Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Show me where I said it would go away. You are misquoting me. Stop lying.
If you are afraid of taking the vaccine, deal with it yourself, don't spread doubt because you are trying to rationalize your fear in the face of overwhelming logic and evidence to the contrary. Like I said, go for an mRNA vaccine and get it at your doctor's office or a clinic with your EpiPen at ready. You are continuously turning molehills into mountains, perhaps you are afraid of needles? Talk to your doctor and follow their advice, you are not an epidemiologist and the experts have declared these vaccines safe and have taken them themselves. If you are worried about product liability claims then you have no conception of the risks involved, seek professional help.
If you are afraid of taking the vaccine, deal with it yourself, don't spread doubt because you are trying to rationalize your fear in the face of overwhelming logic and evidence to the contrary. Like I said, go for an mRNA vaccine and get it at your doctor's office or a clinic with your EpiPen at ready. You are continuously turning molehills into mountains, perhaps you are afraid of needles? Talk to your doctor and follow their advice, you are not an epidemiologist and the experts have declared these vaccines safe and have taken them themselves. If you are worried about product liability claims then you have no conception of the risks involved, seek professional help.
You already said that once, now you are repeating yourself. Apparently you did not see my reply. I am not afraid. I am cautious. When you look both ways before crossing the street, is it because you are afraid? I don't know about you, but I don't just blindly run across the street because someone tells me it's safe. I look for myself and make my own determination before crossing.
You already said that once, now you are repeating yourself. Apparently you did not see my reply. I am not afraid. I am cautious. When you look both ways before crossing the street, is it because you are afraid? I don't know about you, but I don't just blindly run across the street because someone tells me it's safe. I look for myself and make my own determination before crossing.

AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine: How common are blood clots and should I be worried? - CNN
You are not qualified to make that determination. Here is a news story about the most "dangerous" of the vaccines, bear in mind this syndrome happens without a vaccine too, but they are unsure of the rate. Compared to aspirin it is extremely safe thousand die from aspirin every year, many medications also cause death in much higher numbers than the covid vaccine. Even your EpiPen probably caused far more deaths than this covid vaccine. May cause convulsions and death is on the label of many medications and even in TV ads!

The mRNA vaccines are the safest for those with allergies, they contain a fat bubble and mRNA strands and not much else, other types of vaccines contain allergens such as egg by products. There are risks but they are low and above all manageable.
Acute Allergic Reactions to mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines | Allergy and Clinical Immunology | JAMA | JAMA Network

"In this prospective cohort of health care employees, 98% did not have any symptoms of an allergic reaction after receiving an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. The remaining 2% reported some allergic symptoms; however, severe reactions consistent with anaphylaxis occurred at a rate of 2.47 per 10 000 vaccinations. All individuals with anaphylaxis cases recovered without shock or endotracheal intubation.

The incidence rate of confirmed anaphylaxis in this study is larger than that reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention based on passive spontaneous reporting methods (0.025-0.11/10 000 vaccinations).1 However, the overall risk of anaphylaxis to an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine remains extremely low and largely comparable to other common health care exposures.4 Although cases were clinically compatible with anaphylaxis, the mechanism of these reactions is unknown.

Most of the vaccine recipients with anaphylaxis had allergy histories, with 31% having prior anaphylaxis. However, given that approximately 5% of adults have severe food allergy histories5 and 1% of adults have severe drug allergy histories,6 this MGB employee cohort likely included almost 4000 individuals with severe food or medication allergy histories who were safely vaccinated".
I don't know what you're talking about. I posted screen shots from the CDC website. I didn't post any other links, so not sure what you're on about. Maybe you are confused.
Except that I didn't say that at all. I said "The good news is that covid has been on a stead decline since mid-January, even before vaccines began to roll out. "
Show me where I said it would go away. You are misquoting me. Stop lying.
Diaz has done this before. When feeling cornered, he doubles down by denying he even said it. I've even had to drag his stupid statements around in my sig line just to keep it handy for the times he lied about it.

The thing is, I've always agreed that he has the right to reject the vaccine. We differ over whether or not being vaccinated can be a requirement for certain jobs, like staging public entertainment events at large venues. But then again, Major League Baseball, other pro sports, the military are all good examples of how an employer has shuffled off hesitant employees without legal hassles.

The economy isn't going to recover from the epidemic until the epidemic is over. To do that quickly, about 80% of the people in this country have to be vaccinated. It could be that Diaz's employers are already working on a plan to nudge their stage hands into compliance. A little coercion from an employer will be helpful in convincing some of the hesitant.
ummmmmmmmm that was for those French Laundry reservations:lol:

some people are so testy.
Newsom stuck his foot in it on that, didn't he? Right when the crisis was worse and he was quite rightly mandating businesses and schools be closed, he had a gay old time with some richy riches. It kind of puts him in the "do not support" category of Democrats. Except I'd vote for him over a Republican any day. But the recall will just have him on the ballot. yes or no. I don't think it's an easy call.

But really, it's the resentment to the Covid precautions are a combination of Republican partisanship and Juggalos who can't handle objective science and want to pack together and bask like seals on a beach in massive super spreading events. So, the recall is political, not rational.
Complicated question maybe but let's not make it too difficult.

Assume that you trust the science and clinical trials.

The Corona Virus vaccine is here - are you taking it?
If we have to assume we "trust the science" then that skews the poll because most that won't take it is BECAUSE we don't "trust the science". To trust the science you would have to trust the scientist and I don't. They all too often have a political agenda and can shape the science to match up with their political leanings. Dr. Fauci has lied when it suited him about wearing mask. Social media has banned all dissenting opinions about all aspects of covid and the effectiveness of "social distancing" and mask wearing. We are only getting the "science" from left leaning doctors, including CDC doctors,the WHO and universities. So no, I won't assume we trust the science, but thanks for asking. 1/3 saying no is surprising, even to me.
You already said that once, now you are repeating yourself. Apparently you did not see my reply. I am not afraid. I am cautious. When you look both ways before crossing the street, is it because you are afraid? I don't know about you, but I don't just blindly run across the street because someone tells me it's safe. I look for myself and make my own determination before crossing.
Ok let's use logic to make a risk determination, How old are you? Do you have an underlying medical condition? Are of Hispanic descent? Work in a high risk environment? You might soon as venues fill this spring and summer. Have a high rate of community spread? Factor in the new variants that are taking down 40 somethings these days too and are spreading like wild fire by being just 70% more contagious.

Make two columns of pros and cons like Ben Franklin, you will see that the benefits out weigh the risk by several orders of magnitude (a really big number). Bear in mind also that it's not just your life on the line but others too. If you end up in the hospital they will be pumping you full of drugs that are more likely to cause a reaction too. Also the mRNA vaccines only produce a viral spike protein and nothing else, during replication covid fucks up all the time and spews out lots of different harmful proteins and protein fragments, it doesn't replicate completely much of the time and leaves a real intracellular mess of weird proteins and other junk.
Diaz has done this before. When feeling cornered, he doubles down by denying he even said it. I've even had to drag his stupid statements around in my sig line just to keep it handy for the times he lied about it.

The thing is, I've always agreed that he has the right to reject the vaccine. We differ over whether or not being vaccinated can be a requirement for certain jobs, like staging public entertainment events at large venues. But then again, Major League Baseball, other pro sports, the military are all good examples of how an employer has shuffled off hesitant employees without legal hassles.

The economy isn't going to recover from the epidemic until the epidemic is over. To do that quickly, about 80% of the people in this country have to be vaccinated. It could be that Diaz's employers are already working on a plan to nudge their stage hands into compliance. A little coercion from an employer will be helpful in convincing some of the hesitant.
I believe heath insurance companies will drop coverage for the unvaccinated if they get covid at some point. If required they will cancel coverage and make them sign a new contract with a check box and may even require proof of vaccination. They will save many billions doing this and besides who is gonna stop them? If anything the Biden administration will do nothing about it, they want everybody vaccinated and this is a way to drive that number up without taking the heat for it. Not that there would be much heat with 75 to 80% of voters vaccinated. Remember getting vaccinated is an action, like voting, not mere words, actions speak louder than words because they betray true motives.
If we have to assume we "trust the science" then that skews the poll because most that won't take it is BECAUSE we don't "trust the science". To trust the science you would have to trust the scientist and I don't. They all too often have a political agenda and can shape the science to match up with their political leanings. Dr. Fauci has lied when it suited him about wearing mask. Social media has banned all dissenting opinions about all aspects of covid and the effectiveness of "social distancing" and mask wearing. We are only getting the "science" from left leaning doctors, including CDC doctors,the WHO and universities. So no, I won't assume we trust the science, but thanks for asking. 1/3 saying no is surprising, even to me.
If we have to assume we "trust the science"

Actually, not.

Science isn't about trust it's about convincing with facts and logical arguments. Science involves a great degree of skepticism. We'll argue about the smallest detail if it contradicts a theory. A trusted person in science is one who has a long reputation of being right about the facts and what they mean. It can be lost in a single paper, so it's not a small matter to lie.

What you are expressing is cynicism. It is based upon the belief that everybody is out for themselves and are lying just so they can get ahead.
I believe heath insurance companies will drop coverage for the unvaccinated if they get covid at some point. If required they will cancel coverage and make them sign a new contract with a check box and may even require proof of vaccination. They will save many billions doing this and besides who is gonna stop them? If anything the Biden administration will do nothing about it, they want everybody vaccinated and this is a way to drive that number up without taking the heat for it. Not that there would be much heat with 75 to 80% of voters vaccinated. Remember getting vaccinated is an action, like voting, not mere words, actions speak louder than words because they betray true motives.
hopefully, the hesitant will see how much better we have it and find a reason to overcome their somewhat justified fears.
In Canada we are going for one dose and crossing our fingers for more. A single mRNA vaccine offers 80% protection and if we reserved doses, we'd average 40% instead of 80%, better to get the single shot in arms and wait for new supplies. A single dose will prevent hospitalizations and deaths too, even with the UK variant. I figure we will get more Astra Zeneca in the near term and will take advantage of the hesitancy of some. Fauci said the US probably doesn't need their stockpile so we might get some more there too. People over 65 will get the mRNA vaccines and they are vaccinating younger folks with the Astra Zeneca, probably frontline workers. I await an announcement tomorrow here in NS when my age group will be eligible. We now have 37 cases in a province of about a million people, up from almost none a few weeks ago. We test extensively, contact trace and case isolate and have a high mask compliance rate.
If we have to assume we "trust the science"

Actually, not.

Science isn't about trust it's about convincing with facts and logical arguments. Science involves a great degree of skepticism. We'll argue about the smallest detail if it contradicts a theory. A trusted person in science is one who has a long reputation of being right about the facts and what they mean. It can be lost in a single paper, so it's not a small matter to lie.

What you are expressing is cynicism. It is based upon the belief that everybody is out for themselves and are lying just so they can get ahead.
I think some are lying but others are just falling in line, doing as there told. You will be canceled if you disagree or stray. There is no freedom of opinion on the left. There opinion is your opinion or else. They want us wearing mask and "social distancing" with no evidence it works and everybody knows children don't get sick from covid yet they close our schools and hurt our children all in the name of science. This is not science this is oppression.
When feeling cornered, he doubles down by denying he even said it.
Show me where I said what you quoted me saying. You can't because I didn't. I already know your bully tactics. You don't really care about truth, you only care about appearing right (even when you aren't). It's the same complex you had as a kid when you bullied others, which never really fully left you as an adult. I know you.
I think some are lying but others are just falling in line, doing as there told. You will be canceled if you disagree or stray. There is no freedom of opinion on the left. There opinion is your opinion or else. They want us wearing mask and "social distancing" with no evidence it works and everybody knows children don't get sick from covid yet they close our schools and hurt our children all in the name of science. This is not science this is oppression.
Who's "they"?
Who's "they"?
You couldn't understand what he said? It was pretty obvious to me. He said "the left". If you are too dense to understand what that means, you shouldn't be in the politics section. I personally am on "the left", I'm just a lot further left than a lot of the democrats here are.
There is no freedom of opinion on the left.
What happens if you disagree with Trump, like say Liz Chaney or those election officials in Georgia?

Trump and the republicans are the authoritarians, even tried to overturn a free fair election, and subvert the will of the people through insurrection and treason. You are a sucker and a fool, an unpatriotic asshole who threw his country under the bus and allied with a hostile foreign power and you will be treated as the traitors to the constitution that you in fact are. Welcome to the wrong side of the national security community and history, you've already lost and the mopping up had begun. There never was a deep state, but there is one now and they have a new target, along with the Russians.
You couldn't understand what he said? It was pretty obvious to me. He said "the left". If you are too dense to understand what that means, you shouldn't be in the politics section. I personally am on "the left", I'm just a lot further left than a lot of the democrats here are.
Pretty vague, I think he means patriots because there is no left and right any more, there's patriots and traitors to the constitution and country. The right follows a failed ideology and are in crises now and about to split, every one of them betrayed their country, even those who voted to support the constitution during the insurrection, the right stands for nothing. Shit the republicans never even had an election platform only a dog whistle and now voter suppression cause they know they are losers. They have no vision or purpose and are only interested in holding power by whatever means fair or fowl, no patriot could vote for them, only suckers and fools.

The vague "they", the other, the left, democrats, the deep state, meaningless generalizations, and repeated bullshit. We really know what it's all about, bigotry racism and fear, "they are taking over"!
I think some are lying but others are just falling in line, doing as there told. You will be canceled if you disagree or stray. There is no freedom of opinion on the left. There opinion is your opinion or else. They want us wearing mask and "social distancing" with no evidence it works and everybody knows children don't get sick from covid yet they close our schools and hurt our children all in the name of science. This is not science this is oppression.
Yer lucky it's not me or they would be breaking up anti mask and lock down protests with flame throwers and tossing the leftovers behind barbed wire. But then again I'm pretty left wing.
Pretty vague, I think he means patriots because there is no left and right any more, there's patriots and traitors to the constitution and country. The right follows a failed ideology and are in crises now and about to split, every one of them betrayed their country, even those who voted to support the constitution during the insurrection, the right stands for nothing. Shit the republicans never even had an election platform only a dog whistle and now voter suppression cause they know they are losers. They have no vision or purpose and are only interested in holding power by whatever means fair or fowl, no patriot could vote for them, only suckers and fools.

The vague "they", the other, the left, democrats, the deep state, meaningless generalizations, and repeated bullshit. We really know what it's all about, bigotry racism and fear, "they are taking over"!

"There's no left and right anymore"? But then you go on to describe what you think "the right" follows ideologically. You are lost in your own post.

They have no vision or purpose

As you would say, who's "they". (sarcasm)