into something sensationalist to make money.

Here's the headline:

Five Staffers Were Fired Over Past Weed Use Even Though The White House Said It’d Be More Chill

And here's the link:

And here's the relevant text:

Five White House staffers have been fired a result of prior marijuana use, weeks after the Biden administration said it would loosen these policies in an effort to modernize and expand the pool of people who can work there.

And here's another one:

And another one:

And another one:

I could go on all day long.

Lol, not one of those articles mentioned the fact they lied, just that additional factors may have played a role on their dismissal. With the arbitrary "15 times in the last year" laughable, litmus test that decides "a limited amount of use" could have easily been the deciding factor or that they used cannabis in prohibition states, not what you decided for yourself to be the reason. Sounds to me like they are scrambling to save face to me.

How fucking stupid, defending the active discrimination of people choosing to use pot, in the political section of a pot sight. You're too fucking funny.
Lol, not one of those articles mentioned the fact they lied, just that additional factors may have played a role on their dismissal. With the arbitrary "15 times in the last year" laughable, litmus test that decides "a limited amount of use" could have easily been the deciding factor or that they used cannabis in prohibition states, not what you decided for yourself to be the reason. Sounds to me like they are scrambling to save face to me.

How fucking stupid, defending the active discrimination of people choosing to use pot, in the political section of a pot sight. You're too fucking funny.
You can legally hire an alcoholic, but it might be unwise to do so, everybody uses booze and pot differently, some folks like to have an occasional puff and some are chronic daily users. Biden only let go 5 out of many who admitted pot usage, I think it's a non issue and within his discretion for such a high profile job. Perhaps if they like to smoke every day it might be an issue, as it is for many employers. There is much to be settled around pot in our own country too and I figure if you were chronic, Justine might not hire ya either!

The problem is with the law here, not with Biden's personal opinion, though nobody is perfect, certainly not Joe, but he is basically a good man who cares and is competent. He's doing a Helluva lot better at vaccine roll out than we are and saving lives, he and the democrats also got some bucks to the poor bastards and cut child poverty by half. Things are changing now and it appears the democrats are gonna go for broke on some badly needed reforms. Perhaps legalization will be a good issue for the 2022 election, it will split the republicans down the middle and 90% of democrats support it. Pot legalization is one of those issues where there is super majority support and it could help draw out the youth vote a bit more.
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You can legally hire an alcoholic, but it might be unwise to do so, everybody uses booze and pot differently, some folks like to have an occasional puff and some are chronic daily users. Biden only let go 5 out of many who admitted pot usage, I think it's a non issue and within his discretion for such a high profile job. Perhaps if they like to smoke every day it might be an issue, as it is for many employers. There is much to be settled around pot in our own country too and I figure if you were chronic, Justine might not hire ya either!

The problem is with the law here, not with Biden's personal opinion, though nobody is perfect, certainly not Joe, but he is basically a good man who cares and is competent. He's doing a Helluva lot better at vaccine roll out than we are and saving lives, he and the democrats also got some bucks to the poor bastards and cut child poverty by half. Things are changing now and it appears the democrats are gonna go for broke on some badly needed reforms. Perhaps legalization will be a good issue for the 2022 election, it will split the republicans down the middle and 90% of democrats support it. Pot legalization is one of those issues where there is super majority support and it could help draw out the youth vote a bit more.

Then fuck Justine too, he was a useful idiot to those who stood to profit the most from legalization, and they used the youth campaign to do it. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad it's legal.

Using cannabis doesn't make you anything but a little high, it doesn't alter your character. I'd be much more suspect of people casually using prescription drugs, alcohol or gambling than someone who puffs a little cheeba before going for a hike or whatever. There ia a huge difference between a dirty little stoner buying weed instead of baby formula and someone who wants a career in the WH, and I highly doubt that the ambitious type would jeopardize their pride to get high in the bathroom or sell secrets for a dime bag. The whole situation is ridiculous and all you blue warriors can do is carry partisan water. They're subjecting those who kept their jobs to drug tests and making them promise (snicker) not to use pot while they hold their positions, or clearances or whatever, in a state where recreational use is legal. That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard.

Legalization isn't difficult at all, what's complicated is reversing the lies and erasing the stereotypes/stigma the government pushed about cannabis and those who choose to use it. Legalizing is the easiest part, Americans can buy beer at fucking gas stations and grocery stores, and they're worried about it being mishandled? Lol, that's some funny shit right there.
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Using cannabis doesn't make you anything but a little high, it doesn't alter your character.

Here's a short list of the side effects of cannabis:
  • altered senses (for example, seeing brighter colors)
  • altered sense of time
  • changes in mood
  • impaired body movement
  • difficulty with thinking and problem-solving
  • impaired memory
  • hallucinations (when taken in high doses)
  • delusions (when taken in high doses)
  • psychosis (risk is highest with regular use of high potency marijuana)
That's just what we need in government!

We have enough problems with people that have thinking and problem solving issues without adding pot to the mix.

And again, the 5 fired had nothing to do with the fact that they smoked pot "at some time" during their lives. It had to do with the fact that they lied about it.
Here's a short list of the side effects of cannabis:
  • altered senses (for example, seeing brighter colors)
  • altered sense of time
  • changes in mood
  • impaired body movement
  • difficulty with thinking and problem-solving
  • impaired memory
  • hallucinations (when taken in high doses)
  • delusions (when taken in high doses)
  • psychosis (risk is highest with regular use of high potency marijuana)

Try as I might, I get few if any of those effects (I’m blaming memory loss on age).

Maybe my pot isn’t as good as I think it is.
Then fuck Justine too, he was a useful idiot to those who stood to profit the most from legalization, and they used the youth campaign to do it. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad it's legal.

Using cannabis doesn't make you anything but a little high, it doesn't alter your character. I'd be much more suspect of people casually using prescription drugs, alcohol or gambling than someone who puffs a little cheeba before going for a hike or whatever. There ia a huge difference between a dirty little stoner buying weed instead of baby formula and someone who wants a career in the WH, and I highly doubt that the ambitious type would jeopardize their pride to get high in the bathroom or sell secrets for a dime bag. The whole situation is ridiculous and all you blue warriors can do is carry partisan water. They're subjecting those who kept their jobs to drug tests and making them promise (snicker) not to use pot while they hold their positions, or clearances or whatever, in a state where recreational use is legal. That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard.

Legalization isn't difficult at all, what's complicated is reversing the lies and erasing the stereotypes/stigma the government pushed about cannabis and those who choose to use it. Legalizing is the easiest part, Americans can buy beer at fucking gas stations and grocery stores, and they're worried about it being mishandled? Lol, that's some funny shit right there.
Do you really think that the people doing background checks to work in the White House are not also being asked about anything that they are taking?

You really seem to be working hard to sell this as a lot more than it is.
Do you really think that the people doing background checks to work in the White House are not also being asked about anything that they are taking?

You really seem to be working hard to sell this as a lot more than it is.
It’s not a hill worth dying on but it’s disappointing all the same. It clings to the same old stereotype that a pot smoker can’t be trusted with anything important.

Most of the list of effects taco stated could be applied to alcohol too and nobody is being asked about drinking.

From my experience, I would trust a pot smoker’s performance over an alcoholic’s. Let’s be realistic, no one is going to be smoking pot on the south lawn during break.

I’m glad Biden is president. It’s great to see responsible leadership in the White House again. I’m disappointed with how this was handled but we have to remember Biden is old and far from a progressive.

I’ll swallow the disappointment.

Here's a short list of the side effects of cannabis:
  • altered senses (for example, seeing brighter colors)
  • altered sense of time
  • changes in mood
  • impaired body movement
  • difficulty with thinking and problem-solving
  • impaired memory
  • hallucinations (when taken in high doses)
  • delusions (when taken in high doses)
  • psychosis (risk is highest with regular use of high potency marijuana)
That's just what we need in government!

We have enough problems with people that have thinking and problem solving issues without adding pot to the mix.

And again, the 5 fired had nothing to do with the fact that they smoked pot "at some time" during their lives. It had to do with the fact that they lied about it.
The weed with its roots in hell.

Here's a short list of the side effects of cannabis:
  • altered senses (for example, seeing brighter colors)
  • altered sense of time
  • changes in mood
  • impaired body movement
  • difficulty with thinking and problem-solving
  • impaired memory
  • hallucinations (when taken in high doses)
  • delusions (when taken in high doses)
  • psychosis (risk is highest with regular use of high potency marijuana)
That's just what we need in government!

We have enough problems with people that have thinking and problem solving issues without adding pot to the mix.

And again, the 5 fired had nothing to do with the fact that they smoked pot "at some time" during their lives. It had to do with the fact that they lied about it.

LO fucking L.

You'd have to be delusional to think these even remotely part of the equation that led to the firing