Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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I don’t have a problem with a lockdown. I have a problem with the idiotic policy of repeated lockdowns because the government is opening things up too early with few restrictions.

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Yep it meets the definition, but was almost universally repeated across multiple jurisdictions. Part of this was the insidious nature of the illness, it was bad, but not bad enough. If it had a 10% case mortality rate or higher and was killing children the most it would be a completely different ballgame as instincts took over most folks with kids, then you would see the fur fly and the flamethrowers employed against idiots, razor wire and the whole nine yards.

Bars, in door dining and gyms are not necessary, either are schools full of dead kids.
If we have to assume we "trust the science" then that skews the poll because most that won't take it is BECAUSE we don't "trust the science". To trust the science you would have to trust the scientist and I don't. They all too often have a political agenda and can shape the science to match up with their political leanings. Dr. Fauci has lied when it suited him about wearing mask. Social media has banned all dissenting opinions about all aspects of covid and the effectiveness of "social distancing" and mask wearing. We are only getting the "science" from left leaning doctors, including CDC doctors,the WHO and universities. So no, I won't assume we trust the science, but thanks for asking. 1/3 saying no is surprising, even to me.
I think some are lying but others are just falling in line, doing as there told. You will be canceled if you disagree or stray. There is no freedom of opinion on the left. There opinion is your opinion or else. They want us wearing mask and "social distancing" with no evidence it works and everybody knows children don't get sick from covid yet they close our schools and hurt our children all in the name of science. This is not science this is oppression.

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No wonder you said you hate people like me. Because you want to spew the lies that your handlers (unless you are just another Useful Idiot) give you to push out into the world to make it a more dangerous place.

You couldn't understand what he said? It was pretty obvious to me. He said "the left". If you are too dense to understand what that means, you shouldn't be in the politics section. I personally am on "the left", I'm just a lot further left than a lot of the democrats here are.

I lol at your use of 'he'.
If we have to assume we "trust the science" then that skews the poll because most that won't take it is BECAUSE we don't "trust the science". To trust the science you would have to trust the scientist and I don't. They all too often have a political agenda and can shape the science to match up with their political leanings. Dr. Fauci has lied when it suited him about wearing mask. Social media has banned all dissenting opinions about all aspects of covid and the effectiveness of "social distancing" and mask wearing. We are only getting the "science" from left leaning doctors, including CDC doctors,the WHO and universities. So no, I won't assume we trust the science, but thanks for asking. 1/3 saying no is surprising, even to me.
That’s right. Don’t “trust the science” or the left leaning doctors. Trust your inbred, right wing, 6th grade educated friends on face book.
Diaz has done this before. When feeling cornered, he doubles down by denying he even said it. I've even had to drag his stupid statements around in my sig line just to keep it handy for the times he lied about it.

The thing is, I've always agreed that he has the right to reject the vaccine. We differ over whether or not being vaccinated can be a requirement for certain jobs, like staging public entertainment events at large venues. But then again, Major League Baseball, other pro sports, the military are all good examples of how an employer has shuffled off hesitant employees without legal hassles.

The economy isn't going to recover from the epidemic until the epidemic is over. To do that quickly, about 80% of the people in this country have to be vaccinated. It could be that Diaz's employers are already working on a plan to nudge their stage hands into compliance. A little coercion from an employer will be helpful in convincing some of the hesitant.

The way the military is doing it is "take the vaccine or leave is denied in July, where you will do staff duty off and on." Typical way for the military to do things
I don’t have a problem with a lockdown. I have a problem with the idiotic policy of repeated lockdowns because the government is opening things up too early with few restrictions.

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
It won't be long now but if you're anxious here's another link to get a vaccine in Ontario. Those turning 60 this year can sign up. We had already signed up at shoppers drug mart but my wife and Mom are now scheduled for their shot next Thursday in Woodstock.

On a different note, DoFo (Doug Ford) cancelled live streamed concerts. It's not like the two of us watching the KISS concert at New Year's in our home was a super spreader event.

I hear you,my favorite is the 50's quartet of Robinson,LaMotta,Basilio, and Fulmer, these guys fought each other multiple times,WARS going 15 many times,ferocious body punching in those days. Joe Frazier a man that short going all the way to the top w/perpetual head movement non stop bobbing to get inside and do his ripping.ccguns
I met with Carmen Basilio back in the 60's.....a humble congenial man......oh, those classic, vintage bouts.
Because you know, no real person talks like that.
We'll I figured his expertise and critique of my piece, writing style,structure,punctuation, in depth analysis syntax, discourse analysis indicated the Engllish language was his wheelhouse........he appeared to be highly educated. Sorry so much, I'll dumb-it down for you and Jacko Mac.
People that refuse the vaccine are selfish, have superiority complexes and have no idea what team work is all about. Plus being very paranoid, serious character flaws.
Do people have any idea of the impact of vaccines on the wold since conception.. I knew those Anti Vaxxers in 50's............so sad watching those young kids so crippled up and twisted for life........."thanks mom and dad "..if only they had taken the plunge.
Do people have any idea of the impact of vaccines on the wold since conception.. I knew those Anti Vaxxers in 50's............so sad watching those young kids so crippled up and twisted for life........."thanks mom and dad "..if only they had taken the plunge.
Indeed. Very sad to see. One of my childhood friends father had polio. His one arm was stunted and his hand started at his elbow. He was very tall, overweight and bald and an albino . He looked like a monster but was so nice ! Luckily his disability didn’t get in the way of his success . He was a very successful and wealthy business man.
The way the military is doing it is "take the vaccine or leave is denied in July, where you will do staff duty off and on." Typical way for the military to do things
So, don't join. Their mission is to be ready to fight a war, not soothe the brows of people who are bad at reasoning.

Most companies are going in that direction too. Antivaxxers threaten our economy. If you don't want a vaccine, don't take it but an employer has every right to exclude antivaxxers when they threaten the health of other employees or customers. They don't want a plague ridden anachronism to ruin their business. It's also an indication of low intelligence, so, they will find ways to legally let them go. No loss.