Aussie Growers Thread

Anyone in Perth able to get seeds from the UK lately?
Used to be able to get pretty much all orders from attitude but last 2 orders both now over 3 weeks have yet to show up..

I'm in tas can't get anything here either.
well anything through Melbourne I resorted
to getting em sent to my mate in Sydney 2 out of 2 so far made it.
I'm giving up on getting seeds in from overseas, just pollen chucking everything myself from now on. Aussie seedbanks are unreliable (apart from ABB with their original breeder packs)

Just put these 2 little hoes on the right into the breeding shack last night, mixed in some compost, neem cake, dolomite, seamungus pellets, soil is basically all worm castings now, thousands of worms in the soil here. Will let em adjust to outside and start flowering, then I'll throw some more Ethos pollen at them - even if I only get 50-100 seeds it's more than I started with.

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Are they going outside gunna turn someones females into males haha
seek the program on tv showing off there new x-ray machine. 60 percent of illegel stuff it was picking up were all kinds of seeds. pretty sure they said another one was going in Sydney next
Yeah vaping is pretty fucken gay tbh
It definitely does the biz & you don't cough your lungs-up for days later.

I quit inhaling burnt plant material in the middle of last year & haven't looked back.

Call it as you see it, but I know which way I'm going from now on.