Need help with tap water report!


Active Member
So, Exactly how bad is it? I never drink it. It tastes like shit.
Thank you for any help.


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fuck julia roberts was (is) such an attractive woman wouldn't you say?
wtf was this thread about again?
If you water your grass and bushes with it and they didnt burst into flame then you are good. There will be elements that will never be removed like microplastic .

Municipal water is what it is ... you can adopt an RO system to help. I use a ratio blend of tap with Zero Water filter ( zero water gets ppm to 1 ) and then i nlend to reach ph level ... zero makes it slightly alkaline but balances out with the tap.
fuck tap water. that shits not even fit for a dog to drink with all the fucking garbage they put in it. get an ro system look up hydrologic they are affordable.
not much of anything getting through my filter just pure clean h20. ppm0
ill pass on the cancerbromicide and dickfalloffide
fuck tap water. that shits not even fit for a dog to drink with all the fucking garbage they put in it. get an ro system look up hydrologic they are affordable.
Ill check that out. It was either tap water or buy 1gal or 5 gal jugs. I've been filling a gallon jug with tap water then letting it sit without a cap for at least 24 usually 48 hours. I used it on my seedlings and they seem to be doing okay so far.
fuck tap water. that shits not even fit for a dog to drink with all the fucking garbage they put in it. get an ro system look up hydrologic they are affordable.
not much of anything getting through my filter just pure clean h20. ppm0
ill pass on the cancerbromicide and dickfalloffide

I believe that “ Dickfallofficide “ is white claw seltzer.
Who in the fuck drinks that shit ?
fuck tap water. that shits not even fit for a dog to drink with all the fucking garbage they put in it. get an ro system look up hydrologic they are affordable.
not much of anything getting through my filter just pure clean h20. ppm0
ill pass on the cancerbromicide and dickfalloffide
I mean I do flush my toilets with ro water.......literally
Ill check that out. It was either tap water or buy 1gal or 5 gal jugs. I've been filling a gallon jug with tap water then letting it sit without a cap for at least 24 usually 48 hours. I used it on my seedlings and they seem to be doing okay so far.
ya i mean im being pretty ridiculous but i do hate tap water. i would drink it if i was dying of dehydration but my dick would likley fall off. im ok with that in that one particular scenario.

truth is your plants will do just fine in that water but if you want to elevate your grow and only add what you want the plants to have then go ro.
you dont HAVE to. but theres alot of junk in tap water that i beleive directly affects the taste of your end product.
im a picky bitch tho.
ya i mean im being pretty ridiculous but i do hate tap water. i would drink it if i was dying of dehydration but my dick would likley fall off. im ok with that in that one particular scenario.

truth is your plants will do just fine in that water but if you want to elevate your grow and only add what you want the plants to have then go ro.
you dont HAVE to. but theres alot of junk in tap water that i beleive directly affects the taste of your end product.
im a picky bitch tho.
Honestly feel the same way about tap water. Im a picky bitch when it comes to that too. Ill definitely be looking into hydrologic. Trying to be as pure and organic is I can be.
ya man. just watch your plants for deficiencies as ro is literally stripping everything away and you must add it all back in.
i use a 3part micro grow bloom and add additional calmag @ 1/4 strength every feeding ~40-60ppm and silica once every 2weeks @ 1/2 strength on a water only day
you can add some glacial rock dust to yoir medium too which will give you all those elements youre taking away and feed your bacteria/funghi as well