Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Sure, you get to impose yourself onto others in their own domain because religion. Gimmie all my rights and fuck your rights, the lawyer said so. How American.

My god we're stupid.
Sure, you get to impose yourself onto others in their own domain because religion. All my rights and fuck your rights. How American.

My god we're stupid.
My choice to not have a vaccine doesn't infringe upon your liberties. Your push to mandate me to have a vaccine to shop for groceries does infringe on my liberties. See the difference? If you are vaxxed, you are all good, based on your theories. So it's all good, right? I don't need to be vaxxed, because you already are.
Really? how do you know it's impossible?

you don't think it's possible, that in order to evade the shot, it'll mutate?
The virus will mutate and perhaps there will be variants that are resistant to the current vaccines.

But it won't, as you laughably put it, "evade the shot". The mutations aren't "caused" by the vaccine, It's just a soup of RNA in a bag of lipids. It doesn't think, it just feeds. Mutations are random and completely unrelated to how this vaccine works.

So, what you asked is impossible.

None of what you ask is relevant to hesitancy to take the vaccine.
My choice to not have a vaccine doesn't infringe upon your liberties. Your push to mandate me to have a vaccine to shop for groceries does infringe on my liberties. See the difference? If you are vaxxed, you are all good, based on your theories. So it's all good, right? I don't need to be vaxxed, because you already are.

Go to a different grocery store.

Remember when the stinky hippies were walking into grocery stores in the 60's with no shirt or shoes, just their jeans, reeking of BO, thinking that the store had to let them in because, like, it was their constutooshunal rights, maaaaaaan.

That's you now. Rednecks are the new idiot hippie with no actual understanding of rights.
My choice to not have a vaccine doesn't infringe upon your liberties. Your push to mandate me to have a vaccine to shop for groceries does infringe on my liberties. See the difference? If you are vaxxed, you are all good, based on your theories. So it's all good, right? I don't need to be vaxxed, because you already are.
It's not your right to endanger others.
Go to a different grocery store.

Remember when the stinky hippies were walking into grocery stores in the 60's with no shirt or shoes, just their jeans, reeking of BO, thinking that the store had to let them in because, like, it was their constutooshunal rights, maaaaaaan.

That's you now. Rednecks are the new idiot hippie with no actual understanding of rights.
Got it, you want different stores for vaxxed and unvaxxed. Kinda like the way jews and people of color had to shop at different stores back in the day.
Got it, you want different stores for vaxxed and unvaxxed. Kinda like the way jews and people of color had to shop at different stores back in the day.
That would be acceptable. For the rest of your life. Maybe you would also sew a patch depicting the virus on your clothes too. It's nothing like the way jews and Black people were segregated but you basically have the idea of what your life will be like.

Do that for the rest of your life.
I won't mind, with the exception of taking the mask off outdoors. I have no reason to get closer than 3-feet (new CDC guidance) to anyone except my family. Self-checks are important anyhow.
That would be acceptable. For the rest of your life. Maybe you would also sew a patch depicting the virus on your clothes too. It's nothing like the way jews and Black people were segregated but you basically have the idea of what your life will be like.
Oh yeah, great idea! George Orwell would love that one!!
Got it, you want different stores for vaxxed and unvaxxed. Kinda like the way jews and people of color had to shop at different stores back in the day.

No, I want stores to do what they want, even if it meams we're not welcome to shop there.

The world is not obligated to conform to your wants, especially just because you think you, like, hold really neat thoughts and stuff.
Here's a vaccine expert you might wanna consider while forming your consensus on this subject. Fauci isn't the only guy..

No, I want stores to do what they want, even if it meams we're not welcome to shop there.

The world is not obligated to conform to your wants, especially just because you think you, like, hold really neat thoughts and stuff.
Got it, you're a segregationist. Noted.
so let me get this straight...

i don't care what you wanna put in your bodies, because thats up to you

but you care about what i don't put in my body, for some reason