Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Is that the one where you use one incident as the rule for all the incidents? Good thing you don't fly in airplanes, because....you know...an airplane or two may have crashed somewhere.
Your gov't employer dictates which private business you shop at?

If you're considerate, then you should be recommending people at least look into the vaccines if they're in a high risk category, or have contact with people in high risk categories.
Even at private businesses you have a freedom of religion. If getting a vaccine violates the beliefs of your religion, then an accommodation must be made. You seem like an intelligent individual, so surely you already know this.

As an example a Sikh person may not be mandated to cut their beards as a condition of employment, even in the private sector. Religious beliefs related to vaccines are no different.
Even at private businesses you have a freedom of religion. If getting a vaccine violates the beliefs of your religion, then an accommodation must be made. You seem like an intelligent individual, so surely you already know this.

As an example a Sikh person may not be mandated to cut their beards as a condition of employment, even in the private sector. Religious beliefs related to vaccines are no different.

Well this brings up a new issue. I don't think that religion should be a protected class, or, all ideas should be protected the same. Because being born a certain color is not in the same ballpark as thinking something. So, I don't think accommodations should be made for religion, unless they're also going make accommodations for someone else that thinks thirty foot tall hats are cool. I greatly disagree with allowing religious people to bypass rules for everyone else. There's nothing special about one person's thoughts over another, when it comes to rights. You don't get to just go around forcing businesses to do what you want because you have a neat thought. That's stupid. Reminds me of Peter Griffin in the Petarded episode, "sorry, don't know any better", so he gets a free pass. That's not going to be around in a hundred years.
we're not gonna let you do anything if you dont get that shot!

you don't see that's what's going on here?
I'm surprised they still even let us on this forum. Prolly will need to get a jab for that soon too. Twice a year. For the rest of your life. But your chances of adverse effects are "low".
Well this brings up a new issue. I don't think that religion should be a protected class, or, all ideas should be protected the same. Because being born a certain color is not in the same ballpark as thinking something. So, I don't think accommodations should be made for religion, unless they're also going make accommodations for someone else that thinks thirty foot tall hats are cool. I greatly disagree with allowing religious people to bypass rules for everyone else. There's nothing special about one person's thoughts over another, when it comes to rights. You don't get to just go around forcing businesses to do what you want because you have a neat thought. That's stupid. Reminds me of Peter Griffin in the Petarded episode, "sorry, don't know any better", so he gets a free pass. That's not going to be around in a hundred years.
Got it, you don't believe in liberty. Duly noted.
Many adverse reactions are fucked for life. Not all, but many. What I said applied to the covid vaccine specifically. Are you sure you're paying attention?
Which vaccine, are you paying attention?
Anyway I've just about had my fill of trying to convince you to seek professional medical advice on taking an appropriate covid vaccine. You are not convincing anybody to your POV and it is not based on logic or reason, but fear. The risks have been laid out by myself and others to a sufficient degree, you should have all the knowledge to make the call for yourself. Only your employer, or medical insurance company, or venue you wish to attend, or work in, or airline, or cruise ship line etc. can make you get vaccinated, not me and not the government. The government can force vaccination to be required, make no mistake about that, this pandemic was not severe enough and is nearing it's end in America, though the unvaccinated will be at risk for a long time.
This is why we need to bring back civics. Forty years ago, third graders had a better grasp on the constitution. This is exactly what happens when civics is removed from classrooms for forty years, you get forty year old's that don't know any of it.

When did these democrats become Nazis? They don't even believe in the freedom of religion anymore. I personally don't even attach myself to a religion, but I respect others' religions.

IN YOUR OWN DOMAIN! You don't get to kick down my door and start praying. Jesus christ, how do people not know this stuff.
Noooo, your selfishness causes you to think that your liberty takes priority over everyone else's, EVEN IN THEIR OWN DOMAIN. You do not understand American freedom at all.
I'm selfish for not wanting a vaccination? Or you're selfish for wanting to impose one upon me in order to participate with society? I think you might wanna take a step back and look at this from an objective perspective. I think you might see something you missed.
Pro tip: Words on the internet don't actually impose anything on you.

Typical righty stuff, so narcissistic they think every word forces them to do something.
This week’s VAERS data show:

This is not news to me or many others here VAERS data was posted on this thread and there are others here who will discuss it with you cause I'm done for now, time for a little meditation sit before bed.
This is why we need to bring back civics. Forty years ago, third graders had a better grasp on the constitution. This is exactly what happens when civics is removed from classrooms for forty years, you get forty year old's that don't know any of it.

IN YOUR OWN DOMAIN! You don't get to kick down my door and start praying. Jesus christ, how do people not know this stuff.
Yeah, I guess all of my trainings on protected classes were bullshit eh? Yeah, I figured the laywers conducting the training were wrong too. You know better. Got it.