What has Trump done to this country?

I love the Portuguese & their food (they are my breathen, being Celts)
This is my favorite meal ( It's not Spanish/It's Portuguese/that's a fact)

Paella Recipe | Alton Brown | Food Network
When the Chourico conversation was on I forgot to mention that it is killer on pizza also,the Portugueese in SE Mass, are also seldomly from mainland Portugal as you know it (Lisbon,etc) instead they are predominently from the Azores Islands. A chain of Isles separated from the mainland, I think that Chourico is basically their thing more so than Portugal proper so to speak. I believe the Azores were established in Portugal's seafaring days as they were once a decent naval power and discovered many lands. In my city there is a statue of HENRY the NAVIGATOR a Portugueese explorer.ccguns
why do i feel as if Teump is behind this in some way?

meanwhile, he's no longer wearing makeup on the golf course..why bother to keep up appearances? his face 'looks like spackle' according to Seth Meyers:lol:
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why do i feel as if Teump is behind this in some way?

meanwhile, he's no longer wearing makeup on the golf course..why bother to keep up appearances? his face 'looks like spackle' according to Seth Meyers:lol:
Maybe his cheetodust order is on the freighter stuck in the Suez Canal, what about the hair,he was a brunette in the 80's+90's?ccguns
why do i feel as if Teump is behind this in some way?

meanwhile, he's no longer wearing makeup on the golf course..why bother to keep up appearances? his face 'looks like spackle' according to Seth Meyers:lol:
We'll see Individual 1 wearing ball caps more, now that he no longer has a taxpayer funded coiffeur.
I'm pretty sure allied intelligence agencies have recordings of Putin's private conversations with Trump and phone calls too, it would be their number one priority.
Biden now has access to Trump’s secretive phone calls with Putin – DeadState

Biden now has access to Trump’s secretive phone calls with Putin

Now that Joe Biden has taken the mantle of the presidency, he can see for himself what information was exchanged during former President Trump’s secretive phone calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin, POLITICO reports.

“They don’t need our approval to see those [records],” a former Trump White House official told POLITICO, referring Biden’s national security team. “Biden owns all the call materials. There is only one president at a time.”

A former national security official who is close to Biden said that it’s a “national security priority” to find out what Trump said to Putin.

“Some things, like what happened in some face-to-face meetings where no American translator or note-taker was present, may never be fully known. But I would be very surprised if the new national security team were not trying to access,” the former official added.

Trump went to great lengths to keep his conversations with Putin private, even confiscating his interpreter’s notes.

“This is much bigger than just Russia and Putin,” said another former Trump administration official. “It’s a problem across the board for the new team — basically, trying to find out, what did [Trump] promise people left right and center?”

the cop with his mask under his nose = America. there's so much here in this comic but one disturbing new practice is throwing the mask away once you've been vaccinated (or not) who's who? do we require vaccine ID?:lol: i'm keeping my mask on until this nightmare is over in a couple of years- too many people are running around without one now..don't we have a killer variant in Brazil? why are people taking chances with their lives?
He's losing weight too. Seriously, check out some of the newer pics of him. He's not looking very good.

i saw that getting ready for the Little Debbie line of sugar diet from canteen..besides Novachok is easy to smuggle into Mar-a-lago anyone can walk in their even Ricky signed for a package.

c'mon men laugh! we have a new president who believes in fate and a progressive VP..we're going to wipe America clean and set her on the straight course! we are in a most unique position.

Joe Biden has nothing to lose and everything to gain.
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He's losing weight too. Seriously, check out some of the newer pics of him. He's not looking very good.
The stress of pending legal action is causing him to lose his appetite and raise his resting metabolic rate. He's also probably been golfing most days, though he uses a cart, but even so, it's exercise.
too many people are running around without one now..don't we have a killer variant in Brazil? why are people taking chances with their lives?
I'm afraid the killer variant is already here, USA and Canada along with some home grown variants I'm sure. A variant will become dominate is if spreads easier, that's natural selection at work, often viruses will lose virulence in this race to spread, but sometimes they get worse. Vaccines appear to work, if the early real world data is to be believed and I'm pretty sure there is a good mix of variants in that data too! Deaths and hospitalizations for the elderly who have been vaccinated fell like a stone and almost no deaths. If you are vaccinated the new variants might make you sick, but hopefully not end up in the hospital or with long term damage. We will see, the data is still coming in, in Brazil they have their version of Trump, no vaccines and poor healthcare, death rates will be high. If the new variants are 76% more deadly, younger unvaccinated people will start filling hospitals and that's what is starting to happen.
I'm afraid the killer variant is already here, USA and Canada along with some home grown variants I'm sure. A variant will become dominate is if spreads easier, that's natural selection at work, often viruses will lose virulence in this race to spread, but sometimes they get worse. Vaccines appear to work, if the early real world data is to be believed and I'm pretty sure there is a good mix of variants in that data too! Deaths and hospitalizations for the elderly who have been vaccinated fell like a stone and almost no deaths. If you are vaccinated the new variants might make you sick, but hopefully not end up in the hospital or with long term damage. We will see, the data is still coming in, in Brazil they have their version of Trump, no vaccines and poor healthcare, death rates will be high. If the new variants are 76% more deadly, younger unvaccinated people will start filling hospitals and that's what is starting to happen.

i'm boycotting and still going to the end of the line until every minority patient who wants one gets one..I'm also going to write to CocaCola in Atlanta personally but Joe will do something Federally because he can and fate has brought us here..sometimes as you get older you realize what must be done.

This is where you say let the cards fall where they may..'i don't give a fuck' (bipartisanship)..you just do it..it's for the people and not the bloated republican corpse clinging to host on a respirator.
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